Namespace JXG
Defined in: jxg.js.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
JXG is the top object of JSXGraph and defines the namespace
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
<static> |
Store a reference to every board in this central list.
<static> |
Constant: screen coordinates in pixel relative to the upper left corner of the div element.
<static> |
Constant: user coordinates relative to the coordinates system defined by the bounding box.
<static> |
Associative array that keeps track of all constructable elements registered
via JXG.registerElement.
<static> |
The FileReader object bundles the file input capabilities of JSXGraph.
<static> |
Internet Explorer version.
<static> |
A document/window environment is available.
<static> |
Constant: the small gray version indicator in the top left corner of every JSXGraph board (if
showCopyright is not set to false on board creation).
<static> |
Default color palette.
<static> |
Bang Wong color palette,
optimized for various type
of color blindness.
<static> |
Store the available file readers in this structure.
<static> |
Holds all possible properties and the according validators for geometry elements.
<static> |
Constant: the currently used JSXGraph version.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
<private> <static> |
JXG._ceil10(value, exp)
"Ceil" a number to given number of decimal digits.
<private> <static> |
JXG._decimalAdjust(type, value, exp)
Decimal adjustment of a number.
<private> <static> |
JXG._floor10(value, exp)
"Floor" a number to given number of decimal digits.
<private> <static> |
JXG._round10(value, exp)
Round a number to given number of decimal digits.
<static> |
JXG.addEvent(obj, type, fn, owner, options)
Adds an event listener to a DOM element.
<static> |
Truncate a number val automatically.
<static> |
Determines highlight color to a given color.
<static> |
JXG.bind(fn, owner)
Generates a function which calls the function fn in the scope of owner.
<static> |
Makes a string lower case except for the first character which will be upper case.
<static> |
Resets visPropOld.
<static> |
This outputs an object with a base class reference to the given object.
<static> |
JXG.cloneAndCopy(obj, obj2)
Embeds an existing object into another one just like #clone and copies the contents of the second object
to the new one.
<static> |
JXG.cmpArrays(a1, a2)
Compare two arrays.
<static> |
JXG.concat(dest, src)
Concat array src to array dest.
<static> |
JXG.contrast(hexColor, darkColor, lightColor, threshold)
Calculate whether a light or a dark color is needed as a contrast.
<static> |
JXG.coordsArrayToMatrix(coords, split)
Converts an array of JXG.Coords objects into a coordinate matrix.
<static> |
JXG.copyAttributes(attributes, options, s)
Generates an attributes object that is filled with default values from the Options object
and overwritten by the user specified attributes.
<private> <static> |
JXG.copyPrototypeMethods(subObj, superObj, constructorName)
Copy all prototype methods from object "superObject" to object
<static> |
JXG.createEvalFunction(board, param, n)
Convert a String, a number or a function into a function.
<static> |
JXG.createFunction(term, board, variableName, evalGeonext)
Convert a String, number or function into a function.
<static> |
JXG.createHTMLSlider(board, parents, attributes)
[[x,y], [w px, h px], [range]
<static> |
Converts a given CSS style string into a JavaScript object.
<static> |
Converts a given object into a CSS style string.
<static> |
JXG.darkenColor(color, percent)
Darkens the color by the specified factor.
<static> |
Add something to the debug log.
<static> |
Add something to the debug log.
<static> |
Add something to the debug log.
<static> |
Add something to the debug log.
<static> |
JXG.deepCopy(obj, obj2, toLower)
Creates a deep copy of an existing object, i.e.
<static> |
JXG.def(v, d)
Handle default parameters.
<static> |
JXG.defineConstant(object, name, value, ignoreRedefine)
Set a constant name in object to value.
<static> |
JXG.deprecated(what, replacement)
This method issues a warning to the developer that the given function is deprecated
and, if available, offers an alternative to the deprecated function.
<static> |
Eliminates duplicate entries in an array consisting of numbers and strings.
<static> |
Replaces all occurences of & by &, > by >, and < by <.
<static> |
If s is a slider, it returns the sliders value, otherwise it just returns the given value.
