
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

5. international JSXGraph conference - 3rd announcement

Online conference

Dear friends of JSXGraph, this is the 3nd announcement of the 5th international JSXGraph conference 2024 (online conference). Date: 8.-10. October 2024 Conference homepage: The preliminary conference program is now online, see Registration is still possible. At this point, there still might be small changes. The... [Read More]

5. international JSXGraph conference - 2nd announcement

Online conference

Dear friends of JSXGraph, this is the 2nd announcement of the 5th international JSXGraph conference. Date: 8.-10. October 2024 Conference homepage: The conference will bring together developers and teachers, instructors and designers who are interested or already experienced in using JSXGraph to enhance digital learning of STEM... [Read More]

Release of 1.9.2

Patch release

Dear friends of JSXGraph, JSXGraph v1.9.2 is the next patch release, fixing a couple of errors, but also introducing a few new features. This release contains incremental improvements of 3D handling. The trackball navigation has been much improved, there is now a third slider bank to control the... [Read More]

5. international JSXGraph conference

Online conference

Dear friends of JSXGraph, this is the official announcement of the 5. International JSXGraph Conference. Date: 8.-10. October 2024 Conference homepage: The conference will bring together developers and teachers, instructors and designers who are interested or already experienced in using JSXGraph to enhance digital learning of STEM topics.... [Read More]

Release of 1.9.1

Patch release

JSXGraph release v1.9.1 is a quick patch release after yesterday’s release of v1.9.0. It fixes a regression that broke the setting of label colors for certain elements. To be precise, label attributes for non-primitive elements were broken in general. Additionally, a very specific import problem could be fixed, only affecting... [Read More]