1 /*
  2     Copyright 2008-2023
  3         Matthias Ehmann,
  4         Michael Gerhaeuser,
  5         Carsten Miller,
  6         Bianca Valentin,
  7         Andreas Walter,
  8         Alfred Wassermann,
  9         Peter Wilfahrt
 11     This file is part of JSXGraph.
 13     JSXGraph is free software dual licensed under the GNU LGPL or MIT License.
 15     You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 17       * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 18         the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 19         (at your option) any later version
 20       OR
 21       * MIT License: https://github.com/jsxgraph/jsxgraph/blob/master/LICENSE.MIT
 23     JSXGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 24     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 26     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 28     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and
 29     the MIT License along with JSXGraph. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 30     and <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/>.
 31  */
 33 /*global JXG: true, define: true*/
 34 /*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true*/
 36 /**
 37  * @fileoverview This file contains the Math.Geometry namespace for calculating algebraic/geometric
 38  * stuff like intersection points, angles, midpoint, and so on.
 39  */
 41 import JXG from "../jxg";
 42 import Const from "../base/constants";
 43 import Coords from "../base/coords";
 44 import Mat from "./math";
 45 import Numerics from "./numerics";
 46 import Type from "../utils/type";
 47 import Expect from "../utils/expect";
 49 /**
 50  * Math.Geometry namespace definition. This namespace holds geometrical algorithms,
 51  * especially intersection algorithms.
 52  * @name JXG.Math.Geometry
 53  * @namespace
 54  */
 55 Mat.Geometry = {};
 57 // the splitting is necessary due to the shortcut for the circumcircleMidpoint method to circumcenter.
 59 JXG.extend(
 60     Mat.Geometry,
 61     /** @lends JXG.Math.Geometry */ {
 62         /* ***************************************/
 64         /* ***************************************/
 66         /**
 67          * Calculates the angle defined by the points A, B, C.
 68          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} A A point  or [x,y] array.
 69          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} B Another point or [x,y] array.
 70          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} C A circle - no, of course the third point or [x,y] array.
 71          * @deprecated Use {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.rad} instead.
 72          * @see #rad
 73          * @see #trueAngle
 74          * @returns {Number} The angle in radian measure.
 75          */
 76         angle: function (A, B, C) {
 77             var u,
 78                 v,
 79                 s,
 80                 t,
 81                 a = [],
 82                 b = [],
 83                 c = [];
 85             JXG.deprecated("Geometry.angle()", "Geometry.rad()");
 86             if (A.coords) {
 87                 a[0] = A.coords.usrCoords[1];
 88                 a[1] = A.coords.usrCoords[2];
 89             } else {
 90                 a[0] = A[0];
 91                 a[1] = A[1];
 92             }
 94             if (B.coords) {
 95                 b[0] = B.coords.usrCoords[1];
 96                 b[1] = B.coords.usrCoords[2];
 97             } else {
 98                 b[0] = B[0];
 99                 b[1] = B[1];
100             }
102             if (C.coords) {
103                 c[0] = C.coords.usrCoords[1];
104                 c[1] = C.coords.usrCoords[2];
105             } else {
106                 c[0] = C[0];
107                 c[1] = C[1];
108             }
110             u = a[0] - b[0];
111             v = a[1] - b[1];
112             s = c[0] - b[0];
113             t = c[1] - b[1];
115             return Math.atan2(u * t - v * s, u * s + v * t);
116         },
118         /**
119          * Calculates the angle defined by the three points A, B, C if you're going from A to C around B counterclockwise.
120          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} A Point or [x,y] array
121          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} B Point or [x,y] array
122          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} C Point or [x,y] array
123          * @see #rad
124          * @returns {Number} The angle in degrees.
125          */
126         trueAngle: function (A, B, C) {
127             return this.rad(A, B, C) * 57.295779513082323; // *180.0/Math.PI;
128         },
130         /**
131          * Calculates the internal angle defined by the three points A, B, C if you're going from A to C around B counterclockwise.
132          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} A Point or [x,y] array
133          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} B Point or [x,y] array
134          * @param {JXG.Point|Array} C Point or [x,y] array
135          * @see #trueAngle
136          * @returns {Number} Angle in radians.
137          */
138         rad: function (A, B, C) {
139             var ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, phi;
141             if (A.coords) {
142                 ax = A.coords.usrCoords[1];
143                 ay = A.coords.usrCoords[2];
144             } else {
145                 ax = A[0];
146                 ay = A[1];
147             }
149             if (B.coords) {
150                 bx = B.coords.usrCoords[1];
151                 by = B.coords.usrCoords[2];
152             } else {
153                 bx = B[0];
154                 by = B[1];
155             }
157             if (C.coords) {
158                 cx = C.coords.usrCoords[1];
159                 cy = C.coords.usrCoords[2];
160             } else {
161                 cx = C[0];
162                 cy = C[1];
163             }
165             phi = Math.atan2(cy - by, cx - bx) - Math.atan2(ay - by, ax - bx);
167             if (phi < 0) {
168                 phi += 6.2831853071795862;
169             }
171             return phi;
172         },
174         /**
175          * Calculates a point on the bisection line between the three points A, B, C.
176          * As a result, the bisection line is defined by two points:
177          * Parameter B and the point with the coordinates calculated in this function.
178          * Does not work for ideal points.
179          * @param {JXG.Point} A Point
180          * @param {JXG.Point} B Point
181          * @param {JXG.Point} C Point
182          * @param [board=A.board] Reference to the board
183          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the second point defining the bisection.
184          */
185         angleBisector: function (A, B, C, board) {
186             var phiA,
187                 phiC,
188                 phi,
189                 Ac = A.coords.usrCoords,
190                 Bc = B.coords.usrCoords,
191                 Cc = C.coords.usrCoords,
192                 x,
193                 y;
195             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
196                 board = A.board;
197             }
199             // Parallel lines
200             if (Bc[0] === 0) {
201                 return new Coords(
202                     Const.COORDS_BY_USER,
203                     [1, (Ac[1] + Cc[1]) * 0.5, (Ac[2] + Cc[2]) * 0.5],
204                     board
205                 );
206             }
208             // Non-parallel lines
209             x = Ac[1] - Bc[1];
210             y = Ac[2] - Bc[2];
211             phiA = Math.atan2(y, x);
213             x = Cc[1] - Bc[1];
214             y = Cc[2] - Bc[2];
215             phiC = Math.atan2(y, x);
217             phi = (phiA + phiC) * 0.5;
219             if (phiA > phiC) {
220                 phi += Math.PI;
221             }
223             x = Math.cos(phi) + Bc[1];
224             y = Math.sin(phi) + Bc[2];
226             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [1, x, y], board);
227         },
229         // /**
230         //  * Calculates a point on the m-section line between the three points A, B, C.
231         //  * As a result, the m-section line is defined by two points:
232         //  * Parameter B and the point with the coordinates calculated in this function.
233         //  * The m-section generalizes the bisector to any real number.
234         //  * For example, the trisectors of an angle are simply the 1/3-sector and the 2/3-sector.
235         //  * Does not work for ideal points.
236         //  * @param {JXG.Point} A Point
237         //  * @param {JXG.Point} B Point
238         //  * @param {JXG.Point} C Point
239         //  * @param {Number} m Number
240         //  * @param [board=A.board] Reference to the board
241         //  * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the second point defining the bisection.
242         //  */
243         // angleMsector: function (A, B, C, m, board) {
244         //     var phiA, phiC, phi,
245         //         Ac = A.coords.usrCoords,
246         //         Bc = B.coords.usrCoords,
247         //         Cc = C.coords.usrCoords,
248         //         x, y;
250         //     if (!Type.exists(board)) {
251         //         board = A.board;
252         //     }
254         //     // Parallel lines
255         //     if (Bc[0] === 0) {
256         //         return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER,
257         //             [1, (Ac[1] + Cc[1]) * m, (Ac[2] + Cc[2]) * m], board);
258         //     }
260         //     // Non-parallel lines
261         //     x = Ac[1] - Bc[1];
262         //     y = Ac[2] - Bc[2];
263         //     phiA =  Math.atan2(y, x);
265         //     x = Cc[1] - Bc[1];
266         //     y = Cc[2] - Bc[2];
267         //     phiC =  Math.atan2(y, x);
269         //     phi = phiA + ((phiC - phiA) * m);
271         //     if (phiA - phiC > Math.PI) {
272         //         phi += 2*m*Math.PI;
273         //     }
275         //     x = Math.cos(phi) + Bc[1];
276         //     y = Math.sin(phi) + Bc[2];
278         //     return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [1, x, y], board);
279         // },
281         /**
282          * Reflects the point along the line.
283          * @param {JXG.Line} line Axis of reflection.
284          * @param {JXG.Point} point Point to reflect.
285          * @param [board=point.board] Reference to the board
286          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the reflected point.
287          */
288         reflection: function (line, point, board) {
289             // (v,w) defines the slope of the line
290             var x0,
291                 y0,
292                 x1,
293                 y1,
294                 v,
295                 w,
296                 mu,
297                 pc = point.coords.usrCoords,
298                 p1c = line.point1.coords.usrCoords,
299                 p2c = line.point2.coords.usrCoords;
301             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
302                 board = point.board;
303             }
305             v = p2c[1] - p1c[1];
306             w = p2c[2] - p1c[2];
308             x0 = pc[1] - p1c[1];
309             y0 = pc[2] - p1c[2];
311             mu = (v * y0 - w * x0) / (v * v + w * w);
313             // point + mu*(-y,x) is the perpendicular foot
314             x1 = pc[1] + 2 * mu * w;
315             y1 = pc[2] - 2 * mu * v;
317             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [x1, y1], board);
318         },
320         /**
321          * Computes the new position of a point which is rotated
322          * around a second point (called rotpoint) by the angle phi.
323          * @param {JXG.Point} rotpoint Center of the rotation
324          * @param {JXG.Point} point point to be rotated
325          * @param {Number} phi rotation angle in arc length
326          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point.board] Reference to the board
327          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the new position.
328          */
329         rotation: function (rotpoint, point, phi, board) {
330             var x0,
331                 y0,
332                 c,
333                 s,
334                 x1,
335                 y1,
336                 pc = point.coords.usrCoords,
337                 rotpc = rotpoint.coords.usrCoords;
339             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
340                 board = point.board;
341             }
343             x0 = pc[1] - rotpc[1];
344             y0 = pc[2] - rotpc[2];
346             c = Math.cos(phi);
347             s = Math.sin(phi);
349             x1 = x0 * c - y0 * s + rotpc[1];
350             y1 = x0 * s + y0 * c + rotpc[2];
352             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [x1, y1], board);
353         },
355         /**
356          * Calculates the coordinates of a point on the perpendicular to the given line through
357          * the given point.
358          * @param {JXG.Line} line A line.
359          * @param {JXG.Point} point Point which is projected to the line.
360          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point.board] Reference to the board
361          * @returns {Array} Array of length two containing coordinates of a point on the perpendicular to the given line
362          *                  through the given point and boolean flag "change".
