From JSXGraph Wiki
Currently these documented examples are available
Pages in category "Examples"
The following 291 pages are in this category, out of 291 total.
- A 5-circle incidence theorem
- Adding events
- Adding events 2
- Affine normalform of parabola
- Affine ratio
- Aligning text
- Analyze data with the Statistics software R
- Angle
- Animated age pyramid
- Animation II
- Animation III
- Animation of lines
- Animations
- Another example for displaying GEONExT
- Antiderivative
- Apollonian circle packing
- Approximation of e
- Approximation of the circle area
- Arc length
- Archimedean spiral
- Arithmetics of complex numbers
- Autocatalytic process
- Calculate Pi with Monte-Carlo-method
- Cannonball
- Cardinal splines
- Catmull-Rom splines
- Centroid
- Ceva's theorem
- Change Equation of a Graph
- Charts from HTML tables
- Charts from HTML tables - tutorial
- Circle
- Circle approximation
- Circle inversion
- Circle with ticks
- Circles on circles
- Circles on circles rotating in opposite directions
- Circular arc approximation by cubic Bezier curve
- Circum circles of subtriangles
- User:Cleonis/sandbox/requestAnimationFrame
- User:Cleonis/sandbox/setInterval
- Color vision deficiency
- Colorful circles
- Conic sections
- Conic sections in polar form
- Continuous function II
- Continuous functions
- Convergence of sequence
- Convergence of series
- Cosine
- Cubic spline interpolation
- Curly braces
- Curve
- Data plot
- Data plot of live data via AJAX
- Dependent gliders
- Desargues's theorem
- Different chart styles
- Differentiability
- Differential equations
- Discontinuous derivative
- Display stock quotes from Yahoo!
- Displaying GEONExT constructions
- Displaying Intergeo constructions
- Drag Polygons
- Draggable exponential function
- Dragon curve
- Dual lattice
- Dynamic bar chart
- Images
- Images and Transformations
- Inequalities
- Infinity
- Interactive JessieScript
- Interpolation: Neville's algorithm
- Intersection of circles
- Intersection of curves I
- Intersection of curves II
- Intersection of functiongraphs
- Inverse Composition Rules
- Inverse mapping of the power function
- Islands and lakes
- P-Norm
- Pappus's hexagon theorem
- Parabola
- Parabola II
- Parallel projection of a sphere
- Parallelogram
- Parametric curve plotter
- Peano curve
- Pendulum
- Penrose tiling
- Pie chart
- Pie chart II
- Plant generation I
- Plant generation II
- Plot data with slider
- Poincare disc model
- Point
- Point 'fixed' in one direction
- Polar curve plotter
- Polar grid
- Polygon
- Polygon II
- Polygon through ordered set of gliders
- Polynomial curve of constant width
- Polynomial regression I
- Polynomial regression II
- Polynomials
- Population growth models
- Positioning of labels
- Power functions
- Power series - pointwise
- Power Series for sine
- Power Series for sine and cosine
- Power series for the exponential function
- Predator-Prey equations
- Predicting maximal strength
- Programming turtle graphics
- Projective transformation matrix
- Random points
- Random walks
- Rational functions
- Real-time graphing
- Rectangles
- Reflect images
- Restrict points to limited area
- Reuleaux pentagon
- Riemann integrability
- Riemann sum II
- Riemann sum III
- Riemann sums
- Rolle's Theorem
- Rolling circle on circle
- Rolling circle on cosine
- Rolling circle on line
- Rolling Reuleaux pentagon
- Rolling Reuleaux triangle
- Rose
- Scatter plot
- Scatter plot with slider
- Secant and tangent
- Self-contained function plotting
- Semicubical parabola
- Sequences of functions
- Shade region bounded by curves
- Shear transformation
- Sierpinski curve
- Sierpinski triangle
- Simple function plotter
- Sine
- Sine and cosine
- SIR model: swine flu
- Slider
- Slider and function plot
- Slow the turtle down
- Snake - the game
- Snell's law
- Speed test
- Spirograph
- Spirograph - geometric construction
- Step function
- Step function II
- Stomachion
- Superformula
- Synchronous file load
- Systems of differential equations
- Takagi–Landsberg curve
- Tangent line to two circles
- Tangents on circle
- Tangram
- Texts
- Texts and Transformations
- Texts and Transformations II
- Thales inscribed angle theorem
- Thales theorem
- The HSV color scheme
- The Multiplication Parabola
- Three touching circles
- Ticks
- Time series
- Time series forecasting: double exponential smoothing
- Time series II
- Time series rent BT
- Trace curve
- Transformations
- Triangle axiom - affine space
- Triangle axiom - affine space II
- Triangle axiom - affine space III
- Triangle axiom halving
- Trigonometric functions
- Trochoid
- Tschirnhausen Cubic Catacaustic
- Turtle animation of the "8"
- Turtle bot
- Turtle Graphics
- Turtle snow fall
- Turtle spiral
- Two reflections I (parallel lines)
- Two reflections II (intersecting lines)
- Two squares