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Element Slopefield

   ↳ JXG.Curve
      ↳ Vectorfield
            ↳ Slopefield

Slope field.

Plot a slope field given by a function f(x, y) returning a number.

Defined in: vectorfield.js.
Extends Vectorfield.

Element Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Attributes Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Customize arrow heads of vectors.
Set length of the vectors in user coordinates.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Set the defining functions of slope field.
Methods borrowed from class JXG.Curve:
addTransform, allocatePoints, generateTerm, getTransformationSource, hasPoint, interpolationFunctionFromArray, maxX, minX, moveTo, notifyParents, update, updateCurve, updateDataArray, updateRenderer, updateTransform, X, Y, Z
Methods borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
_set, addChild, addDescendants, addParents, addParentsFromJCFunctions, addRotation, addTicks, animate, bounds, clearTrace, cloneToBackground, countChildren, createGradient, createLabel, draggable, formatNumberLocale, fullUpdate, generatePolynomial, getAttribute, getAttributes, getLabelAnchor, getName, getParents, getProperty, getSnapSizes, getTextAnchor, getType, handleSnapToGrid, hide, hideElement, noHighlight, normalize, prepareUpdate, remove, removeAllTicks, removeChild, removeDescendants, removeTicks, resolveShortcuts, setArrow, setAttribute, setDash, setDisplayRendNode, setLabel, setLabelText, setName, setParents, setPosition, setPositionDirectly, setProperty, show, showElement, snapToPoints, updateVisibility, useLocale
Events borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
attribute, attribute:key, down, drag, keydrag, mousedown, mousedrag, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup, move, out, over, pendown, pendrag, penup, touchdown, touchdrag, touchup, up
Element Detail
This element has no direct constructor. To create an instance of this element you have to call JXG.Board#create with type "slopefield".

Possible parent array combinations are:
{Function|String} F

Function f(x, y) returning a number.

{Array} xData

Array of length 3 containing start value for x, number of steps, end value of x. The slope field will contain (number of steps) + 1 vectors in direction of x.

{Array} yData

Array of length 3 containing start value for y, number of steps, end value of y. The slope field will contain (number of steps) + 1 vectors in direction of y.

If the element cannot be constructed with the given parent objects an exception is thrown. Parameter options:
var field = board.create('slopefield', [
    (x, y) => x * x - x - 2,
    [-6, 25, 6], // Horizontal mesh
    [-5, 20, 5]  // Vertical mesh

// Slider to control length of vectors
var s = board.create('slider', [[-3, 7], [3, 7], [0, 0.33, 1]], {name: 'length'});
// Slider to control number of steps
var stepsize = board.create('slider', [[-3, 6], [3, 6], [1, 20, 100]], {name: 'steps', snapWidth: 1});

var field = board.create('slopefield', [
    (x, y) => x * x - y * y,
    [-6, () => stepsize.Value(), 6],
    [-5, () => stepsize.Value(), 5]],
        strokeWidth: 1.5,
        highlightStrokeWidth: 0.5,

        scale: () => s.Value(),

        arrowHead: {
            enabled: false,
            size: 8,
            angle: Math.PI / 16

Attribute Detail
Customize arrow heads of vectors. Be careful! If enabled this will slow down the performance. Fields are:
Defined in: options.js.
Default Value:
{enabled: false, size: 5, angle: Math.PI * 0.125}

Set length of the vectors in user coordinates. This in contrast to vector fields, where this attribute just scales the vector.
Defined in: options.js.
Default Value:
Method Detail
{Object} setF(func)
Set the defining functions of slope field.
{Function} func
Function f(x, y) returning a number.
{Object} Reference to the slope field object.
field.setF((x, y) => x * x + y * y);

Attributes borrowed from other Elements
Attributes borrowed from class JXG.Curve:
Attributes borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
dash, dashScale, draft, dragToTopOfLayer, fillColor, fillOpacity, fixed, frozen, gradient, gradientAngle, gradientCX, gradientCY, gradientEndOffset, gradientFR, gradientFX, gradientFY, gradientR, gradientSecondColor, gradientSecondOpacity, gradientStartOffset, highlight, highlightFillColor, highlightFillOpacity, highlightStrokeColor, highlightStrokeOpacity, highlightStrokeWidth, isLabel, layer, needsRegularUpdate, nonnegativeOnly, precision, priv, rotatable, scalable, shadow, snapToGrid, strokeColor, strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, tabindex, trace, traceAttributes, transitionDuration, transitionProperties, viewport, visible, withLabel

Fields borrowed from other Elements
Fields borrowed from class JXG.Curve:
dataX, dataY, numberPoints, qdt, ticks
Fields borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
_org_type, _pos, ancestors, baseElement, board, childElements, descendants, dump, elementClass, elType, hasLabel, highlighted, id, inherits, isDraggable, isReal, lastDragTime, methodMap, mouseover, name, needsUpdate, notExistingParents, numTraces, parents, quadraticform, rendNode, stdform, subs, symbolic, traces, transformations, type, visProp, visPropCalc

Methods borrowed from other Elements
Methods borrowed from class JXG.Curve:
addTransform, allocatePoints, generateTerm, getTransformationSource, hasPoint, interpolationFunctionFromArray, maxX, minX, moveTo, notifyParents, update, updateCurve, updateDataArray, updateRenderer, updateTransform, X, Y, Z
Methods borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
_set, addChild, addDescendants, addParents, addParentsFromJCFunctions, addRotation, addTicks, animate, bounds, clearTrace, cloneToBackground, countChildren, createGradient, createLabel, draggable, formatNumberLocale, fullUpdate, generatePolynomial, getAttribute, getAttributes, getLabelAnchor, getName, getParents, getProperty, getSnapSizes, getTextAnchor, getType, handleSnapToGrid, hide, hideElement, noHighlight, normalize, prepareUpdate, remove, removeAllTicks, removeChild, removeDescendants, removeTicks, resolveShortcuts, setArrow, setAttribute, setDash, setDisplayRendNode, setLabel, setLabelText, setName, setParents, setPosition, setPositionDirectly, setProperty, show, showElement, snapToPoints, updateVisibility, useLocale

Events borrowed from other Elements
Events borrowed from class JXG.GeometryElement:
attribute, attribute:key, down, drag, keydrag, mousedown, mousedrag, mousemove, mouseout, mouseover, mouseup, move, out, over, pendown, pendrag, penup, touchdown, touchdrag, touchup, up
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