363          */
364         perpendicular: function (line, point, board) {
365             var x,
366                 y,
367                 change,
368                 c,
369                 z,
370                 A = line.point1.coords.usrCoords,
371                 B = line.point2.coords.usrCoords,
372                 C = point.coords.usrCoords;
374             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
375                 board = point.board;
376             }
378             // special case: point is the first point of the line
379             if (point === line.point1) {
380                 x = A[1] + B[2] - A[2];
381                 y = A[2] - B[1] + A[1];
382                 z = A[0] * B[0];
384                 if (Math.abs(z) < Mat.eps) {
385                     x = B[2];
386                     y = -B[1];
387                 }
388                 c = [z, x, y];
389                 change = true;
391                 // special case: point is the second point of the line
392             } else if (point === line.point2) {
393                 x = B[1] + A[2] - B[2];
394                 y = B[2] - A[1] + B[1];
395                 z = A[0] * B[0];
397                 if (Math.abs(z) < Mat.eps) {
398                     x = A[2];
399                     y = -A[1];
400                 }
401                 c = [z, x, y];
402                 change = false;
404                 // special case: point lies somewhere else on the line
405             } else if (Math.abs(Mat.innerProduct(C, line.stdform, 3)) < Mat.eps) {
406                 x = C[1] + B[2] - C[2];
407                 y = C[2] - B[1] + C[1];
408                 z = B[0];
410                 if (Math.abs(z) < Mat.eps) {
411                     x = B[2];
412                     y = -B[1];
413                 }
415                 change = true;
416                 if (
417                     Math.abs(z) > Mat.eps &&
418                     Math.abs(x - C[1]) < Mat.eps &&
419                     Math.abs(y - C[2]) < Mat.eps
420                 ) {
421                     x = C[1] + A[2] - C[2];
422                     y = C[2] - A[1] + C[1];
423                     change = false;
424                 }
425                 c = [z, x, y];
427                 // general case: point does not lie on the line
428                 // -> calculate the foot of the dropped perpendicular
429             } else {
430                 c = [0, line.stdform[1], line.stdform[2]];
431                 c = Mat.crossProduct(c, C); // perpendicuar to line
432                 c = Mat.crossProduct(c, line.stdform); // intersection of line and perpendicular
433                 change = true;
434             }
436             return [new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, c, board), change];
437         },
439         /**
440          * @deprecated Please use {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.circumcenter} instead.
441          */
442         circumcenterMidpoint: function () {
443             JXG.deprecated("Geometry.circumcenterMidpoint()", "Geometry.circumcenter()");
444             this.circumcenter.apply(this, arguments);
445         },
447         /**
448          * Calculates the center of the circumcircle of the three given points.
449          * @param {JXG.Point} point1 Point
450          * @param {JXG.Point} point2 Point
451          * @param {JXG.Point} point3 Point
452          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point1.board] Reference to the board
453          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the center of the circumcircle of the given points.
454          */
455         circumcenter: function (point1, point2, point3, board) {
456             var u,
457                 v,
458                 m1,
459                 m2,
460                 A = point1.coords.usrCoords,
461                 B = point2.coords.usrCoords,
462                 C = point3.coords.usrCoords;
464             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
465                 board = point1.board;
466             }
468             u = [B[0] - A[0], -B[2] + A[2], B[1] - A[1]];
469             v = [(A[0] + B[0]) * 0.5, (A[1] + B[1]) * 0.5, (A[2] + B[2]) * 0.5];
470             m1 = Mat.crossProduct(u, v);
472             u = [C[0] - B[0], -C[2] + B[2], C[1] - B[1]];
473             v = [(B[0] + C[0]) * 0.5, (B[1] + C[1]) * 0.5, (B[2] + C[2]) * 0.5];
474             m2 = Mat.crossProduct(u, v);
476             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, Mat.crossProduct(m1, m2), board);
477         },
479         /**
480          * Calculates the Euclidean distance for two given arrays of the same length.
481          * @param {Array} array1 Array of Number
482          * @param {Array} array2 Array of Number
483          * @param {Number} [n] Length of the arrays. Default is the minimum length of the given arrays.
484          * @returns {Number} Euclidean distance of the given vectors.
485          */
486         distance: function (array1, array2, n) {
487             var i,
488                 sum = 0;
490             if (!n) {
491                 n = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length);
492             }
494             for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
495                 sum += (array1[i] - array2[i]) * (array1[i] - array2[i]);
496             }
498             return Math.sqrt(sum);
499         },
501         /**
502          * Calculates Euclidean distance for two given arrays of the same length.
503          * If one of the arrays contains a zero in the first coordinate, and the Euclidean distance
504          * is different from zero it is a point at infinity and we return Infinity.
505          * @param {Array} array1 Array containing elements of type number.
506          * @param {Array} array2 Array containing elements of type number.
507          * @param {Number} [n] Length of the arrays. Default is the minimum length of the given arrays.
508          * @returns {Number} Euclidean (affine) distance of the given vectors.
509          */
510         affineDistance: function (array1, array2, n) {
511             var d;
513             d = this.distance(array1, array2, n);
515             if (
516                 d > Mat.eps &&
517                 (Math.abs(array1[0]) < Mat.eps || Math.abs(array2[0]) < Mat.eps)
518             ) {
519                 return Infinity;
520             }
522             return d;
523         },
525         /**
526          * Affine ratio of three collinear points a, b, c: (c - a) / (b - a).
527          * If r > 1 or r < 0 then c is outside of the segment ab.
528          *
529          * @param {Array|JXG.Coords} a
530          * @param {Array|JXG.Coords} b
531          * @param {Array|JXG.Coords} c
532          * @returns {Number} affine ratio (c - a) / (b - a)
533          */
534         affineRatio: function (a, b, c) {
535             var r = 0.0,
536                 dx;
538             if (Type.exists(a.usrCoords)) {
539                 a = a.usrCoords;
540             }
541             if (Type.exists(b.usrCoords)) {
542                 b = b.usrCoords;
543             }
544             if (Type.exists(c.usrCoords)) {
545                 c = c.usrCoords;
546             }
548             dx = b[1] - a[1];
550             if (Math.abs(dx) > Mat.eps) {
551                 r = (c[1] - a[1]) / dx;
552             } else {
553                 r = (c[2] - a[2]) / (b[2] - a[2]);
554             }
555             return r;
556         },
558         /**
559          * Sort vertices counter clockwise starting with the first point.
560          *
561          * @param {Array} p An array containing {@link JXG.Point}, {@link JXG.Coords}, and/or arrays.
562          *
563          * @returns {Array}
564          */
565         sortVertices: function (p) {
566             var ll,
567                 ps = Expect.each(p, Expect.coordsArray),
568                 N = ps.length,
569                 lastPoint = null;
571             // If the last point equals the first point, we take the last point out of the array.
572             // It may be that the several points at the end of the array are equal to the first point.
573             // The polygonal chain is been closed by JSXGraph, but this may also have been done by the user.
574             // Therefore, we use a while lopp to pop the last points.
575             while (
576                 ps[0][0] === ps[N - 1][0] &&
577                 ps[0][1] === ps[N - 1][1] &&
578                 ps[0][2] === ps[N - 1][2]
579             ) {
580                 lastPoint = ps.pop();
581                 N--;
582             }
583             // Find the point with the lowest y value
584             // for (i = 1; i < N; i++) {
585             //     if ((ps[i][2] < ps[0][2]) ||
586             //         // if the current and the lowest point have the same y value, pick the one with
587             //         // the lowest x value.
588             //         (Math.abs(ps[i][2] - ps[0][2]) < Mat.eps && ps[i][1] < ps[0][1])) {
589             //         console.log(i, 0);
590             //         ps = Type.swap(ps, i, 0);
591             //     }
592             // }
594             ll = ps[0];
595             // Sort ps in increasing order of the angle between a point and the first point ll.
596             // If a point is equal to the first point ll, the angle is defined to be -Infinity.
597             // Otherwise, atan2 would return zero, which is a value which also attained by points
598             // on the same horizontal line.
599             ps.sort(function (a, b) {
600                 var rad1 =
601                     a[2] === ll[2] && a[1] === ll[1]
602                         ? -Infinity
603                         : Math.atan2(a[2] - ll[2], a[1] - ll[1]),
604                     rad2 =
605                         b[2] === ll[2] && b[1] === ll[1]
606                             ? -Infinity
607                             : Math.atan2(b[2] - ll[2], b[1] - ll[1]);
609                 return rad1 - rad2;
610             });
612             // If the last point has been taken out of the array, we put it in again.
613             if (lastPoint !== null) {
614                 ps.push(lastPoint);
615             }
617             return ps;
618         },
620         /**
621          * Signed triangle area of the three points given.
622          *
623          * @param {JXG.Point|JXG.Coords|Array} p1
624          * @param {JXG.Point|JXG.Coords|Array} p2
625          * @param {JXG.Point|JXG.Coords|Array} p3
626          *
627          * @returns {Number}
628          */
629         signedTriangle: function (p1, p2, p3) {
630             var A = Expect.coordsArray(p1),
631                 B = Expect.coordsArray(p2),
632                 C = Expect.coordsArray(p3);
634             return 0.5 * ((B[1] - A[1]) * (C[2] - A[2]) - (B[2] - A[2]) * (C[1] - A[1]));
635         },
637         /**
638          * Determine the signed area of a non-selfintersecting polygon.
639          * Surveyor's Formula
640          *
641          * @param {Array} p An array containing {@link JXG.Point}, {@link JXG.Coords}, and/or arrays.
642          * @param {Boolean} [sort=true]
643          *
644          * @returns {Number}
645          */
646         signedPolygon: function (p, sort) {
647             var i,
648                 N,
649                 A = 0,
650                 ps = Expect.each(p, Expect.coordsArray);
652             if (sort === undefined) {
653                 sort = true;
654             }
656             if (!sort) {
657                 ps = this.sortVertices(ps);
658             } else {
659                 // Make sure the polygon is closed. If it is already closed this won't change the sum because the last
660                 // summand will be 0.
661                 ps.unshift(ps[ps.length - 1]);
662             }
664             N = ps.length;
666             for (i = 1; i < N; i++) {
667                 A += ps[i - 1][1] * ps[i][2] - ps[i][1] * ps[i - 1][2];
668             }
670             return 0.5 * A;
671         },
673         /**
674          * Calculate the complex hull of a point cloud.
675          *
676          * @param {Array} points An array containing {@link JXG.Point}, {@link JXG.Coords}, and/or arrays.
677          *
678          * @returns {Array}
679          */
680         GrahamScan: function (points) {
681             var i,
682                 M = 1,
683                 ps = Expect.each(points, Expect.coordsArray),
684                 N = ps.length;
686             ps = this.sortVertices(ps);
687             N = ps.length;
689             for (i = 2; i < N; i++) {
690                 while (this.signedTriangle(ps[M - 1], ps[M], ps[i]) <= 0) {
691                     if (M > 1) {
692                         M -= 1;
693                     } else if (i === N - 1) {
694                         break;
695                     }
696                     i += 1;
697                 }
699                 M += 1;
700                 ps = Type.swap(ps, M, i);
701             }
703             return ps.slice(0, M);
704         },
706         /**
707          * A line can be a segment, a straight, or a ray. So it is not always delimited by point1 and point2
708          * calcStraight determines the visual start point and end point of the line. A segment is only drawn
709          * from start to end point, a straight line is drawn until it meets the boards boundaries.
710          * @param {JXG.Line} el Reference to a line object, that needs calculation of start and end point.
711          * @param {JXG.Coords} point1 Coordinates of the point where line drawing begins. This value is calculated and
712          * set by this method.
713          * @param {JXG.Coords} point2 Coordinates of the point where line drawing ends. This value is calculated and set
714          * by this method.
715          * @param {Number} margin Optional margin, to avoid the display of the small sides of lines.
716          * @returns null
717          * @see Line
718          * @see JXG.Line
719          */
720         calcStraight: function (el, point1, point2, margin) {
721             var takePoint1,
722                 takePoint2,
723                 intersection,
724                 intersect1,
725                 intersect2,
726                 straightFirst,
727                 straightLast,
728                 c, p1, p2;
730             if (!Type.exists(margin)) {
731                 // Enlarge the drawable region slightly. This hides the small sides
732                 // of thick lines in most cases.
733                 margin = 10;
734             }
736             straightFirst = Type.evaluate(el.visProp.straightfirst);
737             straightLast = Type.evaluate(el.visProp.straightlast);
739             // If one of the point is an ideal point in homogeneous coordinates
740             // drawing of line segments or rays are not possible.
