
From JSXGraph Wiki
Revision as of 17:19, 21 December 2009 by A WASSERMANN (talk | contribs)

Below are the default values for many parameters of a JSXGraph construction. These values have to be overwritten before the initialization of the JSXGraph board via

JXG.Options.fontSize = 14;
JXG.Options.text.useASCIIMathML = true;

Here is the complete list of default values:

JXG.Options = {
    /* Options that are used directly within the board class */
    fontSize : 12,
    showCopyright : true,
    showNavigation : true,
    takeSizeFromFile : true, // If true, the construction - when read from a file or string - the size of the div can be changed.
    renderer: 'svg',
    takeFirst: false, // If true take the first element in the object list where hasPoint() returns true (mouseDownListener).
                     // Otherwise take the element which has been constructed last ("lays above").
                     // takeFirst is faster, if there is a huge list of elements.

    /* grid options */
    grid : {
        /* grid styles */
        hasGrid : false,
        gridX : 2,
        gridY : 2,
        gridColor : '#C0C0C0',
        gridOpacity : '0.5',
        gridDash : true,
        /* snap to grid options */
        snapToGrid : false,
        snapSizeX : 2,
        snapSizeY : 2
    /* zoom options */
    zoom : {
        factor : 1.25

    /* geometry element options */
    elements : {
        /* color options */
        color : {
            strokeOpacity : 1,
            highlightStrokeOpacity : 1,
            fillOpacity : 1,
            highlightFillOpacity : 1,

            strokeColor : '#0000ff',
            highlightStrokeColor : '#C3D9FF',
            fillColor : 'none',
            highlightFillColor : 'none'
        strokeWidth : '2px',

        /*draft options */
        draft : {
            draft : false,
            color : '#565656',
            opacity : 0.8,
            strokeWidth : '1px'

    /* special point options */
    point : {
        style : 5, //1;
        fillColor : '#ff0000',
        highlightFillColor : '#EEEEEE',
        strokeColor : '#ff0000', //'#0000ff',
        highlightStrokeColor : '#C3D9FF',
        zoom: false             // Change the point size on zoom

    /* special line options */
    line : {
        firstArrow : false,
        lastArrow : false,
        straightFirst : true,
        straightLast : true,
        fillColor : '#000000',
        highlightFillColor : 'none',
        strokeColor : '#0000ff',
        highlightStrokeColor : '#888888',
        /* line ticks options */
        ticks : {
            drawLabels : true,
            drawZero : false,
            insertTicks : false,
            minTicksDistance : 50,
            maxTicksDistance : 300,
            minorHeight : 4,
            majorHeight : 10,
            minorTicks : 4,
            defaultDistance : 1

    /*special circle options */
    circle : {
        fillColor : 'none',
        highlightFillColor : 'none',
        strokeColor : '#0000ff',
        highlightStrokeColor : '#C3D9FF'

    /* special angle options */
    angle : {
        radius : 1.0,
        fillColor : '#FF7F00',
        highlightFillColor : '#FF7F00',
        strokeColor : '#FF7F00',
        fillOpacity : 0.3,
        highlightFillOpacity : 0.3

    /* special arc options */
    arc : {
        firstArrow : false,
        lastArrow : false,
        fillColor : 'none',
        highlightFillColor : 'none',
        strokeColor : '#0000ff',
        highlightStrokeColor : '#C3D9FF'

    /* special polygon options */
    polygon : {
        fillColor : '#00FF00',
        highlightFillColor : '#00FF00',
        fillOpacity : 0.3,
        highlightFillOpacity : 0.3

    /* special sector options */
    sector : {
        fillColor : '#00FF00',
        highlightFillColor : '#00FF00',
        fillOpacity : 0.3,
        highlightFillOpacity : 0.3

    /* special text options */
    text : {
        strokeColor : '#000000',
        useASCIIMathML : false,
        defaultDisplay : 'html' //'html' or 'internal'

    /* special curve options */
    curve : {
        strokeWidth : '1px',
        strokeColor : '#0000ff',
        RDPsmoothing : false,    // Apply the Ramen-Douglas-Peuker algorithm
        numberPointsHigh : 1600, // Number of points on curves after mouseUp
        numberPointsLow : 400,   // Number of points on curves after mousemove
        doAdvancedPlot : true    // Use the algorithm by Gillam and Hohenwarter
                                 // It is much slower, but the result is better

    /* precision options */
    precision : {
        hasPoint : 4,
        epsilon : 0.0001

    // Default ordering of the layers
    layer : {
        numlayers:20, // only important in SVG
        point : 9,
        arc   : 8,
        line  : 7,
        circle: 6, 
        curve : 5,
        polygon: 4,
        sector: 3,
        angle : 2,
        grid  : 1,
        image : 0 