<static> |
If val is a function, it will be evaluated without giving any parameters, else the input value
is just returned.
<static> |
JXG.exists(v, checkEmptyString)
Checks if a given variable is neither undefined nor null.
<static> |
JXG.extend(object, extension, onlyOwn, toLower)
Copy all properties of the extension object to object.
<static> |
JXG.extendConstants(object, constants, onlyOwn, toUpper)
Copy all properties of the constants object in object as a constant.
<static> |
JXG.filterElements(list, filter)
Filter an array of elements.
<static> |
s may be the string containing the id of an HTML tag that hosts a JSXGraph board.
<static> |
JXG.getCSSTransform(cPos, obj)
Correct position of upper left corner in case of
a CSS transformation.
<static> |
Scaling CSS transformations applied to the div element containing the JSXGraph constructions
are determined.
<static> |
JXG.getDimensions(elementId, doc)
Reads the width and height of an HTML element.
<static> |
Determines the number of touch points in a touch event.
<static> |
Calculates recursively the offset of the DOM element in which the board is stored.
<static> |
JXG.getPosition(e, index, doc)
Cross browser mouse / pointer / touch coordinates retrieval relative to the documents's top left corner.
<static> |
JXG.getProp(el, css)
Reads css style sheets of a given element.
<static> <deprecated> |
JXG.getRef(board, s)
s may be a string containing the name or id of an element or even a reference
to the element itself.
<static> <deprecated> |
JXG.getReference(board, s)
This is just a shortcut to JXG.getRef.
<static> |
JXG.getStyle(obj, stylename)
Access CSS style sheets.
<static> <deprecated> |
Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string from the '#rrggbb' format into the 'rgb(r, g, b)' format.
<static> |
JXG.hsv2rgb(H, S, V)
Converts HSV color to RGB color.
<static> |
JXG.indexOf(array, value, sub)
Search an array for a given value.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using an Android powered device.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using a Apple iPad / iPhone.
<static> |
Checks if a given variable references an array.
<static> |
Checks if the given object is an JSXGraph board.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using a desktop device.
<static> |
Tests if the input variable is a DOM Document or DocumentFragment node
<static> |
Checks if v is an empty object or empty.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using a firefoxOS powered device.
<static> |
Checks whether an mouse, pointer or touch event evt is the first event of a multitouch event.
<static> |
Checks if a given variable references a function.
<static> |
JXG.isGroup(board, s)
Checks if the given string is a group id within the given board.
<static> |
JXG.isId(board, s)
Checks if the given string is an id within the given board.
<static> |
JXG.isInArray(arr, val)
Checks if an array contains an element equal to val but does not check the type!
<static> |
JXG.isInObject(obj, val)
Checks if an object contains a key, whose value equals to val.
<static> |
Returns true if the run inside a Windows 8 "Metro" App.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using a mobile device.
<static> |
Determines whether evt is neither a touch event nor a pointer event.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using a Mozilla browser
<static> |
JXG.isName(board, s)
Checks if the given string is a name within the given board.
<static> |
True, if run inside a node.js environment.
<static> |
JXG.isNumber(v, acceptStringNumber, acceptNaN)
Checks if the value of a given variable is of type number.
<static> |
Tests if the input variable is an Object
<static> |
Checks if a given variable is a reference of a JSXGraph Point element.
<static> |
Checks if a given variable is a reference of a JSXGraph Point3D element.
<static> |
Determines whether evt is a pointer event.
<static> |
JXG.isPointType(board, v)
Checks if a given variable is a reference of a JSXGraph Point element or an array of length at least two or
a function returning an array of length two or three.
<static> |
JXG.isPointType3D(board, v)
Checks if a given variable is a reference of a JSXGraph Point3D element or an array of length three
or a function returning an array of length three.
<static> |
Checks if the value of a given variable is of type string.
<static> |
Determine if the current browser supports touch events
<static> |
Determines whether evt is a touch event.
<static> |
Checks if a given variable is a reference of a JSXGraph transformation element or an array
of JSXGraph transformation elements.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using the default Webkit browser on an Android powered device.
<static> |
Detects if the user is using Safari on an Apple device.