741             if (Math.abs(point1.scrCoords[0]) < Mat.eps) {
742                 straightFirst = true;
743             }
744             if (Math.abs(point2.scrCoords[0]) < Mat.eps) {
745                 straightLast = true;
746             }
748             // Do nothing in case of line segments (inside or outside of the board)
749             if (!straightFirst && !straightLast) {
750                 return;
751             }
753             // Compute the stdform of the line in screen coordinates.
754             c = [];
755             c[0] =
756                 el.stdform[0] -
757                 (el.stdform[1] * el.board.origin.scrCoords[1]) / el.board.unitX +
758                 (el.stdform[2] * el.board.origin.scrCoords[2]) / el.board.unitY;
759             c[1] = el.stdform[1] / el.board.unitX;
760             c[2] = -el.stdform[2] / el.board.unitY;
762             // If p1=p2
763             if (isNaN(c[0] + c[1] + c[2])) {
764                 return;
765             }
767             takePoint1 = false;
768             takePoint2 = false;
770             // Line starts at point1 and point1 is inside the board
771             takePoint1 =
772                 !straightFirst &&
773                 Math.abs(point1.usrCoords[0]) >= Mat.eps &&
774                 point1.scrCoords[1] >= 0.0 &&
775                 point1.scrCoords[1] <= el.board.canvasWidth &&
776                 point1.scrCoords[2] >= 0.0 &&
777                 point1.scrCoords[2] <= el.board.canvasHeight;
779             // Line ends at point2 and point2 is inside the board
780             takePoint2 =
781                 !straightLast &&
782                 Math.abs(point2.usrCoords[0]) >= Mat.eps &&
783                 point2.scrCoords[1] >= 0.0 &&
784                 point2.scrCoords[1] <= el.board.canvasWidth &&
785                 point2.scrCoords[2] >= 0.0 &&
786                 point2.scrCoords[2] <= el.board.canvasHeight;
788             // Intersect the line with the four borders of the board.
789             intersection = this.meetLineBoard(c, el.board, margin);
790             intersect1 = intersection[0];
791             intersect2 = intersection[1];
793             /**
794              * At this point we have four points:
795              * point1 and point2 are the first and the second defining point on the line,
796              * intersect1, intersect2 are the intersections of the line with border around the board.
797              */
799             /*
800              * Here we handle rays where both defining points are outside of the board.
801              */
802             // If both points are outside and the complete ray is outside we do nothing
803             if (!takePoint1 && !takePoint2) {
804                 // Ray starting at point 1
805                 if (
806                     !straightFirst &&
807                     straightLast &&
808                     !this.isSameDirection(point1, point2, intersect1) &&
809                     !this.isSameDirection(point1, point2, intersect2)
810                 ) {
811                     return;
812                 }
814                 // Ray starting at point 2
815                 if (
816                     straightFirst &&
817                     !straightLast &&
818                     !this.isSameDirection(point2, point1, intersect1) &&
819                     !this.isSameDirection(point2, point1, intersect2)
820                 ) {
821                     return;
822                 }
823             }
825             /*
826              * If at least one of the defining points is outside of the board
827              * we take intersect1 or intersect2 as one of the end points
828              * The order is also important for arrows of axes
829              */
830             if (!takePoint1) {
831                 if (!takePoint2) {
832                     // Two border intersection points are used
833                     if (this.isSameDir(point1, point2, intersect1, intersect2)) {
834                         p1 = intersect1;
835                         p2 = intersect2;
836                     } else {
837                         p2 = intersect1;
838                         p1 = intersect2;
839                     }
840                 } else {
841                     // One border intersection points is used
842                     if (this.isSameDir(point1, point2, intersect1, intersect2)) {
843                         p1 = intersect1;
844                     } else {
845                         p1 = intersect2;
846                     }
847                 }
848             } else {
849                 if (!takePoint2) {
850                     // One border intersection points is used
851                     if (this.isSameDir(point1, point2, intersect1, intersect2)) {
852                         p2 = intersect2;
853                     } else {
854                         p2 = intersect1;
855                     }
856                 }
857             }
859             if (p1) {
860                 //point1.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p1.usrCoords.slice(1));
861                 point1.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p1.usrCoords);
862             }
864             if (p2) {
865                 //point2.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p2.usrCoords.slice(1));
866                 point2.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p2.usrCoords);
867             }
868         },
870         /**
871          * A line can be a segment, a straight, or a ray. so it is not always delimited by point1 and point2.
872          *
873          * This method adjusts the line's delimiting points taking into account its nature, the viewport defined
874          * by the board.
875          *
876          * A segment is delimited by start and end point, a straight line or ray is delimited until it meets the
877          * boards boundaries. However, if the line has infinite ticks, it will be delimited by the projection of
878          * the boards vertices onto itself.
879          *
880          * @param {JXG.Line} el Reference to a line object, that needs calculation of start and end point.
881          * @param {JXG.Coords} point1 Coordinates of the point where line drawing begins. This value is calculated and
882          * set by this method.
883          * @param {JXG.Coords} point2 Coordinates of the point where line drawing ends. This value is calculated and set
884          * by this method.
885          * @see Line
886          * @see JXG.Line
887          */
888         calcLineDelimitingPoints: function (el, point1, point2) {
889             var distP1P2,
890                 boundingBox,
891                 lineSlope,
892                 intersect1,
893                 intersect2,
894                 straightFirst,
895                 straightLast,
896                 c,
897                 p1,
898                 p2,
899                 takePoint1 = false,
900                 takePoint2 = false;
902             straightFirst = Type.evaluate(el.visProp.straightfirst);
903             straightLast = Type.evaluate(el.visProp.straightlast);
905             // If one of the point is an ideal point in homogeneous coordinates
906             // drawing of line segments or rays are not possible.
907             if (Math.abs(point1.scrCoords[0]) < Mat.eps) {
908                 straightFirst = true;
909             }
910             if (Math.abs(point2.scrCoords[0]) < Mat.eps) {
911                 straightLast = true;
912             }
914             // Compute the stdform of the line in screen coordinates.
915             c = [];
916             c[0] =
917                 el.stdform[0] -
918                 (el.stdform[1] * el.board.origin.scrCoords[1]) / el.board.unitX +
919                 (el.stdform[2] * el.board.origin.scrCoords[2]) / el.board.unitY;
920             c[1] = el.stdform[1] / el.board.unitX;
921             c[2] = -el.stdform[2] / el.board.unitY;
923             // p1=p2
924             if (isNaN(c[0] + c[1] + c[2])) {
925                 return;
926             }
928             takePoint1 = !straightFirst;
929             takePoint2 = !straightLast;
930             // Intersect the board vertices on the line to establish the available visual space for the infinite ticks
931             // Based on the slope of the line we can optimise and only project the two outer vertices
933             // boundingBox = [x1, y1, x2, y2] upper left, lower right vertices
934             boundingBox = el.board.getBoundingBox();
935             lineSlope = el.getSlope();
936             if (lineSlope >= 0) {
937                 // project vertices (x2,y1) (x1, y2)
938                 intersect1 = this.projectPointToLine(
939                     { coords: { usrCoords: [1, boundingBox[2], boundingBox[1]] } },
940                     el,
941                     el.board
942                 );
943                 intersect2 = this.projectPointToLine(
944                     { coords: { usrCoords: [1, boundingBox[0], boundingBox[3]] } },
945                     el,
946                     el.board
947                 );
948             } else {
949                 // project vertices (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
950                 intersect1 = this.projectPointToLine(
951                     { coords: { usrCoords: [1, boundingBox[0], boundingBox[1]] } },
952                     el,
953                     el.board
954                 );
955                 intersect2 = this.projectPointToLine(
956                     { coords: { usrCoords: [1, boundingBox[2], boundingBox[3]] } },
957                     el,
958                     el.board
959                 );
960             }
962             /**
963              * we have four points:
964              * point1 and point2 are the first and the second defining point on the line,
965              * intersect1, intersect2 are the intersections of the line with border around the board.
966              */
968             /*
969              * Here we handle rays/segments where both defining points are outside of the board.
970              */
971             if (!takePoint1 && !takePoint2) {
972                 // Segment, if segment does not cross the board, do nothing
973                 if (!straightFirst && !straightLast) {
974                     distP1P2 = point1.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, point2);
975                     // if  intersect1 not between point1 and point2
976                     if (
977                         Math.abs(
978                             point1.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, intersect1) +
979                             intersect1.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, point2) -
980                             distP1P2
981                         ) > Mat.eps
982                     ) {
983                         return;
984                     }
985                     // if insersect2 not between point1 and point2
986                     if (
987                         Math.abs(
988                             point1.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, intersect2) +
989                             intersect2.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, point2) -
990                             distP1P2
991                         ) > Mat.eps
992                     ) {
993                         return;
994                     }
995                 }
997                 // If both points are outside and the complete ray is outside we do nothing
998                 // Ray starting at point 1
999                 if (
1000                     !straightFirst &&
1001                     straightLast &&
1002                     !this.isSameDirection(point1, point2, intersect1) &&
1003                     !this.isSameDirection(point1, point2, intersect2)
1004                 ) {
1005                     return;
1006                 }
1008                 // Ray starting at point 2
1009                 if (
1010                     straightFirst &&
1011                     !straightLast &&
1012                     !this.isSameDirection(point2, point1, intersect1) &&
1013                     !this.isSameDirection(point2, point1, intersect2)
1014                 ) {
1015                     return;
1016                 }
1017             }
1019             /*
1020              * If at least one of the defining points is outside of the board
1021              * we take intersect1 or intersect2 as one of the end points
1022              * The order is also important for arrows of axes
1023              */
1024             if (!takePoint1) {
1025                 if (!takePoint2) {
1026                     // Two border intersection points are used
1027                     if (this.isSameDir(point1, point2, intersect1, intersect2)) {
1028                         p1 = intersect1;
1029                         p2 = intersect2;
1030                     } else {
1031                         p2 = intersect1;
1032                         p1 = intersect2;
1033                     }
1034                 } else {
1035                     // One border intersection points is used
1036                     if (this.isSameDir(point1, point2, intersect1, intersect2)) {
1037                         p1 = intersect1;
1038                     } else {
1039                         p1 = intersect2;
1040                     }
1041                 }
1042             } else {
1043                 if (!takePoint2) {
1044                     // One border intersection points is used
1045                     if (this.isSameDir(point1, point2, intersect1, intersect2)) {
1046                         p2 = intersect2;
1047                     } else {
1048                         p2 = intersect1;
1049                     }
1050                 }
1051             }
1053             if (p1) {
1054                 //point1.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p1.usrCoords.slice(1));
1055                 point1.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p1.usrCoords);
1056             }
1058             if (p2) {
1059                 //point2.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p2.usrCoords.slice(1));
1060                 point2.setCoordinates(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p2.usrCoords);
1061             }
1062         },
1064         /**
1065          * Calculates the visProp.position corresponding to a given angle.
1066          * @param {number} angle angle in radians. Must be in range (-2pi,2pi).
1067          */
1068         calcLabelQuadrant: function (angle) {
1069             var q;
1070             if (angle < 0) {
1071                 angle += 2 * Math.PI;
1072             }
1073             q = Math.floor((angle + Math.PI / 8) / (Math.PI / 4)) % 8;
1074             return ["rt", "urt", "top", "ulft", "lft", "llft", "lrt"][q];
1075         },
1077         /**
1078          * The vectors <tt>p2-p1</tt> and <tt>i2-i1</tt> are supposed to be collinear. If their cosine is positive
1079          * they point into the same direction otherwise they point in opposite direction.
