
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

Release of 1.2.3

Patch release

JSXGraph version v1.2.3 contains small improvements and bug fixes, and some new experimental features, see Most notable are Add Typescript definition file index.d.ts (not yet complete). Thanks to David Holmes for the contribution!!! KaTeX support (useKatex:true) <!doctype... [Read More]

Webinar - advanced JSXGraph programming

Online course

Dear friends of JSXGraph, The sixth webinar in this series will be on May 5th, 2021 at 4:00 pm (CEST, Berlin time) until ca. 4:45 pm. The zoom meeting will be open from 3:30 pm. Here is the link: Topic: JSXGraph Webinar vol 6 Time: 5.May.2021 03:30 PM Amsterdam,... [Read More]

Release of 1.2.2

Patch release

JSXGraph version v1.2.2 contains a few improvements and bug fixes, see Enjoy, Matthias Ehmann, Michael Gerhäuser, Carsten Miller, Andreas Walter, and Alfred Wassermann [Read More]

Webinar - advanced JSXGraph programming

Online course

Dear friends of JSXGraph, The fifth webinar in this series will be on March 24th, 2021 at 4:00 pm (CET, Berlin time) until ca. 4:45 pm. The zoom meeting will be open from 3:30 pm. Here is the link: Topic: Webinar: Advanced JSXGraph vol 5 Time: Mar 24, 2021... [Read More]

Release of 1.2.1

Patch release

JSXGraph version v1.2.1 contains a few bug fixes, see Enjoy, Matthias Ehmann, Michael Gerhäuser, Carsten Miller, Andreas Walter, and Alfred Wassermann [Read More]