Release of version 0.73

The release 0.73 of the JavaScript plotting and Geometry library JSXGraph contains bug fixes and some speed improvements. There are also major feature enhancements:

  • Runge-Kutta method to solve ordinary differential equations numerically, see this example.
  • Tangents and normals are now also possible for data plots and turtle graphics.
  • Introduced the HSV color scheme (Hue, Saturation and Value). It can be used with JXG.hsv2rgb(h,s,v). h is a value between 0 and 360, s, v are values between 0 and 1.
  • All elements may have a label now. Only point labels are shown by default. All other elements need the attribute withLabel:true.
  • Integer sliders are possible now (and other step widths too): The attribute snapWidth:val has to be supplied for sliders. snapWidth:1 are integer sliders, but val can be an arbitrary numerical value. See this example.
  • Setting the visible area of the board can now be done by supplying a bounding box: boundingbox:[-2,3,10,-4] will set the units and the origin such that the top left corner of the drawing panel corresponds to the point (-2,3) and the lower right corner to the point (10,-4). If not otherwise specified the units in horizontal and vertical directions may be different. This is acceptable for data plots and function graphs, but not for Geometry, because circles may be displayed as ellipses. To avoid this, the attribute “keepaspectratio:true” has to be supplied. Here is an example.
  • The bounding box can be changed after intialization: board.setBoundingBox([x1,y,1,x2,y2], true) with the optional parameter keepaspectratio:true/false
  • Exact (symbolic) of computation locii using a server based Groebner basis algorithm.

Minor changes and improvements:

  • Change of the API: slider.X() is no longer correct, use slider.Value() instead.
  • The board has two optional attribute: showCopyright and showNavigation (both are boolean)
  • Highlighting of curves coming from data plots and turtle graphics now working