1080          * @param {JXG.Coords} p1
1081          * @param {JXG.Coords} p2
1082          * @param {JXG.Coords} i1
1083          * @param {JXG.Coords} i2
1084          * @returns {Boolean} True, if <tt>p2-p1</tt> and <tt>i2-i1</tt> point into the same direction
1085          */
1086         isSameDir: function (p1, p2, i1, i2) {
1087             var dpx = p2.usrCoords[1] - p1.usrCoords[1],
1088                 dpy = p2.usrCoords[2] - p1.usrCoords[2],
1089                 dix = i2.usrCoords[1] - i1.usrCoords[1],
1090                 diy = i2.usrCoords[2] - i1.usrCoords[2];
1092             if (Math.abs(p2.usrCoords[0]) < Mat.eps) {
1093                 dpx = p2.usrCoords[1];
1094                 dpy = p2.usrCoords[2];
1095             }
1097             if (Math.abs(p1.usrCoords[0]) < Mat.eps) {
1098                 dpx = -p1.usrCoords[1];
1099                 dpy = -p1.usrCoords[2];
1100             }
1102             return dpx * dix + dpy * diy >= 0;
1103         },
1105         /**
1106          * If you're looking from point "start" towards point "s" and you can see the point "p", return true.
1107          * Otherwise return false.
1108          * @param {JXG.Coords} start The point you're standing on.
1109          * @param {JXG.Coords} p The point in which direction you're looking.
1110          * @param {JXG.Coords} s The point that should be visible.
1111          * @returns {Boolean} True, if from start the point p is in the same direction as s is, that means s-start = k*(p-start) with k>=0.
1112          */
1113         isSameDirection: function (start, p, s) {
1114             var dx,
1115                 dy,
1116                 sx,
1117                 sy,
1118                 r = false;
1120             dx = p.usrCoords[1] - start.usrCoords[1];
1121             dy = p.usrCoords[2] - start.usrCoords[2];
1123             sx = s.usrCoords[1] - start.usrCoords[1];
1124             sy = s.usrCoords[2] - start.usrCoords[2];
1126             if (Math.abs(dx) < Mat.eps) {
1127                 dx = 0;
1128             }
1130             if (Math.abs(dy) < Mat.eps) {
1131                 dy = 0;
1132             }
1134             if (Math.abs(sx) < Mat.eps) {
1135                 sx = 0;
1136             }
1138             if (Math.abs(sy) < Mat.eps) {
1139                 sy = 0;
1140             }
1142             if (dx >= 0 && sx >= 0) {
1143                 r = (dy >= 0 && sy >= 0) || (dy <= 0 && sy <= 0);
1144             } else if (dx <= 0 && sx <= 0) {
1145                 r = (dy >= 0 && sy >= 0) || (dy <= 0 && sy <= 0);
1146             }
1148             return r;
1149         },
1151         /**
1152          * Determinant of three points in the Euclidean plane.
1153          * Zero, if the points are collinear. Used to determine of a point q is left or
1154          * right to a segment defined by points p1 and p2.
1155          *
1156          * @param  {Array} p1 Coordinates of the first point of the segment. Array of length 3. First coordinate is equal to 1.
1157          * @param  {Array} p2 Coordinates of the second point of the segment. Array of length 3. First coordinate is equal to 1.
1158          * @param  {Array} q Coordinates of the point. Array of length 3. First coordinate is equal to 1.
1159          * @return {Number} Signed area of the triangle formed by these three points.
1160          *
1161          * @see #windingNumber
1162          */
1163         det3p: function (p1, p2, q) {
1164             return (p1[1] - q[1]) * (p2[2] - q[2]) - (p2[1] - q[1]) * (p1[2] - q[2]);
1165         },
1167         /**
1168          * Winding number of a point in respect to a polygon path.
1169          *
1170          * The point is regarded outside if the winding number is zero,
1171          * inside otherwise. The algorithm tries to find degenerate cases, i.e.
1172          * if the point is on the path. This is regarded as "outside".
1173          * If the point is a vertex of the path, it is regarded as "inside".
1174          *
1175          * Implementation of algorithm 7 from "The point in polygon problem for
1176          * arbitrary polygons" by Kai Hormann and Alexander Agathos, Computational Geometry,
1177          * Volume 20, Issue 3, November 2001, Pages 131-144.
1178          *
1179          * @param  {Array} usrCoords Homogenous coordinates of the point
1180          * @param  {Array} path      Array of points / coords determining a path, i.e. the vertices of the polygon / path. The array elements
1181          * do not have to be full points, but have to have a subobject "coords" or should be of type JXG.Coords.
1182          * @param  {Boolean} [doNotClosePath=false] If true the last point of the path is not connected to the first point.
1183          * This is necessary if the path consists of two or more closed subpaths, e.g. if the figure has a hole.
1184          *
1185          * @return {Number}          Winding number of the point. The point is
1186          *                           regarded outside if the winding number is zero,
1187          *                           inside otherwise.
1188          */
1189         windingNumber: function (usrCoords, path, doNotClosePath) {
1190             var wn = 0,
1191                 le = path.length,
1192                 x = usrCoords[1],
1193                 y = usrCoords[2],
1194                 p0,
1195                 p1,
1196                 p2,
1197                 d,
1198                 sign,
1199                 i,
1200                 off = 0;
1202             if (le === 0) {
1203                 return 0;
1204             }
1206             doNotClosePath = doNotClosePath || false;
1207             if (doNotClosePath) {
1208                 off = 1;
1209             }
1211             // Infinite points are declared outside
1212             if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
1213                 return 1;
1214             }
1216             if (Type.exists(path[0].coords)) {
1217                 p0 = path[0].coords;
1218                 p1 = path[le - 1].coords;
1219             } else {
1220                 p0 = path[0];
1221                 p1 = path[le - 1];
1222             }
1223             // Handle the case if the point is the first vertex of the path, i.e. inside.
1224             if (p0.usrCoords[1] === x && p0.usrCoords[2] === y) {
1225                 return 1;
1226             }
1228             for (i = 0; i < le - off; i++) {
1229                 // Consider the edge from p1 = path[i] to p2 = path[i+1]isClosedPath
1230                 if (Type.exists(path[i].coords)) {
1231                     p1 = path[i].coords.usrCoords;
1232                     p2 = path[(i + 1) % le].coords.usrCoords;
1233                 } else {
1234                     p1 = path[i].usrCoords;
1235                     p2 = path[(i + 1) % le].usrCoords;
1236                 }
1238                 // If one of the two points p1, p2 is undefined or infinite,
1239                 // move on.
1240                 if (
1241                     p1[0] === 0 ||
1242                     p2[0] === 0 ||
1243                     isNaN(p1[1]) ||
1244                     isNaN(p2[1]) ||
1245                     isNaN(p1[2]) ||
1246                     isNaN(p2[2])
1247                 ) {
1248                     continue;
1249                 }
1251                 if (p2[2] === y) {
1252                     if (p2[1] === x) {
1253                         return 1;
1254                     }
1255                     if (p1[2] === y && p2[1] > x === p1[1] < x) {
1256                         return 0;
1257                     }
1258                 }
1260                 if (p1[2] < y !== p2[2] < y) {
1261                     // Crossing
1262                     sign = 2 * (p2[2] > p1[2] ? 1 : 0) - 1;
1263                     if (p1[1] >= x) {
1264                         if (p2[1] > x) {
1265                             wn += sign;
1266                         } else {
1267                             d = this.det3p(p1, p2, usrCoords);
1268                             if (d === 0) {
1269                                 // Point is on line, i.e. outside
1270                                 return 0;
1271                             }
1272                             if (d > 0 + Mat.eps === p2[2] > p1[2]) {
1273                                 // Right crossing
1274                                 wn += sign;
1275                             }
1276                         }
1277                     } else {
1278                         if (p2[1] > x) {
1279                             d = this.det3p(p1, p2, usrCoords);
1280                             if (d > 0 + Mat.eps === p2[2] > p1[2]) {
1281                                 // Right crossing
1282                                 wn += sign;
1283                             }
1284                         }
1285                     }
1286                 }
1287             }
1289             return wn;
1290         },
1292         /**
1293          * Decides if a point (x,y) is inside of a path / polygon.
1294          * Does not work correct if the path has hole. In this case, windingNumber is the preferred method.
1295          * Implements W. Randolf Franklin's pnpoly method.
1296          *
1297          * See <a href="https://wrf.ecse.rpi.edu/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html">https://wrf.ecse.rpi.edu/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html</a>.
1298          *
1299          * @param {Number} x_in x-coordinate (screen or user coordinates)
1300          * @param {Number} y_in y-coordinate (screen or user coordinates)
1301          * @param  {Array} path  Array of points / coords determining a path, i.e. the vertices of the polygon / path. The array elements
1302          * do not have to be full points, but have to have a subobject "coords" or should be of type JXG.Coords.
1303          * @param {Number} [coord_type=JXG.COORDS_BY_SCREEN] Type of coordinates used here.
1304          *   Possible values are <b>JXG.COORDS_BY_USER</b> and <b>JXG.COORDS_BY_SCREEN</b>.
1305          *   Default value is JXG.COORDS_BY_SCREEN.
1306          *
1307          * @returns {Boolean} if (x_in, y_in) is inside of the polygon.
1308          * @see JXG.Polygon.hasPoint
1309          * @see JXG.Polygon.pnpoly
1310          * @see #windingNumber
1311          *
1312          * @example
1313          * var pol = board.create('polygon', [[-1,2], [2,2], [-1,4]]);
1314          * var p = board.create('point', [4, 3]);
1315          * var txt = board.create('text', [-1, 0.5, function() {
1316          *   return 'Point A is inside of the polygon = ' +
1317          *     JXG.Math.Geometry.pnpoly(p.X(), p.Y(), JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, pol.vertices);
1318          * }]);
1319          *
1320          * </pre><div id="JXG4656ed42-f965-4e35-bb66-c334a4529683" class="jxgbox" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
1321          * <script type="text/javascript">
1322          *     (function() {
1323          *         var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG4656ed42-f965-4e35-bb66-c334a4529683',
1324          *             {boundingbox: [-2, 5, 5,-2], axis: true, showcopyright: false, shownavigation: false});
1325          *     var pol = board.create('polygon', [[-1,2], [2,2], [-1,4]]);
1326          *     var p = board.create('point', [4, 3]);
1327          *     var txt = board.create('text', [-1, 0.5, function() {
1328          *     		return 'Point A is inside of the polygon = ' + JXG.Math.Geometry.pnpoly(p.X(), p.Y(), JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, pol.vertices);
1329          *     }]);
1330          *
1331          *     })();
1332          *
1333          * </script><pre>
1334          *
1335          */
1336         pnpoly: function (x_in, y_in, path, coord_type) {
1337             var i, j, vi, vj, len,
1338                 x, y, crds,
1339                 v = path,
1340                 isIn = false;
1342             if (coord_type === Const.COORDS_BY_USER) {
1343                 crds = new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [x_in, y_in], this.board);
1344                 x = crds.scrCoords[1];
1345                 y = crds.scrCoords[2];
1346             } else {
1347                 x = x_in;
1348                 y = y_in;
1349             }
1351             len = path.length;
1352             for (i = 0, j = len - 2; i < len - 1; j = i++) {
1353                 vi = Type.exists(v[i].coords) ? v[i].coords : v[i];
1354                 vj = Type.exists(v[j].coords) ? v[j].coords : v[j];
1356                 if (
1357                     vi.scrCoords[2] > y !== vj.scrCoords[2] > y &&
1358                     x <
1359                     ((vj.scrCoords[1] - vi.scrCoords[1]) * (y - vi.scrCoords[2])) /
1360                     (vj.scrCoords[2] - vi.scrCoords[2]) +
1361                     vi.scrCoords[1]
1362                 ) {
1363                     isIn = !isIn;
1364                 }
1365             }
1367             return isIn;
1368         },
1370         /****************************************/
1371         /****          INTERSECTIONS         ****/
1372         /****************************************/
1374         /**
1375          * Generate the function which computes the coordinates of the intersection point.
