
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

JSXGraph 0.95 and 0.96 on CDNjs

After a short break, JSXGraph is back on cdnjs: 0.95: // 0.96: // Many thanks to Marc and – of course – Ryan and Thomas from cdnjs. [Read More]

Release of version 0.96

Version 0.96 enables dragging polygons and curves. Constructions created with sketchometry can now be read and displayed with JSXGraph. The environments in which JSXGraph can be used has been extended to node.js and Windows 8 apps. Unfortunately, this version will not be hosted by CDNJS. This CDN only... [Read More]

Howto: Export JSXGraph constructions

You created a wonderful mathlet and now you want to include it into a static environment like a pdf document. To do so you have to export the construction into a format that can be processed by e.g. your word processor. Based on the rendering techniques used in JSXGraph to... [Read More]

SourceForge repository: New URL

We updated our SourceForge project to the new “forge” software and in this regard sourceforge moved our repository. You can find the new URLs here. To update the remote in your local repository do $ git remote set-url <remote-name> <new url> [Read More]

Release of version 0.95

Beside the bug fixes, version 0.95 brings much improved text handling. All texts may now be right aligned or centered. Internal (SVG) texts are much better supported. A much requested new text option is rotate:degree for easy rotation of internal texts. With minor and major arcs there are... [Read More]