<static> |
True if run inside a webworker environment.
<static> |
JXG.keys(object, onlyOwn)
Extracts the keys of a given object.
<static> |
Convert a n object to a new object containing only
lower case properties.
<static> |
JXG.lightenColor(color, percent)
Lightens the color by the specified factor.
<static> |
JXG.LMS2rgb(l, m, s)
Convert color information from LMS to RGB color space.
<static> |
JXG.merge(obj1, obj2)
Recursively merges obj2 into obj1 in-place.
<static> |
JXG.mergeAttr(attr, special, toLower, ignoreUndefinedSpecials)
In-place (deep) merging of attributes.
<static> |
All point faces can be defined with more than one name, e.g.
<static> |
JXG.parseNumber(v, percentOfWhat, convertPx)
Convert value v.
<static> |
Parse a string for label positioning of the form 'left pos' or 'pos right'
and return e.g.
<static> |
JXG.providePoints(board, parents, attrClass, attrArray, attrArray)
Test if the parents array contains existing points.
<static> |
JXG.providePoints3D(view, parents, attrClass, attrArray, attrArray)
Test if the parents array contains existing points.
<static> |
JXG.registerElement(element, creator)
This registers a new construction element to JSXGraph for the construction via the JXG.Board.create
<static> |
JXG.registerReader(reader, ext)
Register a file reader.
<static> |
JXG.removeAllEvents(obj, type, owner)
Removes all events of the given type from a given DOM node; Use with caution and do not use it on a container div
of a JXG.Board because this might corrupt the event handling system.
<static> |
JXG.removeElementFromArray(ar, el)
Removes an element from the given array
<static> |
JXG.removeEvent(obj, type, fn, owner)
Removes an event listener from a DOM element.
<static> |
Decolorizes the given color.
<static> |
JXG.rgb2cb(color, deficiency)
Converts a color into how a colorblind human approximately would see it.
<static> |
JXG.rgb2css(color, ag, ab)
Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string into a string of the 'rgb(r, g, b)' format.
<static> |
JXG.rgb2hex(color, ag, ab)
Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string into a HTML rgb string.
<static> |
JXG.rgb2hsv(color, ag, ab)
Converts a color from the RGB color space into the HSV space.
<static> |
JXG.rgb2LMS(color, ag, ab)
Converts a color from the RGB color space into the LMS space.
<static> |
Splits a RGBA color value like #112233AA into it's RGB and opacity parts.
<static> |
JXG.rgbo2rgba(rgb, o)
Generates a RGBA color value like #112233AA from it's RGB and opacity parts.
<static> |
JXG.rgbParser(color, ag, ab)
Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string into a rgb value array.
<static> |
JXG.sanitizeHTML(str, caja)
Convert HTML tags to entities or use html_sanitize if the google caja html sanitizer is available.
<private> <static> |
JXG.scaleJSXGraphDiv(wrap_id, inner_id, doc, scale)
Scale and vertically shift a DOM element (usually a JSXGraph div)
inside of a parent DOM
element which is set to fullscreen.
<static> |
Use the color scheme of JSXGraph up to version 1.3.2.
<static> |
JXG.shadeColor(color, percent)
Lightens (percent > 0) or darkens (percent < 0) the color by the specified factor.
<static> |
JXG.shortcut(object, fun)
Creates a shortcut to a method, e.g.
<static> |
Convert a string containing a MAXIMA /STACK expression into a JSXGraph / JessieCode string
or an array of JSXGraph / JessieCode strings.
<static> |
Converts a string containing either true or false into a boolean value.
<static> |
Detect browser support for Canvas.
<static> |
Features of ECMAScript 6+ are available.
<static> |
Checks if the environments supports the W3C Pointer Events API
<static> |
Detect browser support for SVG.
<static> |
Detect browser support for VML.
<static> |
JXG.swap(arr, i, j)
Swaps to array elements.
<static> |
JXG.timedChunk(items, process, context, callback)
Process data in timed chunks.
<static> |
JXG.toFixed(num, digits)
Replacement of the default toFixed() method.