1376          * Primarily used in {@link JXG.Point#createIntersectionPoint}.
1377          * @param {JXG.Board} board object
1378          * @param {JXG.Line,JXG.Circle_JXG.Line,JXG.Circle_Number|Function} el1,el2,i The result will be a intersection point on el1 and el2.
1379          * i determines the intersection point if two points are available: <ul>
1380          *   <li>i==0: use the positive square root,</li>
1381          *   <li>i==1: use the negative square root.</li></ul>
1382          * See further {@link JXG.Point#createIntersectionPoint}.
1383          * @param {Boolean} alwaysintersect. Flag that determines if segments and arc can have an outer intersection point
1384          * on their defining line or circle.
1385          * @returns {Function} Function returning a {@link JXG.Coords} object that determines
1386          * the intersection point.
1387          */
1388         intersectionFunction: function (board, el1, el2, i, j, alwaysintersect) {
1389             var func,
1390                 that = this,
1391                 el1_isArcType = false,
1392                 el2_isArcType = false;
1394             el1_isArcType =
1395                 el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE &&
1396                     (el1.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_ARC || el1.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_SECTOR)
1397                     ? true
1398                     : false;
1399             el2_isArcType =
1400                 el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE &&
1401                     (el2.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_ARC || el2.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_SECTOR)
1402                     ? true
1403                     : false;
1405             if (
1406                 (el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE ||
1407                     el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE) &&
1408                 (el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE ||
1409                     el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CIRCLE) &&
1410                 (el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE ||
1411                     el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CIRCLE) /*&&
1412                 !(el1_isArcType && el2_isArcType)*/
1413             ) {
1414                 // curve - curve
1415                 // with the exception that both elements are arc types
1416                 /** @ignore */
1417                 func = function () {
1418                     return that.meetCurveCurve(el1, el2, i, j, el1.board);
1419                 };
1420             } else if (
1421                 (el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE &&
1422                     !el1_isArcType &&
1423                     el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE) ||
1424                 (el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE &&
1425                     !el2_isArcType &&
1426                     el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE)
1427             ) {
1428                 // curve - line (this includes intersections between conic sections and lines)
1429                 // with the exception that the curve is of arc type
1430                 /** @ignore */
1431                 func = function () {
1432                     return that.meetCurveLine(el1, el2, i, el1.board, Type.evaluate(alwaysintersect));
1433                 };
1434             } else if (
1435                 el1.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_POLYGON ||
1436                 el2.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_POLYGON
1437             ) {
1438                 // polygon - other
1439                 // Uses the Greiner-Hormann clipping algorithm
1440                 // Not implemented: polygon - point
1442                 if (el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE) {
1443                     // line - path
1444                     /** @ignore */
1445                     func = function () {
1446                         var first1 = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightfirst),
1447                             last1 = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightlast),
1448                             first2 = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightfirst),
1449                             last2 = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightlast),
1450                             a_not;
1452                         a_not = (!Type.evaluate(alwaysintersect) && (!first1 || !last1 || !first2 || !last2));
1453                         return that.meetPolygonLine(el2, el1, i, el1.board, a_not);
1454                     };
1455                 } else if (el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE) {
1456                     // path - line
1457                     func = function () {
1458                         var first1 = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightfirst),
1459                             last1 = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightlast),
1460                             first2 = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightfirst),
1461                             last2 = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightlast),
1462                             a_not;
1464                         a_not = (!Type.evaluate(alwaysintersect) && (!first1 || !last1 || !first2 || !last2));
1465                         return that.meetPolygonLine(el1, el2, i, el1.board, a_not);
1466                     };
1467                 } else {
1468                     // path - path
1469                     /** @ignore */
1470                     func = function () {
1471                         return that.meetPathPath(el1, el2, i, el1.board);
1472                     };
1473                 }
1474             } else if (
1475                 el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE &&
1476                 el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE
1477             ) {
1478                 // line - line, lines may also be segments.
1479                 /** @ignore */
1480                 func = function () {
1481                     var res,
1482                         c,
1483                         first1 = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightfirst),
1484                         last1 = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightlast),
1485                         first2 = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightfirst),
1486                         last2 = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightlast);
1488                     /**
1489                      * If one of the lines is a segment or ray and
1490                      * the intersection point should disappear if outside
1491                      * of the segment or ray we call
1492                      * meetSegmentSegment
1493                      */
1494                     if (
1495                         !Type.evaluate(alwaysintersect) &&
1496                         (!first1 || !last1 || !first2 || !last2)
1497                     ) {
1498                         res = that.meetSegmentSegment(
1499                             el1.point1.coords.usrCoords,
1500                             el1.point2.coords.usrCoords,
1501                             el2.point1.coords.usrCoords,
1502                             el2.point2.coords.usrCoords
1503                         );
1505                         if (
1506                             (!first1 && res[1] < 0) ||
1507                             (!last1 && res[1] > 1) ||
1508                             (!first2 && res[2] < 0) ||
1509                             (!last2 && res[2] > 1)
1510                         ) {
1511                             // Non-existent
1512                             c = [0, NaN, NaN];
1513                         } else {
1514                             c = res[0];
1515                         }
1517                         return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, c, el1.board);
1518                     }
1520                     return that.meet(el1.stdform, el2.stdform, i, el1.board);
1521                 };
1522             } else {
1523                 // All other combinations of circles and lines,
1524                 // Arc types are treated as circles.
1525                 /** @ignore */
1526                 func = function () {
1527                     var res = that.meet(el1.stdform, el2.stdform, i, el1.board),
1528                         has = true,
1529                         first,
1530                         last,
1531                         r;
1533                     if (Type.evaluate(alwaysintersect)) {
1534                         return res;
1535                     }
1536                     if (el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE) {
1537                         first = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightfirst);
1538                         last = Type.evaluate(el1.visProp.straightlast);
1539                         if (!first || !last) {
1540                             r = that.affineRatio(el1.point1.coords, el1.point2.coords, res);
1541                             if ((!last && r > 1 + Mat.eps) || (!first && r < 0 - Mat.eps)) {
1542                                 return new Coords(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, NaN, NaN], el1.board);
1543                             }
1544                         }
1545                     }
1546                     if (el2.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_LINE) {
1547                         first = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightfirst);
1548                         last = Type.evaluate(el2.visProp.straightlast);
1549                         if (!first || !last) {
1550                             r = that.affineRatio(el2.point1.coords, el2.point2.coords, res);
1551                             if ((!last && r > 1 + Mat.eps) || (!first && r < 0 - Mat.eps)) {
1552                                 return new Coords(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, NaN, NaN], el1.board);
1553                             }
1554                         }
1555                     }
1556                     if (el1_isArcType) {
1557                         has = that.coordsOnArc(el1, res);
1558                         if (has && el2_isArcType) {
1559                             has = that.coordsOnArc(el2, res);
1560                         }
1561                         if (!has) {
1562                             return new Coords(JXG.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, NaN, NaN], el1.board);
1563                         }
1564                     }
1565                     return res;
1566                 };
1567             }
1569             return func;
1570         },
1572         /**
1573          * Returns true if the coordinates are on the arc element,
1574          * false otherwise. Usually, coords is an intersection
1575          * on the circle line. Now it is decided if coords are on the
1576          * circle restricted to the arc line.
1577          * @param  {Arc} arc arc or sector element
1578          * @param  {JXG.Coords} coords Coords object of an intersection
1579          * @returns {Boolean}
1580          * @private
1581          */
1582         coordsOnArc: function (arc, coords) {
1583             var angle = this.rad(arc.radiuspoint, arc.center, coords.usrCoords.slice(1)),
1584                 alpha = 0.0,
1585                 beta = this.rad(arc.radiuspoint, arc.center, arc.anglepoint),
1586                 ev_s = Type.evaluate(arc.visProp.selection);
1588             if ((ev_s === "minor" && beta > Math.PI) || (ev_s === "major" && beta < Math.PI)) {
1589                 alpha = beta;
1590                 beta = 2 * Math.PI;
1591             }
1592             if (angle < alpha || angle > beta) {
1593                 return false;
1594             }
1595             return true;
1596         },
1598         /**
1599          * Computes the intersection of a pair of lines, circles or both.
1600          * It uses the internal data array stdform of these elements.
1601          * @param {Array} el1 stdform of the first element (line or circle)
1602          * @param {Array} el2 stdform of the second element (line or circle)
1603          * @param {Number|Function} i Index of the intersection point that should be returned.
1604          * @param board Reference to the board.
1605          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of one of the possible two or more intersection points.
1606          * Which point will be returned is determined by i.
1607          */
1608         meet: function (el1, el2, i, board) {
1609             var result,
1610                 eps = Mat.eps;
1612             if (Math.abs(el1[3]) < eps && Math.abs(el2[3]) < eps) {
1613                 // line line
1614                 result = this.meetLineLine(el1, el2, i, board);
1615             } else if (Math.abs(el1[3]) >= eps && Math.abs(el2[3]) < eps) {
1616                 // circle line
1617                 result = this.meetLineCircle(el2, el1, i, board);
1618             } else if (Math.abs(el1[3]) < eps && Math.abs(el2[3]) >= eps) {
1619                 // line circle
1620                 result = this.meetLineCircle(el1, el2, i, board);
1621             } else {
1622                 // circle circle
1623                 result = this.meetCircleCircle(el1, el2, i, board);
1624             }
1626             return result;
1627         },
1629         /**
1630          * Intersection of the line with the board
1631          * @param  {Array}     line   stdform of the line in screen coordinates
1632          * @param  {JXG.Board} board  reference to a board.
1633          * @param  {Number}    margin optional margin, to avoid the display of the small sides of lines.
1634          * @returns {Array}            [intersection coords 1, intersection coords 2]
1635          */
1636         meetLineBoard: function (line, board, margin) {
1637             // Intersect the line with the four borders of the board.
1638             var s = [],
1639                 intersect1,
1640                 intersect2,
1641                 i, j;
1643             if (!Type.exists(margin)) {
1644                 margin = 0;
1645             }
1647             // top
1648             s[0] = Mat.crossProduct(line, [margin, 0, 1]);
1649             // left
1650             s[1] = Mat.crossProduct(line, [margin, 1, 0]);
1651             // bottom
1652             s[2] = Mat.crossProduct(line, [-margin - board.canvasHeight, 0, 1]);
1653             // right
1654             s[3] = Mat.crossProduct(line, [-margin - board.canvasWidth, 1, 0]);
1656             // Normalize the intersections
1657             for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
1658                 if (Math.abs(s[i][0]) > Mat.eps) {
1659                     for (j = 2; j > 0; j--) {
1660                         s[i][j] /= s[i][0];
1661                     }
1662                     s[i][0] = 1.0;
1663                 }
1664             }
1666             // line is parallel to "left", take "top" and "bottom"
1667             if (Math.abs(s[1][0]) < Mat.eps) {
1668                 intersect1 = s[0]; // top
1669                 intersect2 = s[2]; // bottom
1670                 // line is parallel to "top", take "left" and "right"
1671             } else if (Math.abs(s[0][0]) < Mat.eps) {
1672                 intersect1 = s[1]; // left
1673                 intersect2 = s[3]; // right
1674                 // left intersection out of board (above)
1675             } else if (s[1][2] < 0) {
1676                 intersect1 = s[0]; // top
1678                 // right intersection out of board (below)
1679                 if (s[3][2] > board.canvasHeight) {
1680                     intersect2 = s[2]; // bottom
1681                 } else {
1682                     intersect2 = s[3]; // right
1683                 }
1684                 // left intersection out of board (below)
1685             } else if (s[1][2] > board.canvasHeight) {
1686                 intersect1 = s[2]; // bottom
1688                 // right intersection out of board (above)
1689                 if (s[3][2] < 0) {
1690                     intersect2 = s[0]; // top
1691                 } else {
1692                     intersect2 = s[3]; // right
1693                 }
1694             } else {
1695                 intersect1 = s[1]; // left
1697                 // right intersection out of board (above)
1698                 if (s[3][2] < 0) {
1699                     intersect2 = s[0]; // top
1700                     // right intersection out of board (below)
1701                 } else if (s[3][2] > board.canvasHeight) {
1702                     intersect2 = s[2]; // bottom
1703                 } else {
1704                     intersect2 = s[3]; // right
1705                 }
1706             }
1708             return [
1709                 new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_SCREEN, intersect1.slice(1), board),
1710                 new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_SCREEN, intersect2.slice(1), board)
1711             ];
1712         },
1714         /**
1715          * Intersection of two lines.
