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Element Group

      ↳ Group

This element combines a given set of JXG.Point elements to a group. The elements of the group and dependent elements can be translated, rotated and scaled by dragging one of the group elements.

Defined in: group.js.
Extends JXG.Group.

Element Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Methods borrowed from class JXG.Group:
_addActionPoint, _removeActionPoint, _setActionPoints, _update_apply_transformation, _update_centroid_center, _update_find_drag_type, _updateCoordsCache, addGroup, addParents, addPoint, addPoints, addRotationPoint, addScalePoint, addTranslationPoint, getParents, removePoint, removeRotationPoint, removeScalePoint, removeTranslationPoint, setParents, setProperty, setRotationCenter, setRotationPoints, setScaleCenter, setScalePoints, setTranslationPoints, ungroup, update
Element Detail
This element has no direct constructor. To create an instance of this element you have to call JXG.Board#create with type "group".

Possible parent array combinations are:
{JXG.Board} board

The board the points are on.

{Array} parents

Array of points to group.

{Object} attributes

Visual properties (unused).

 // Create some free points. e.g. A, B, C, D
 // Create a group

 var p, col, g;
 col = 'blue';
 p = [];
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, 1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, 1], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 g = board.create('group', p);

 // Create some free points. e.g. A, B, C, D
 // Create a group
 // If the points define a polygon and the polygon has the attribute hasInnerPoints:true,
 // the polygon can be dragged around.

 var p, col, pol, g;
 col = 'blue';
 p = [];
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, 1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, 1], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));

 pol = board.create('polygon', p, {hasInnerPoints: true});
 g = board.create('group', p);

 // Allow rotations:
 // Define a center of rotation and declare points of the group as "rotation points".

 var p, col, pol, g;
 col = 'blue';
 p = [];
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'red', fillColor:'red'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, 1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'red', fillColor:'red'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, 1], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));

 pol = board.create('polygon', p, {hasInnerPoints: true});
 g = board.create('group', p);
 g.setRotationPoints([p[1], p[2]]);

 // Allow rotations:
 // As rotation center, arbitrary points, coordinate arrays,
 // or functions returning coordinate arrays can be given.
 // Another possibility is to use the predefined string 'centroid'.

 // The methods to define the rotation points can be chained.

 var p, col, pol, g;
 col = 'blue';
 p = [];
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'red', fillColor:'red'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, 1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'red', fillColor:'red'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, 1], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));

 pol = board.create('polygon', p, {hasInnerPoints: true});
 g = board.create('group', p).setRotationCenter('centroid').setRotationPoints([p[1], p[2]]);

 // Allow scaling:
 // As for rotation one can declare points of the group to trigger a scaling operation.
 // For this, one has to define a scaleCenter, in analogy to rotations.

 // Here, the yellow  point enables scaling, the red point a rotation.

 var p, col, pol, g;
 col = 'blue';
 p = [];
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'yellow', fillColor:'yellow'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, 1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'red', fillColor:'red'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, 1], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));

 pol = board.create('polygon', p, {hasInnerPoints: true});
 g = board.create('group', p).setRotationCenter('centroid').setRotationPoints([p[2]]);

 // Allow Translations:
 // By default, every point of a group triggers a translation.
 // There may be situations, when this is not wanted.

 // In this example, E triggers nothing, but itself is rotation center
 // and is translated, if other points are moved around.

 var p, q, col, pol, g;
 col = 'blue';
 p = [];
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, -1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'yellow', fillColor:'yellow'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[2, 1 ], {size: 5, strokeColor:'red', fillColor:'red'}));
 p.push(board.create('point',[-2, 1], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col}));
 q = board.create('point',[0, 0], {size: 5, strokeColor:col, fillColor:col});

 pol = board.create('polygon', p, {hasInnerPoints: true});
 g = board.create('group', p.concat(q)).setRotationCenter('centroid').setRotationPoints([p[2]]);


Attributes borrowed from other Elements

Fields borrowed from other Elements
Fields borrowed from class JXG.Group:

Methods borrowed from other Elements
Methods borrowed from class JXG.Group:
_addActionPoint, _removeActionPoint, _setActionPoints, _update_apply_transformation, _update_centroid_center, _update_find_drag_type, _updateCoordsCache, addGroup, addParents, addPoint, addPoints, addRotationPoint, addScalePoint, addTranslationPoint, getParents, removePoint, removeRotationPoint, removeScalePoint, removeTranslationPoint, setParents, setProperty, setRotationCenter, setRotationPoints, setScaleCenter, setScalePoints, setTranslationPoints, ungroup, update

Events borrowed from other Elements
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