Share JSXGraph: example "Autocatalytic process"

Share JSXGraph: example "Autocatalytic process"
This website is a beta version. The official release will be in **2024**.
This application simulates an *autocatalytic population growth model*. In JSXGraph, simulations involving differential equations can be easily realized with the *turtle element*. _The model_ In time $\Delta t$ the population grows by $\alpha\cdot y \cdot(A-y)$ members: $$ \Delta y = \alpha\cdot y\cdot \Delta t \cdot(A-y), \mbox{ that is } \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta t} = \alpha\cdot y \cdot(A-y). $$ With the limit process $\Delta t\to 0$ we get $$\frac{d y}{d t} = \alpha\cdot y \cdot (A-y), \mbox{ i.e. } y' = \alpha\cdot y \cdot (A-y).$$ The initial population is $y(0)= s$, $A := 5$. The essential part of the code is: we have a step width `dx` (time) and in each step the turtle `t` moves from its current position `[t.X(), t.Y()]` to the new position`[dx + t.X(), dy + t.Y()]` and `dy` is determined from the differential equation: ``` var dy = alpha.Value() * t.Y() * (A - t.Y()) * dx; t.moveTo([dx + t.X(), dy + t.Y()]); ```
<button onClick="clearturtle(); run()">Clear and run simulation</button>
// Define the id of your board in BOARDID

const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, {
    boundingbox: [-0.5, 12.5, 14.5, -12.5],
    keepaspectratio: false,
    axis: true
var t = board.create('turtle', [4, 3, 70]);

var s = board.create('slider', [
    [0, -5],
    [10, -5],
    [-5, 0.5, 5]
], {
    name: 's'
var alpha = board.create('slider', [
    [0, -6],
    [10, -6],
    [-1, 0.2, 2]
], {
    name: 'α'

var A = 5;
var tau = 0.3;
var dx = 0.1;
var x;

function clearturtle() {

function run() {
    t.setPos(0, s.Value());
    x = 0.0; // global

function loop() {
    var dy = alpha.Value() * t.Y() * (A - t.Y()) * dx; // Autocatalytic process
    t.moveTo([dx + t.X(), dy + t.Y()]);
    x += dx;
    if (x < 20.0) {
        setTimeout(loop, 10);