1716          * @param {Array} l1 stdform of the first line
1717          * @param {Array} l2 stdform of the second line
1718          * @param {number} i unused
1719          * @param {JXG.Board} board Reference to the board.
1720          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the intersection point.
1721          */
1722         meetLineLine: function (l1, l2, i, board) {
1723             var s = isNaN(l1[5] + l2[5]) ? [0, 0, 0] : Mat.crossProduct(l1, l2);
1725             // Make intersection of parallel lines more robust:
1726             if (Math.abs(s[0]) < 1.0e-14) {
1727                 s[0] = 0;
1728             }
1729             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, s, board);
1730         },
1732         /**
1733          * Intersection of line and circle.
1734          * @param {Array} lin stdform of the line
1735          * @param {Array} circ stdform of the circle
1736          * @param {number|function} i number of the returned intersection point.
1737          *   i==0: use the positive square root,
1738          *   i==1: use the negative square root.
1739          * @param {JXG.Board} board Reference to a board.
1740          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the intersection point
1741          */
1742         meetLineCircle: function (lin, circ, i, board) {
1743             var a, b, c, d, n, A, B, C, k, t;
1745             // Radius is zero, return center of circle
1746             if (circ[4] < Mat.eps) {
1747                 if (Math.abs(Mat.innerProduct([1, circ[6], circ[7]], lin, 3)) < Mat.eps) {
1748                     return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, circ.slice(6, 8), board);
1749                 }
1751                 return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [NaN, NaN], board);
1752             }
1753             c = circ[0];
1754             b = circ.slice(1, 3);
1755             a = circ[3];
1756             d = lin[0];
1757             n = lin.slice(1, 3);
1759             // Line is assumed to be normalized. Therefore, nn==1 and we can skip some operations:
1760             /*
1761              var nn = n[0]*n[0]+n[1]*n[1];
1762              A = a*nn;
1763              B = (b[0]*n[1]-b[1]*n[0])*nn;
1764              C = a*d*d - (b[0]*n[0]+b[1]*n[1])*d + c*nn;
1765              */
1766             A = a;
1767             B = b[0] * n[1] - b[1] * n[0];
1768             C = a * d * d - (b[0] * n[0] + b[1] * n[1]) * d + c;
1770             k = B * B - 4 * A * C;
1771             if (k > -Mat.eps * Mat.eps) {
1772                 k = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(k));
1773                 t = [(-B + k) / (2 * A), (-B - k) / (2 * A)];
1775                 return Type.evaluate(i) === 0
1776                     ? new Coords(
1777                         Const.COORDS_BY_USER,
1778                         [-t[0] * -n[1] - d * n[0], -t[0] * n[0] - d * n[1]],
1779                         board
1780                     )
1781                     : new Coords(
1782                         Const.COORDS_BY_USER,
1783                         [-t[1] * -n[1] - d * n[0], -t[1] * n[0] - d * n[1]],
1784                         board
1785                     );
1786             }
1788             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, 0, 0], board);
1789         },
1791         /**
1792          * Intersection of two circles.
1793          * @param {Array} circ1 stdform of the first circle
1794          * @param {Array} circ2 stdform of the second circle
1795          * @param {number|function} i number of the returned intersection point.
1796          *   i==0: use the positive square root,
1797          *   i==1: use the negative square root.
1798          * @param {JXG.Board} board Reference to the board.
1799          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coordinates of the intersection point
1800          */
1801         meetCircleCircle: function (circ1, circ2, i, board) {
1802             var radicalAxis;
1804             // Radius is zero, return center of circle, if on other circle
1805             if (circ1[4] < Mat.eps) {
1806                 if (
1807                     Math.abs(this.distance(circ1.slice(6, 2), circ2.slice(6, 8)) - circ2[4]) <
1808                     Mat.eps
1809                 ) {
1810                     return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, circ1.slice(6, 8), board);
1811                 }
1813                 return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, 0, 0], board);
1814             }
1816             // Radius is zero, return center of circle, if on other circle
1817             if (circ2[4] < Mat.eps) {
1818                 if (
1819                     Math.abs(this.distance(circ2.slice(6, 2), circ1.slice(6, 8)) - circ1[4]) <
1820                     Mat.eps
1821                 ) {
1822                     return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, circ2.slice(6, 8), board);
1823                 }
1825                 return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, 0, 0], board);
1826             }
1828             radicalAxis = [
1829                 circ2[3] * circ1[0] - circ1[3] * circ2[0],
1830                 circ2[3] * circ1[1] - circ1[3] * circ2[1],
1831                 circ2[3] * circ1[2] - circ1[3] * circ2[2],
1832                 0,
1833                 1,
1834                 Infinity,
1835                 Infinity,
1836                 Infinity
1837             ];
1838             radicalAxis = Mat.normalize(radicalAxis);
1840             return this.meetLineCircle(radicalAxis, circ1, i, board);
1841         },
1843         /**
1844          * Compute an intersection of the curves c1 and c2.
1845          * We want to find values t1, t2 such that
1846          * c1(t1) = c2(t2), i.e. (c1_x(t1)-c2_x(t2),c1_y(t1)-c2_y(t2)) = (0,0).
1847          *
1848          * Methods: segment-wise intersections (default) or generalized Newton method.
1849          * @param {JXG.Curve} c1 Curve, Line or Circle
1850          * @param {JXG.Curve} c2 Curve, Line or Circle
1851          * @param {Number|Function} nr the nr-th intersection point will be returned.
1852          * @param {Number} t2ini not longer used.
1853          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=c1.board] Reference to a board object.
1854          * @param {String} [method='segment'] Intersection method, possible values are 'newton' and 'segment'.
1855          * @returns {JXG.Coords} intersection point
1856          */
1857         meetCurveCurve: function (c1, c2, nr, t2ini, board, method) {
1858             var co;
1860             if (Type.exists(method) && method === "newton") {
1861                 co = Numerics.generalizedNewton(c1, c2, Type.evaluate(nr), t2ini);
1862             } else {
1863                 if (c1.bezierDegree === 3 || c2.bezierDegree === 3) {
1864                     co = this.meetBezierCurveRedBlueSegments(c1, c2, nr);
1865                 } else {
1866                     co = this.meetCurveRedBlueSegments(c1, c2, nr);
1867                 }
1868             }
1870             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, co, board);
1871         },
1873         /**
1874          * Intersection of curve with line,
1875          * Order of input does not matter for el1 and el2.
1876          * From version 0.99.7 on this method calls
1877          * {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.meetCurveLineDiscrete}.
1878          * If higher precision is needed, {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.meetCurveLineContinuous}
1879          * has to be used.
1880          *
1881          * @param {JXG.Curve|JXG.Line} el1 Curve or Line
1882          * @param {JXG.Curve|JXG.Line} el2 Curve or Line
1883          * @param {Number|Function} nr the nr-th intersection point will be returned.
1884          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=el1.board] Reference to a board object.
1885          * @param {Boolean} alwaysIntersect If false just the segment between the two defining points are tested for intersection
1886          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Intersection point. In case no intersection point is detected,
1887          * the ideal point [0,1,0] is returned.
1888          */
1889         meetCurveLine: function (el1, el2, nr, board, alwaysIntersect) {
1890             var v = [0, NaN, NaN],
1891                 cu,
1892                 li;
1894             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
1895                 board = el1.board;
1896             }
1898             if (el1.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE) {
1899                 cu = el1;
1900                 li = el2;
1901             } else {
1902                 cu = el2;
1903                 li = el1;
1904             }
1906             v = this.meetCurveLineDiscrete(cu, li, nr, board, !alwaysIntersect);
1908             return v;
1909         },
1911         /**
1912          * Intersection of line and curve, continuous case.
1913          * Finds the nr-the intersection point
1914          * Uses {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.meetCurveLineDiscrete} as a first approximation.
1915          * A more exact solution is then found with {@link JXG.Math.Numerics.root}.
1916          *
1917          * @param {JXG.Curve} cu Curve
1918          * @param {JXG.Line} li Line
1919          * @param {NumberFunction} nr Will return the nr-th intersection point.
1920          * @param {JXG.Board} board
1921          * @param {Boolean} testSegment Test if intersection has to be inside of the segment or somewhere on the
1922          * line defined by the segment
1923          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Coords object containing the intersection.
1924          */
1925         meetCurveLineContinuous: function (cu, li, nr, board, testSegment) {
1926             var t,
1927                 func0,
1928                 func1,
1929                 v,
1930                 x,
1931                 y,
1932                 z,
1933                 eps = Mat.eps,
1934                 epsLow = Mat.eps,
1935                 steps,
1936                 delta,
1937                 tnew,
1938                 i,
1939                 tmin,
1940                 fmin,
1941                 ft;
1943             v = this.meetCurveLineDiscrete(cu, li, nr, board, testSegment);
1944             x = v.usrCoords[1];
1945             y = v.usrCoords[2];
1947             func0 = function (t) {
1948                 var c1, c2;
1950                 if (t > cu.maxX() || t < cu.minX()) {
1951                     return Infinity;
1952                 }
1953                 c1 = x - cu.X(t);
1954                 c2 = y - cu.Y(t);
1955                 return c1 * c1 + c2 * c2;
1956             };
1958             func1 = function (t) {
1959                 var v = li.stdform[0] + li.stdform[1] * cu.X(t) + li.stdform[2] * cu.Y(t);
1960                 return v * v;
1961             };
1963             // Find t
1964             steps = 50;
1965             delta = (cu.maxX() - cu.minX()) / steps;
1966             tnew = cu.minX();
1968             fmin = 0.0001; //eps;
1969             tmin = NaN;
1970             for (i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
1971                 t = Numerics.root(func0, [
1972                     Math.max(tnew, cu.minX()),
1973                     Math.min(tnew + delta, cu.maxX())
1974                 ]);
1975                 ft = Math.abs(func0(t));
1976                 if (ft <= fmin) {
1977                     fmin = ft;
1978                     tmin = t;
1979                     if (fmin < eps) {
1980                         break;
1981                     }
1982                 }
1984                 tnew += delta;
1985             }
1986             t = tmin;
1987             // Compute "exact" t
1988             t = Numerics.root(func1, [
1989                 Math.max(t - delta, cu.minX()),
1990                 Math.min(t + delta, cu.maxX())
1991             ]);
1993             ft = func1(t);
1994             // Is the point on the line?
1995             if (isNaN(ft) || Math.abs(ft) > epsLow) {
1996                 z = 0.0; //NaN;
1997             } else {
1998                 z = 1.0;
1999             }
2001             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [z, cu.X(t), cu.Y(t)], board);
2002         },
2004         /**
2005          * Intersection of line and curve, discrete case.
2006          * Segments are treated as lines.
2007          * Finding the nr-th intersection point should work for all nr.
2008          * @param {JXG.Curve} cu
2009          * @param {JXG.Line} li
2010          * @param {Number|Function} nr
2011          * @param {JXG.Board} board
2012          * @param {Boolean} testSegment Test if intersection has to be inside of the segment or somewhere on the
2013          * line defined by the segment
2014          *
2015          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Intersection point. In case no intersection point is detected,
2016          * the ideal point [0,1,0] is returned.