<static> |
JXG.toFraction(x, useTeX, order)
Convert a floating point number to a string integer + fraction.
<static> |
JXG.toJSON(obj, noquote)
Converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string.
<static> |
Remove all leading and trailing whitespaces from a given string.
<static> |
Make numbers given as strings nicer by removing all unnecessary leading and trailing zeroes.
<static> |
JXG.trunc(n, p)
Truncate a number n after p decimals.
<static> |
Eliminates all substrings enclosed by < and > and replaces all occurences of
& by &, > by >, and < by <.
<static> |
Generates a copy of an array and removes the duplicate entries.
<static> |
Converts all color values to greyscale and calls useStandardOption to put them onto the board.
<static> |
Apply the options stored in this object to all objects on the given board.
<static> |
Outputs a warning via console.warn(), if available.
Defined in: constants.js.
Defined in: constants.js.
Defined in: file.js.
Defined in: env.js.
Defined in: env.js.
- Default Value:
- false
Defined in: constants.js.
- black
- blue
- green
- purple
- red
- white
- yellow
Defined in: color.js.
var p = board.create('line', [[-1, 1], [2, -3]], {strokeColor: JXG.palette.yellow});
- See:
- JXG.paletteWong
- Default Value:
- JXG.paletteWong
- 'black'
- 'orange'
- 'skyblue'
- 'bluishgreen'
- 'yellow'
- 'darkblue'
- 'vermillion'
- 'reddishpurple'
- black (= #000000)
- blue (= darkblue)
- green (= bluishgreen)
- purple (= reddishpurple)
- red (= vermillion)
- white (= #ffffff)
Defined in: color.js.
var p = board.create('line', [[-1, 1], [2, -3]], {strokeColor: JXG.paletteWong.yellow});
- See:
- JXG.palette
Defined in: options.js.
Defined in: constants.js.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} value
- Number to be ceiled
- {Number} exp
- Number of decimal digits given as negative exponent
- Returns:
- {Number} "Ceiled" number.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} type
- The type of adjustment.
- {Number} value
- The number.
- {Number} exp
- The exponent (the 10 logarithm of the adjustment base).
- Returns:
- {Number} The adjusted value.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} value
- Number to be floored
- {Number} exp
- Number of decimal digits given as negative exponent
- Returns:
- {Number} "Floored" number.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} value
- Number to be rounded
- {Number} exp
- Number of decimal digits given as negative exponent
- Returns:
- {Number} Rounded number.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- Reference to a DOM node.
- {String} type
- The event to catch, without leading 'on', e.g. 'mousemove' instead of 'onmousemove'.
- {Function} fn
- The function to call when the event is triggered.
- {Object} owner
- The scope in which the event trigger is called.
- {Object|Boolean} options Optional, Default: false
- This parameter is passed as the third parameter to the method addEventListener. Depending on the data type it is either an options object or the useCapture Boolean.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- val
- Returns:
- {Number}
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} color
- HTML RGBA string containing the HTML color code.
- Returns:
- {String} Returns a HTML RGBA color string
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Function} fn
- Function to call.
- {Object} owner
- Scope in which fn is executed.
- Returns:
- {Function} A function with the same signature as fn.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Arbitrary string
- Returns:
- {String} The capitalized string.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.GeometryElement} el
- Returns:
- {GeometryElement}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- Object to be embedded.
- Returns:
- {Object} An object with a base class reference to obj.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- Object to be copied.
- {Object} obj2
- Object with data that is to be copied to the new one as well.
- Returns:
- {Object} Copy of given object including some new/overwritten data from obj2.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} a1
- {Array} a2
- Returns:
- {Boolean} true, if the arrays coefficients are of same type and value.
Attention: if "dest" is an anonymous array, the correct result is returned from the function.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} dest
- {Array} src
- Returns:
- Array
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} hexColor
- HEX value of color.
- {String} darkColor Optional, Default: "#000000"
- HEX string for a dark color.
- {String} lightColor Optional, Default: "#ffffff"
- HEX string for a light color.
- {Number} threshold Optional, Default: 8
- Returns:
- {String} Returns darkColor or lightColor.
