
Dynamic Mathematics with JavaScript

Release of version 0.99.2

The long-awaited release 0.99.2 (sorry, still not 1.0) contains a bunch of new elements: input, checkbox, button, reflexangle, nonreflexangle, majorsector, minorsector. Groups got an overhaul, it is now possible to rotate and scale groups. See the JSXGraph API reference for examples. Further, curve plotting got a major speed up,... [Read More]

Release of version 0.99

It’s out! We just released JSXGraph version 0.99. The most notable changes are a completely new plotting algorithm for function graphs and curves (If one wants to use the plotting algorithm of version 0.98, the attribute doAdvancedPlotOld:true can be supplied). Further, there are new elements: polarline, polarpoint, radicalaxis stepfunction... [Read More]

JSXGraph in epub3

We have been asked a couple of times if JSXGraph can be embedded into epub3 ebooks. Here is a small ebook example about the Theorem of Thales (as called in Germany). It is realized as fixed layout ebook and uses JSXGraph, based on JavaScript and... [Read More]

Release of version 0.98

The long-awaited release of version 0.98 of JSXGraph is available for download.It contains a new element “slope triangle”, improved sector elements, an updated moodle plugin and many other smaller changes, see the CHANGELOG. There has been a considerable speedup of the underlying SVG drawing, which results in a smooth... [Read More]

New moodle plugin

Finally, the moodle plugin for JSXGraph has been updated to run on moodle 2+. It is available at To install, you have to unzip the downloaded file in the subdirectory “filter” of your moodle installation and open the admin page of moodle. Here is a minimal example:... [Read More]