2017          */
2018         meetCurveLineDiscrete: function (cu, li, nr, board, testSegment) {
2019             var i,
2020                 j,
2021                 n = Type.evaluate(nr),
2022                 p1,
2023                 p2,
2024                 p,
2025                 q,
2026                 lip1 = li.point1.coords.usrCoords,
2027                 lip2 = li.point2.coords.usrCoords,
2028                 d,
2029                 res,
2030                 cnt = 0,
2031                 len = cu.numberPoints,
2032                 ev_sf = Type.evaluate(li.visProp.straightfirst),
2033                 ev_sl = Type.evaluate(li.visProp.straightlast);
2035             // In case, no intersection will be found we will take this
2036             q = new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, NaN, NaN], board);
2038             if (lip1[0] === 0.0) {
2039                 lip1 = [1, lip2[1] + li.stdform[2], lip2[2] - li.stdform[1]];
2040             } else if (lip2[0] === 0.0) {
2041                 lip2 = [1, lip1[1] + li.stdform[2], lip1[2] - li.stdform[1]];
2042             }
2044             p2 = cu.points[0].usrCoords;
2045             for (i = 1; i < len; i += cu.bezierDegree) {
2046                 p1 = p2.slice(0);
2047                 p2 = cu.points[i].usrCoords;
2048                 d = this.distance(p1, p2);
2050                 // The defining points are not identical
2051                 if (d > Mat.eps) {
2052                     if (cu.bezierDegree === 3) {
2053                         res = this.meetBeziersegmentBeziersegment(
2054                             [
2055                                 cu.points[i - 1].usrCoords.slice(1),
2056                                 cu.points[i].usrCoords.slice(1),
2057                                 cu.points[i + 1].usrCoords.slice(1),
2058                                 cu.points[i + 2].usrCoords.slice(1)
2059                             ],
2060                             [lip1.slice(1), lip2.slice(1)],
2061                             testSegment
2062                         );
2063                     } else {
2064                         res = [this.meetSegmentSegment(p1, p2, lip1, lip2)];
2065                     }
2067                     for (j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {
2068                         p = res[j];
2069                         if (0 <= p[1] && p[1] <= 1) {
2070                             if (cnt === n) {
2071                                 /**
2072                                  * If the intersection point is not part of the segment,
2073                                  * this intersection point is set to non-existent.
2074                                  * This prevents jumping behavior of the intersection points.
2075                                  * But it may be discussed if it is the desired behavior.
2076                                  */
2077                                 if (
2078                                     testSegment &&
2079                                     ((!ev_sf && p[2] < 0) || (!ev_sl && p[2] > 1))
2080                                 ) {
2081                                     return q; // break;
2082                                 }
2084                                 q = new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, p[0], board);
2085                                 return q; // break;
2086                             }
2087                             cnt += 1;
2088                         }
2089                     }
2090                 }
2091             }
2093             return q;
2094         },
2096         /**
2097          * Find the n-th intersection point of two curves named red (first parameter) and blue (second parameter).
2098          * We go through each segment of the red curve and search if there is an intersection with a segemnt of the blue curve.
2099          * This double loop, i.e. the outer loop runs along the red curve and the inner loop runs along the blue curve, defines
2100          * the n-th intersection point. The segments are either line segments or Bezier curves of degree 3. This depends on
2101          * the property bezierDegree of the curves.
2102          * <p>
2103          * This method works also for transformed curves, since only the already
2104          * transformed points are used.
2105          *
2106          * @param {JXG.Curve} red
2107          * @param {JXG.Curve} blue
2108          * @param {Number|Function} nr
2109          */
2110         meetCurveRedBlueSegments: function (red, blue, nr) {
2111             var i,
2112                 j,
2113                 n = Type.evaluate(nr),
2114                 red1,
2115                 red2,
2116                 blue1,
2117                 blue2,
2118                 m,
2119                 minX,
2120                 maxX,
2121                 iFound = 0,
2122                 lenBlue = blue.numberPoints, //points.length,
2123                 lenRed = red.numberPoints; //points.length;
2125             if (lenBlue <= 1 || lenRed <= 1) {
2126                 return [0, NaN, NaN];
2127             }
2129             for (i = 1; i < lenRed; i++) {
2130                 red1 = red.points[i - 1].usrCoords;
2131                 red2 = red.points[i].usrCoords;
2132                 minX = Math.min(red1[1], red2[1]);
2133                 maxX = Math.max(red1[1], red2[1]);
2135                 blue2 = blue.points[0].usrCoords;
2136                 for (j = 1; j < lenBlue; j++) {
2137                     blue1 = blue2;
2138                     blue2 = blue.points[j].usrCoords;
2140                     if (
2141                         Math.min(blue1[1], blue2[1]) < maxX &&
2142                         Math.max(blue1[1], blue2[1]) > minX
2143                     ) {
2144                         m = this.meetSegmentSegment(red1, red2, blue1, blue2);
2145                         if (
2146                             m[1] >= 0.0 &&
2147                             m[2] >= 0.0 &&
2148                             // The two segments meet in the interior or at the start points
2149                             ((m[1] < 1.0 && m[2] < 1.0) ||
2150                                 // One of the curve is intersected in the very last point
2151                                 (i === lenRed - 1 && m[1] === 1.0) ||
2152                                 (j === lenBlue - 1 && m[2] === 1.0))
2153                         ) {
2154                             if (iFound === n) {
2155                                 return m[0];
2156                             }
2158                             iFound++;
2159                         }
2160                     }
2161                 }
2162             }
2164             return [0, NaN, NaN];
2165         },
2167         /**
2168          * (Virtual) Intersection of two segments.
2169          * @param {Array} p1 First point of segment 1 using normalized homogeneous coordinates [1,x,y]
2170          * @param {Array} p2 Second point or direction of segment 1 using normalized homogeneous coordinates [1,x,y] or point at infinity [0,x,y], respectively
2171          * @param {Array} q1 First point of segment 2 using normalized homogeneous coordinates [1,x,y]
2172          * @param {Array} q2 Second point or direction of segment 2 using normalized homogeneous coordinates [1,x,y] or point at infinity [0,x,y], respectively
2173          * @returns {Array} [Intersection point, t, u] The first entry contains the homogeneous coordinates
2174          * of the intersection point. The second and third entry give the position of the intersection with respect
2175          * to the definiting parameters. For example, the second entry t is defined by: intersection point = p1 + t * deltaP, where
2176          * deltaP = (p2 - p1) when both parameters are coordinates, and deltaP = p2 if p2 is a point at infinity.
2177          * If the two segments are collinear, [[0,0,0], Infinity, Infinity] is returned.
2178          **/
2179         meetSegmentSegment: function (p1, p2, q1, q2) {
2180             var t,
2181                 u,
2182                 i,
2183                 d,
2184                 li1 = Mat.crossProduct(p1, p2),
2185                 li2 = Mat.crossProduct(q1, q2),
2186                 c = Mat.crossProduct(li1, li2);
2188             if (Math.abs(c[0]) < Mat.eps) {
2189                 return [c, Infinity, Infinity];
2190             }
2192             // Normalize the intersection coordinates
2193             c[1] /= c[0];
2194             c[2] /= c[0];
2195             c[0] /= c[0];
2197             // Now compute in principle:
2198             //    t = dist(c - p1) / dist(p2 - p1) and
2199             //    u = dist(c - q1) / dist(q2 - q1)
2200             // However: the points q1, q2, p1, p2 might be ideal points - or in general - the
2201             // coordinates might be not normalized.
2202             // Note that the z-coordinates of p2 and q2 are used to determine whether it should be interpreted
2203             // as a segment coordinate or a direction.
2204             i = Math.abs(p2[1] - p2[0] * p1[1]) < Mat.eps ? 2 : 1;
2205             d = p1[i] / p1[0];
2206             t = (c[i] - d) / (p2[0] !== 0 ? p2[i] / p2[0] - d : p2[i]);
2208             i = Math.abs(q2[1] - q2[0] * q1[1]) < Mat.eps ? 2 : 1;
2209             d = q1[i] / q1[0];
2210             u = (c[i] - d) / (q2[0] !== 0 ? q2[i] / q2[0] - d : q2[i]);
2212             return [c, t, u];
2213         },
2215         /**
2216          * Find the n-th intersection point of two pathes, usually given by polygons. Uses parts of the
2217          * Greiner-Hormann algorithm in JXG.Math.Clip.
2218          *
2219          * @param {JXG.Circle|JXG.Curve|JXG.Polygon} path1
2220          * @param {JXG.Circle|JXG.Curve|JXG.Polygon} path2
2221          * @param {Number|Function} n
2222          * @param {JXG.Board} board
2223          *
2224          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Intersection point. In case no intersection point is detected,
2225          * the ideal point [0,0,0] is returned.
2226          *
2227          */
2228         meetPathPath: function (path1, path2, nr, board) {
2229             var S, C, len, intersections,
2230                 n = Type.evaluate(nr);
2232             S = JXG.Math.Clip._getPath(path1, board);
2233             len = S.length;
2234             if (
2235                 len > 0 &&
2236                 this.distance(S[0].coords.usrCoords, S[len - 1].coords.usrCoords, 3) < Mat.eps
2237             ) {
2238                 S.pop();
2239             }
2241             C = JXG.Math.Clip._getPath(path2, board);
2242             len = C.length;
2243             if (
2244                 len > 0 &&
2245                 this.distance(C[0].coords.usrCoords, C[len - 1].coords.usrCoords, 3) <
2246                 Mat.eps * Mat.eps
2247             ) {
2248                 C.pop();
2249             }
2251             // Handle cases where at least one of the paths is empty
2252             if (nr < 0 || JXG.Math.Clip.isEmptyCase(S, C, "intersection")) {
2253                 return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, 0, 0], board);
2254             }
2256             JXG.Math.Clip.makeDoublyLinkedList(S);
2257             JXG.Math.Clip.makeDoublyLinkedList(C);
2259             intersections = JXG.Math.Clip.findIntersections(S, C, board)[0];
2260             if (n < intersections.length) {
2261                 return intersections[n].coords;
2262             }
2263             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [0, 0, 0], board);
2264         },
2266         /**
2267          * Find the n-th intersection point between a polygon and a line.
2268          * @param {JXG.Polygon} path
2269          * @param {JXG.Line} line
2270          * @param {Number|Function} nr
2271          * @param {JXG.Board} board
2272          * @param {Boolean} alwaysIntersect If false just the segment between the two defining points of the line are tested for intersection.
2273          *
2274          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Intersection point. In case no intersection point is detected,
2275          * the ideal point [0,0,0] is returned.
2276          */
2277         meetPolygonLine: function (path, line, nr, board, alwaysIntersect) {
2278             var i,
2279                 n = Type.evaluate(nr),
2280                 res,
2281                 border,
2282                 crds = [0, 0, 0],
2283                 len = path.borders.length,
2284                 intersections = [];
2286             for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
2287                 border = path.borders[i];
2288                 res = this.meetSegmentSegment(
2289                     border.point1.coords.usrCoords,
2290                     border.point2.coords.usrCoords,
2291                     line.point1.coords.usrCoords,
2292                     line.point2.coords.usrCoords
2293                 );
2295                 if (
2296                     (!alwaysIntersect || (res[2] >= 0 && res[2] < 1)) &&
2297                     res[1] >= 0 &&
2298                     res[1] < 1
2299                 ) {
2300                     intersections.push(res[0]);
2301                 }
2302             }
2304             if (n >= 0 && n < intersections.length) {
2305                 crds = intersections[n];
2306             }
2307             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, crds, board);
2308         },
2310         /****************************************/
2311         /****   BEZIER CURVE ALGORITHMS      ****/
2312         /****************************************/
2314         /**
2315          * Splits a Bezier curve segment defined by four points into
2316          * two Bezier curve segments. Dissection point is t=1/2.