- Parameters:
- {Array} coords
- {Boolean} split
- Returns:
- {Array}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} attributes
- user specified attributes
- {Object} options
- defaults options
- {String} s
- variable number of strings, e.g. 'slider', subtype 'point1'.
- Returns:
- {Object} The resulting attributes object
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} subObj
- A JavaScript object which receives new methods.
- {Object} superObj
- A JavaScript object which lends its prototype methods to subObject
- constructorName
- Returns:
- {String} constructorName Under this name the constructor of superObj will be available in subObject.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- Reference to a JSXGraph board. It is required to resolve dependencies given by a JessieCode string, thus it must be a valid reference only in case one of the param values is of type string.
- {Array} param
- An array containing strings, numbers, or functions.
- {Number} n
- Length of param.
- Returns:
- {Function} A function taking one parameter k which specifies the index of the param element to evaluate.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Number|Function} term
- A variable of type string, function or number.
- {JXG.Board} board
- Reference to a JSXGraph board. It is required to resolve dependencies given by a JessieCode/GEONEXT string, thus it must be a valid reference only in case one of the param values is of type string.
- {String} variableName
- Only required if function is supplied as JessieCode string or evalGeonext is set to true. Describes the variable name of the variable in a JessieCode/GEONEXT string given as term.
- {Boolean} evalGeonext Optional, Default: false
- Obsolete and ignored! Set this true if term should be treated as a GEONEXT string.
- Returns:
- {Function} A function evaluating the value given by term or null if term is not of type string, function or number.
Defined in: text.js.
- Parameters:
- board
- parents
- attributes
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} styles
- String containing CSS styles.
- Returns:
- {Object} Object containing CSS styles.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} styles
- Object containing CSS styles.
- Returns:
- {String} String containing CSS styles.
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} color
- {Number} percent
- Returns:
- {String}
- See:
- JXG.shadeColor
- Parameters:
- s
- An arbitrary number of parameters.
- See:
- JXG#debugWST
- JXG#debugLine
- JXG#debugInt
- Parameters:
- s
- An arbitrary number of parameters.
- See:
- JXG#debugWST
- Parameters:
- s
- An arbitrary number of parameters.
- See:
- JXG#debug
- Parameters:
- s
- An arbitrary number of parameters.
- See:
- JXG#debug
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- This object will be copied.
- {Object} obj2
- This object will merged into the newly created object
- {Boolean} toLower Optional, Default: false
- If true the keys are convert to lower case. This is needed for visProp, see JXG#copyAttributes
- Returns:
- {Object} copy of obj or merge of obj and obj2.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- Given value
- d
- Default value
- Returns:
- d, if v is undefined or null.
- Parameters:
- {Object} object
- {String} name
- {Number|String|Boolean} value
- {Boolean} ignoreRedefine
- This should be left at its default: false.
- Parameters:
- {String} what
- Describes the function that is deprecated
- {String} replacement Optional
- The replacement that should be used instead.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} a
- An array of numbers and/or strings.
- Returns:
- {Array} The array with duplicate entries eliminated.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Returns:
- {String}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {*} s
- Returns:
- {*} s.Value() if s is an element of type slider, s otherwise
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- val
- Could be anything. Preferably a number or a function.
- Returns:
- If val is a function, it is evaluated and the result is returned. Otherwise val is returned.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- {Boolean} checkEmptyString Optional, Default: false
- If set to true, it is also checked whether v is not equal to ''.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is neither undefined nor null.
- Parameters:
- {Object} object
- {Object} extension
- {Boolean} onlyOwn Optional, Default: false
- Only consider properties that belong to extension itself, not any inherited properties.
- {Boolean} toLower Optional, Default: false
- If true the keys are convert to lower case. This is needed for visProp, see JXG#copyAttributes
- Parameters:
- {Object} object
- {Object} constants
- {Boolean} onlyOwn Optional, Default: false
- Only consider properties that belong to extension itself, not any inherited properties.
