Recent examples

Today, I want to highlight some of the recent examples in our documentation end example wiki:

  • Interaction with jQuery UI: This examples uses external sliders from the jQueryUI widget set to change the parameters of a JSXGraph curve.
  • Ordinary differential equations: This example shows the dynamic solution of ordinary differential equations using the new Runge-Kutta solving routine in JSXGraph.
  • Approximate the unit circle by regular polygons: This construction shows the ancient egyptian method to spproximate the area of the circle (see the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus). It is an advanced JSXGraph construction which uses linear transfrorms (i.e. rotations) to compute the vertices of the regular polygons on the fly.
  • Random walks: This example shows the power of turtle graphics and the beauty of the HSV (hue, saturation, value) color scheme.
  • Plot of a time series. There are two different versions: a simple version and a plot using the Google analytics style. Moreover. the second one uses the new boundingbox attribute.