Share JSXGraph: example "Arrows for technical drawings"

Share JSXGraph: example "Arrows for technical drawings"
This website is a beta version. The official release will be in **2024**.
Create your own arrow heads for technical drawings. The output is the data for SVG paths, i.e. the arrow head in both directions. This is an stripped down implementation of the paper of David Salomon: *Arrows for Technical Drawings*, TUGboat, Volume 13 (1992), No.2, p. 146-149. Parameters: - `arrowLength`: length from base to tip - `insetRatio`: relative position of inset 1..0 - `tipAngle`: opening angle at tip - `wingCurve`: curvature of flanks (+ inwards, - outwards) - `tailCurve`: curvature of flanks (+ inwards, - outwards)
// Define the id of your board in BOARDID

const board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard(BOARDID, {
    boundingbox: [-8, 7, 4, -3],
    axis: true

    var l = 5,

    insetRatio = board.create('slider', [[-6, 5.5], [0, 5.5], [0, 1, 2]], {name: 'inset ratio', snapWidth: 0.1});
    tipAngle = board.create('slider',   [[-6, 5],   [0, 5],   [0, 30, 90]], {name: 'tip angle', snapWidth: 1});
    wingCurve = board.create('slider',  [[-6, 4.5], [0, 4.5], [0, 0, 30]], {name: 'wing curve', snapWidth: 1});
    tailCurve = board.create('slider',  [[-6, 4],   [0, 4],   [0, 0, 40]], {name: 'tail curve', snapWidth: 1});

    var arrowhead = board.create('curve', [[], []], {strokeColor: 'blue', strokeOpacity: 0.4,
        fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.4, strokeWidth: 10, lineCap: 'square'});

    arrowhead.updateDataArray = function() {
        var p = [],
            p2, f,
            ang, res,
            ang1, ang2,
            arr = [], arr2 = [],
            ir = insetRatio.Value(),
            ta = tipAngle.Value(),
            wc = wingCurve.Value(),
            tc = tailCurve.Value();

        p.push([0, 0]);
        ang = 0.5 * ta * Math.PI / 180;
        p.push([-l / ir, l * Math.sin(ang) / Math.cos(ang)]);
        p.push([-l, 0]);
        p.push([p[1][0], -p[1][1]]);

        ang1 = Math.atan2(p[2][1] - p[1][1], p[2][0] - p[1][0]) * 180 / Math.PI + tc;
        if (tc === 0) {
            ang2 = [ang1, 180 - ang1];
        } else {
            ang2 = -90;
        controls = {
            tension: 1,
            0: {direction: [0.5 * ta - wc, 180 - 0.5 * ta + wc]},
            1: {direction: [180 - 0.5 * ta - wc, ang1]},
            2: {direction: ang2},
            3: {direction: [180 - ang1, 0.5 * ta + wc]},
            isClosed: true

        res = JXG.Math.Metapost.curve(p, controls);
        this.bezierDegree = 3;
        this.dataX = res[0];
        this.dataY = res[1];

        f = 10 / (p[0][0] - p[1][0]);
        p2 = z => [f * (z[0] - p[3][0]), f * (z[1] - p[3][1])] );
        res = JXG.Math.Metapost.curve(p2, controls);
        arr = res[0].map( (x, i) => [x.toFixed(2) + ',' + res[1][i].toFixed(2)] );
        arr2 = res[0].map( (x, i) => [(10-x).toFixed(2) + ',' + res[1][i].toFixed(2)] );

        document.getElementById('output').value =
            'insetRatio:' + ir + ' ' +
            'tipAngle:' + ta + ' ' +
            'wingCurve:' + wc + ' ' +
            'tailCurve:' + tc + '\n\n' +
            arr.join(' C ') + '\n\n' +
            arr2.join(' C ');

    var li = board.create('segment', [[-10, 0], [0,0]], {strokeWidth: 10, strokeOpacity: 0.4});
 <textarea id="output" cols="70" rows="20"></textarea>