- {Boolean} toUpper Optional, Default: false
- If true the keys are convert to lower case. This is needed for visProp, see JXG#copyAttributes
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} list
- {Object|function} filter
- Returns:
- {Array}
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- String of an HTML tag that hosts a JSXGraph board
- Returns:
- {Object} Reference to the board or null.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} cPos
- Previously determined position
- {Object} obj
- A DOM element
- Returns:
- {Array} The corrected position.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- obj
- Returns:
- {Array} 3x3 transformation matrix without translation part. See JXG.Board#updateCSSTransforms.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Object} elementId
- id of or reference to an HTML DOM node.
- doc
- Returns:
- {Object} An object with the two properties width and height.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- evt
- {Event}
- Returns:
- {Number}
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- A DOM element
- Returns:
- {Array} An array with the elements left and top offset.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} e Optional
- The browsers event object. If omitted, window.event will be used.
- {Number} index Optional
- If e is a touch event, this provides the index of the touch coordinates, i.e. it determines which finger.
- {Object} doc Optional
- The document object.
- Returns:
- {Array} Contains the position as x,y-coordinates in the first resp. second component.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {DOMElement} el
- {string} css
- Returns:
- {number}
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- Reference to the board the element belongs to.
- {String} s
- String or reference to a JSXGraph element.
- Deprecated:
- Use JXG.Board#select
- Returns:
- {Object} Reference to the object given in parameter object
- Parameters:
- board
- s
- Deprecated:
- Use JXG.Board#select.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- A DOM element
- {String} stylename
- The CSS property to read.
- Returns:
- The value of the CSS property and undefined if it is not set.
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} hex
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', or 'black'
- Deprecated:
- Use JXG#rgb2css instead.
- Returns:
- {String} A 'rgb(r, g, b)' formatted string
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} H
- value between 0 and 360
- {Number} S
- value between 0.0 (shade of gray) to 1.0 (pure color)
- {Number} V
- value between 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white)
- Returns:
- {String} RGB color string
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} array
- value
- {String} sub Optional
- Use this property if the elements of the array are objects.
- Returns:
- {Number} The index of the first appearance of the given value, or -1 if the value was not found.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type array.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} v
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
- See:
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- {Object|Array}
- Returns:
- {boolean} True, if v is an empty object or array.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- evt
- {Event}
- Returns:
- {boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is a function.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- {String} s
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- {String} s
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} arr
- val
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- val
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {boolean}
- See:
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- evt
- {Event}
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- {String} s
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- {Boolean} acceptStringNumber Optional, Default: false
- If set to true, the function returns true for e.g. v='3.1415'.
- {Boolean} acceptNaN Optional, Default: true
- If set to false, the function returns false for v=NaN.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type number.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type JXG.Point.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type JXG.Point3D.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- evt
- {Event}
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type JXG.Point.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type JXG.Point3D or an array of length at least 3, or a function returning such an array.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type string.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if the browser supports touch events.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- evt
- {Event}
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- v
- A variable of any type.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if v is of type JXG.Transformation.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- object
- The object the keys are to be extracted
- onlyOwn
- If true, hasOwnProperty() is used to verify that only keys are collected the object owns itself and not some other object in the prototype chain.
- Returns:
- {Array} All keys of the given object.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- Returns:
- Object
- Examples:
var attr = JXG.keysToLowerCase({radiusPoint: {visible: false}}); // return {radiuspoint: {visible: false}}
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} color
- {Number} percent
- Returns:
- {String}
- See:
- JXG.shadeColor
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} l
- {Number} m
- {Number} s
- Returns:
- {Array} Contains the r, g, and b value in this order.
In contrast to method JXG.mergeAttr, merge recurses into any kind of object, e.g. DOM object and JSXGraph objects.
So, please be careful.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj1
- {Object} obj2
- Returns:
- {Object}
- See:
- JXG#mergeAttr
- Examples:
JXG.Options = JXG.merge(JXG.Options, { board: { showNavigation: false, showInfobox: true }, point: { face: 'o', size: 4, fillColor: '#eeeeee', highlightFillColor: '#eeeeee', strokeColor: 'white', highlightStrokeColor: 'white', showInfobox: 'inherit' } });
In contrast to method JXG.merge, mergeAttr does not recurse into DOM objects and JSXGraph objects. Instead
handles (pointers) to these objects are used.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} attr
- Object with attributes - usually containing default options
- {Object} special
- Special option values which overwrite (recursively) the default options
- {Boolean} toLower Optional, Default: true
- If true the keys are converted to lower case.
- {Boolean} ignoreUndefinedSpecials Optional, Default: false
- If true the values in special that are undefined are not used.
- See:
- JXG#merge
Input | Output |
cross | x |
circle | o |
square, [] | [] |
plus | + |
minus | - |
divide | | |
diamond | <> |
triangleup | ^, a, A |
triangledown | v |
triangleleft | < |
triangleright | > |
Defined in: options.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- A string which should determine a valid point face.
- Returns:
- {String} Returns a normalized string or undefined if the given string is not a valid point face.
- 'x%': return floating point number x * percentOfWhat * 0.01
- 'xfr': return floating point number x * percentOfWhat
- 'xpx': return x * convertPx or convertPx(x) or x
- x or 'x': return floating point number x
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Number} v
- {Number} percentOfWhat
- {Function|Number|*} convertPx
- Returns:
- {String|Number}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Returns:
- {Obj} { side, pos }
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- Board object
- {Array} parents
- Array containing parent elements for a new object. This array may contain
- JXG.Point objects
- JXG.GeometryElement#name of JXG.Point objects
- JXG.GeometryElement#id of JXG.Point objects
- Coordinates of points given as array of numbers of length two or three, e.g. [2, 3].
- Coordinates of points given as array of functions of length two or three. Each function returns one coordinate, e.g. [function(){ return 2; }, function(){ return 3; }]
- Function returning coordinates, e.g. function() { return [2, 3]; }
- {String} attrClass
- Main attribute class of newly created points, see JXG#copyAttributes
- {Array} attrArray
- List of subtype attributes for the newly created points. The list of subtypes is mapped to the list of new points.
- attrArray
- Returns:
- {Array} List of newly created JXG.Point elements or false if not all returned elements are points.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.View3D} view
- View3D object
- {Array} parents
- Array containing parent elements for a new object. This array may contain
- JXG.Point3D objects
- JXG.GeometryElement#name of JXG.Point3D objects
- JXG.GeometryElement#id of JXG.Point3D objects
- Coordinates of 3D points given as array of numbers of length three, e.g. [2, 3, 1].
- Coordinates of 3D points given as array of functions of length three. Each function returns one coordinate, e.g. [function(){ return 2; }, function(){ return 3; }, function(){ return 1; }]
- Function returning coordinates, e.g. function() { return [2, 3, 1]; }
- {String} attrClass
- Main attribute class of newly created 3D points, see JXG#copyAttributes
- {Array} attrArray
- List of subtype attributes for the newly created 3D points. The list of subtypes is mapped to the list of new 3D points.
- attrArray
- Returns:
- {Array} List of newly created JXG.Point3D elements or false if not all returned elements are 3D points.
- Parameters:
- {String} element
- The elements name. This is case-insensitive, existing elements with the same name will be overwritten.
- {Function} creator
- A reference to a function taking three parameters: First the board, the element is to be created on, a parent element array, and an attributes object. See JXG.createPoint or any other JXG.create... function for an example.
- Parameters:
- {function} reader
- A file reader. This object has to provide two methods: prepareString() and read().
- {Array} ext
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- Reference to a DOM node.
- {String} type
- The event to catch, without leading 'on', e.g. 'mousemove' instead of 'onmousemove'.
- {Object} owner
- The scope in which the event trigger is called.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} ar
- el
- Returns:
- {Array}
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- Reference to a DOM node.
- {String} type
- The event to catch, without leading 'on', e.g. 'mousemove' instead of 'onmousemove'.
- {Function} fn
- The function to call when the event is triggered.
- {Object} owner
- The scope in which the event trigger is called.
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} color
- HTML string containing the HTML color code.
- Returns:
- {String} Returns a HTML color string
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} color
- HTML string containing the HTML color code.
- {String} deficiency
- The type of color blindness. Possible options are protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia.
- Returns:
- {String} Returns a HTML color string
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Array|Number} color
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black' or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method expects the parameters ag and ab.
- {Number} ag
- {Number} ab
- Returns:
- {String} A 'rgb(r, g, b)' formatted string
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Array|Number} color
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black' or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method expects the parameters ag and ab.
- {Number} ag
- {Number} ab
- Returns:
- {String} A '#rrggbb' formatted string
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Array|Number} color
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black' or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method expects the parameters ag and ab.
- {Number} ag
- {Number} ab
- Returns:
- {Array} Contains the h, s, and v value in this order.
- See:
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Array|Number} color
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black' or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method expects the parameters ag and ab.
- {Number} ag
- {Number} ab
- Returns:
- {Array} Contains the l, m, and s value in this order.
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} rgba
- A RGBA color value
- Returns:
- {Array} An array containing the rgb color value in the first and the opacity in the second field.
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Array} rgb
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black' or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values.
- {Number} o
- The desired opacity >=0, <=1.
- Returns:
- {String} The RGBA color value.
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String|Array|Number} color
- A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black' or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method expects the parameters ag and ab.
- {Number} ag
- {Number} ab
- Returns:
- {Array} RGB color values as an array [r, g, b] with values ranging from 0 to 255.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- {Boolean} caja
- Returns:
- {String} Sanitized string
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} wrap_id
- id of the parent DOM element which is in fullscreen mode
- {String} inner_id
- id of the DOM element which is scaled and shifted
- {Object} doc
- document object or shadow root
- {Number} scale
- Relative size of the JSXGraph board in the fullscreen window.
Defined in: color.js.
- Examples:
JXG.setClassicColors(); var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5,-5]});
Defined in: color.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} color
- {Number} percent
- Returns:
- {String}
- Parameters:
- {Object} object
- The object the method we want to create a shortcut for belongs to.
- {String} fun
- The method we want to create a shortcut for.
- Returns:
- {Function} A function that calls the given method.
This function is meanwhile superseded by stack_jxg.stack2jsxgraph.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Returns:
- String
- Examples:
console.log( JXG.stack2jsxgraph("%e**x") ); // Output: // "EULER**x"
console.log( JXG.stack2jsxgraph("[%pi*(x**2 - 1), %phi*(x - 1), %gamma*(x+1)]") ); // Output: // [ "PI*(x**2 - 1)", "1.618033988749895*(x - 1)", "0.5772156649015329*(x+1)" ]
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} s
- String containing either true or false.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} String typed boolean value converted to boolean.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if the browser supports HTML canvas.
Defined in: env.js.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean}
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if the browser supports SVG.
Defined in: env.js.
- Returns:
- {Boolean} True, if the browser supports VML.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} arr
- {Number} i
- {Number} j
- Returns:
- {Array} Reference to the given array.
Defined in: env.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} items
- to do
- {Function} process
- Function that is applied for every array item
- {Object} context
- The scope of function process
- {Function} callback
- This function is called after the last array element has been processed.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} num
- Number tp be rounded
- {Number} digits
- Decimal digits
- Returns:
- {String} Rounded number is returned as string
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} x
- {Boolean} useTeX Optional, Default: false
- {Number} order Optional, Default: 0.001
- Returns:
- {String}
- See:
- JXG.Math#decToFraction
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Object} obj
- A JavaScript object, functions will be ignored.
- {Boolean} noquote Optional, Default: false
- No quotes around the name of a property.
- Returns:
- {String} The given object stored in a JSON string.
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Returns:
- {String}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Returns:
- {String}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Number} n
- {Number} p
- Returns:
- {Number}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {String} str
- Returns:
- {String}
Defined in: type.js.
- Parameters:
- {Array} arr
- Returns:
- {Array}
Defined in: options.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- The board to which objects the options will be applied.
- See:
- #useStandardOptions
Defined in: options.js.
- Parameters:
- {JXG.Board} board
- The board to which objects the options will be applied.
- Parameters:
- {String} warning
- The warning text