2317          * @param {Array} curve Array of four coordinate arrays of length 2 defining a
2318          * Bezier curve segment, i.e. [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]].
2319          * @returns {Array} Array consisting of two coordinate arrays for Bezier curves.
2320          */
2321         _bezierSplit: function (curve) {
2322             var p0, p1, p2, p00, p22, p000;
2324             p0 = [(curve[0][0] + curve[1][0]) * 0.5, (curve[0][1] + curve[1][1]) * 0.5];
2325             p1 = [(curve[1][0] + curve[2][0]) * 0.5, (curve[1][1] + curve[2][1]) * 0.5];
2326             p2 = [(curve[2][0] + curve[3][0]) * 0.5, (curve[2][1] + curve[3][1]) * 0.5];
2328             p00 = [(p0[0] + p1[0]) * 0.5, (p0[1] + p1[1]) * 0.5];
2329             p22 = [(p1[0] + p2[0]) * 0.5, (p1[1] + p2[1]) * 0.5];
2331             p000 = [(p00[0] + p22[0]) * 0.5, (p00[1] + p22[1]) * 0.5];
2333             return [
2334                 [curve[0], p0, p00, p000],
2335                 [p000, p22, p2, curve[3]]
2336             ];
2337         },
2339         /**
2340          * Computes the bounding box [minX, maxY, maxX, minY] of a Bezier curve segment
2341          * from its control points.
2342          * @param {Array} curve Array of four coordinate arrays of length 2 defining a
2343          * Bezier curve segment, i.e. [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]].
2344          * @returns {Array} Bounding box [minX, maxY, maxX, minY]
2345          */
2346         _bezierBbox: function (curve) {
2347             var bb = [];
2349             if (curve.length === 4) {
2350                 // bezierDegree == 3
2351                 bb[0] = Math.min(curve[0][0], curve[1][0], curve[2][0], curve[3][0]); // minX
2352                 bb[1] = Math.max(curve[0][1], curve[1][1], curve[2][1], curve[3][1]); // maxY
2353                 bb[2] = Math.max(curve[0][0], curve[1][0], curve[2][0], curve[3][0]); // maxX
2354                 bb[3] = Math.min(curve[0][1], curve[1][1], curve[2][1], curve[3][1]); // minY
2355             } else {
2356                 // bezierDegree == 1
2357                 bb[0] = Math.min(curve[0][0], curve[1][0]); // minX
2358                 bb[1] = Math.max(curve[0][1], curve[1][1]); // maxY
2359                 bb[2] = Math.max(curve[0][0], curve[1][0]); // maxX
2360                 bb[3] = Math.min(curve[0][1], curve[1][1]); // minY
2361             }
2363             return bb;
2364         },
2366         /**
2367          * Decide if two Bezier curve segments overlap by comparing their bounding boxes.
2368          * @param {Array} bb1 Bounding box of the first Bezier curve segment
2369          * @param {Array} bb2 Bounding box of the second Bezier curve segment
2370          * @returns {Boolean} true if the bounding boxes overlap, false otherwise.
2371          */
2372         _bezierOverlap: function (bb1, bb2) {
2373             return bb1[2] >= bb2[0] && bb1[0] <= bb2[2] && bb1[1] >= bb2[3] && bb1[3] <= bb2[1];
2374         },
2376         /**
2377          * Append list of intersection points to a list.
2378          * @private
2379          */
2380         _bezierListConcat: function (L, Lnew, t1, t2) {
2381             var i,
2382                 t2exists = Type.exists(t2),
2383                 start = 0,
2384                 len = Lnew.length,
2385                 le = L.length;
2387             if (
2388                 le > 0 &&
2389                 len > 0 &&
2390                 ((L[le - 1][1] === 1 && Lnew[0][1] === 0) ||
2391                     (t2exists && L[le - 1][2] === 1 && Lnew[0][2] === 0))
2392             ) {
2393                 start = 1;
2394             }
2396             for (i = start; i < len; i++) {
2397                 if (t2exists) {
2398                     Lnew[i][2] *= 0.5;
2399                     Lnew[i][2] += t2;
2400                 }
2402                 Lnew[i][1] *= 0.5;
2403                 Lnew[i][1] += t1;
2405                 L.push(Lnew[i]);
2406             }
2407         },
2409         /**
2410          * Find intersections of two Bezier curve segments by recursive subdivision.
2411          * Below maxlevel determine intersections by intersection line segments.
2412          * @param {Array} red Array of four coordinate arrays of length 2 defining the first
2413          * Bezier curve segment, i.e. [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]].
2414          * @param {Array} blue Array of four coordinate arrays of length 2 defining the second
2415          * Bezier curve segment, i.e. [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]].
2416          * @param {Number} level Recursion level
2417          * @returns {Array} List of intersection points (up to nine). Each intersection point is an
2418          * array of length three (homogeneous coordinates) plus preimages.
2419          */
2420         _bezierMeetSubdivision: function (red, blue, level) {
2421             var bbb,
2422                 bbr,
2423                 ar,
2424                 b0,
2425                 b1,
2426                 r0,
2427                 r1,
2428                 m,
2429                 p0,
2430                 p1,
2431                 q0,
2432                 q1,
2433                 L = [],
2434                 maxLev = 5; // Maximum recursion level
2436             bbr = this._bezierBbox(blue);
2437             bbb = this._bezierBbox(red);
2439             if (!this._bezierOverlap(bbr, bbb)) {
2440                 return [];
2441             }
2443             if (level < maxLev) {
2444                 ar = this._bezierSplit(red);
2445                 r0 = ar[0];
2446                 r1 = ar[1];
2448                 ar = this._bezierSplit(blue);
2449                 b0 = ar[0];
2450                 b1 = ar[1];
2452                 this._bezierListConcat(
2453                     L,
2454                     this._bezierMeetSubdivision(r0, b0, level + 1),
2455                     0.0,
2456                     0.0
2457                 );
2458                 this._bezierListConcat(
2459                     L,
2460                     this._bezierMeetSubdivision(r0, b1, level + 1),
2461                     0,
2462                     0.5
2463                 );
2464                 this._bezierListConcat(
2465                     L,
2466                     this._bezierMeetSubdivision(r1, b0, level + 1),
2467                     0.5,
2468                     0.0
2469                 );
2470                 this._bezierListConcat(
2471                     L,
2472                     this._bezierMeetSubdivision(r1, b1, level + 1),
2473                     0.5,
2474                     0.5
2475                 );
2477                 return L;
2478             }
2480             // Make homogeneous coordinates
2481             q0 = [1].concat(red[0]);
2482             q1 = [1].concat(red[3]);
2483             p0 = [1].concat(blue[0]);
2484             p1 = [1].concat(blue[3]);
2486             m = this.meetSegmentSegment(q0, q1, p0, p1);
2488             if (m[1] >= 0.0 && m[2] >= 0.0 && m[1] <= 1.0 && m[2] <= 1.0) {
2489                 return [m];
2490             }
2492             return [];
2493         },
2495         /**
2496          * @param {Boolean} testSegment Test if intersection has to be inside of the segment or somewhere on the line defined by the segment
2497          */
2498         _bezierLineMeetSubdivision: function (red, blue, level, testSegment) {
2499             var bbb, bbr, ar,
2500                 r0, r1,
2501                 m,
2502                 p0, p1, q0, q1,
2503                 L = [],
2504                 maxLev = 5; // Maximum recursion level
2506             bbb = this._bezierBbox(blue);
2507             bbr = this._bezierBbox(red);
2509             if (testSegment && !this._bezierOverlap(bbr, bbb)) {
2510                 return [];
2511             }
2513             if (level < maxLev) {
2514                 ar = this._bezierSplit(red);
2515                 r0 = ar[0];
2516                 r1 = ar[1];
2518                 this._bezierListConcat(
2519                     L,
2520                     this._bezierLineMeetSubdivision(r0, blue, level + 1),
2521                     0.0
2522                 );
2523                 this._bezierListConcat(
2524                     L,
2525                     this._bezierLineMeetSubdivision(r1, blue, level + 1),
2526                     0.5
2527                 );
2529                 return L;
2530             }
2532             // Make homogeneous coordinates
2533             q0 = [1].concat(red[0]);
2534             q1 = [1].concat(red[3]);
2535             p0 = [1].concat(blue[0]);
2536             p1 = [1].concat(blue[1]);
2538             m = this.meetSegmentSegment(q0, q1, p0, p1);
2540             if (m[1] >= 0.0 && m[1] <= 1.0) {
2541                 if (!testSegment || (m[2] >= 0.0 && m[2] <= 1.0)) {
2542                     return [m];
2543                 }
2544             }
2546             return [];
2547         },
2549         /**
2550          * Find the nr-th intersection point of two Bezier curve segments.
2551          * @param {Array} red Array of four coordinate arrays of length 2 defining the first
2552          * Bezier curve segment, i.e. [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]].
2553          * @param {Array} blue Array of four coordinate arrays of length 2 defining the second
2554          * Bezier curve segment, i.e. [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3]].
2555          * @param {Boolean} testSegment Test if intersection has to be inside of the segment or somewhere on the line defined by the segment
2556          * @returns {Array} Array containing the list of all intersection points as homogeneous coordinate arrays plus
2557          * preimages [x,y], t_1, t_2] of the two Bezier curve segments.
2558          *
2559          */
2560         meetBeziersegmentBeziersegment: function (red, blue, testSegment) {
2561             var L, L2, i;
2563             if (red.length === 4 && blue.length === 4) {
2564                 L = this._bezierMeetSubdivision(red, blue, 0);
2565             } else {
2566                 L = this._bezierLineMeetSubdivision(red, blue, 0, testSegment);
2567             }
2569             L.sort(function (a, b) {
2570                 return (a[1] - b[1]) * 10000000.0 + (a[2] - b[2]);
2571             });
2573             L2 = [];
2574             for (i = 0; i < L.length; i++) {
2575                 // Only push entries different from their predecessor
2576                 if (i === 0 || L[i][1] !== L[i - 1][1] || L[i][2] !== L[i - 1][2]) {
2577                     L2.push(L[i]);
2578                 }
2579             }
2580             return L2;
2581         },
2583         /**
2584          * Find the nr-th intersection point of two Bezier curves, i.e. curves with bezierDegree == 3.
2585          * @param {JXG.Curve} red Curve with bezierDegree == 3
2586          * @param {JXG.Curve} blue Curve with bezierDegree == 3
2587          * @param {Number|Function} nr The number of the intersection point which should be returned.
2588          * @returns {Array} The homogeneous coordinates of the nr-th intersection point.
2589          */
2590         meetBezierCurveRedBlueSegments: function (red, blue, nr) {
2591             var p, i, j, k,
2592                 n = Type.evaluate(nr),
2593                 po, tmp,
2594                 redArr,
2595                 blueArr,
2596                 bbr,
2597                 bbb,
2598                 intersections,
2599                 startRed = 0,
2600                 startBlue = 0,
2601                 lenBlue, lenRed,
2602                 L = [];
2604             if (blue.numberPoints < blue.bezierDegree + 1 || red.numberPoints < red.bezierDegree + 1) {
2605                 return [0, NaN, NaN];
2606             }
2607             if (red.bezierDegree === 1 && blue.bezierDegree === 3) {
2608                 tmp = red;
2609                 red = blue;
2610                 blue = tmp;
2611             }
2613             lenBlue = blue.numberPoints - blue.bezierDegree;
2614             lenRed = red.numberPoints - red.bezierDegree;
2616             // For sectors, we ignore the "legs"
2617             if (red.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_SECTOR) {
2618                 startRed = 3;
2619                 lenRed -= 3;
2620             }
2621             if (blue.type === Const.OBJECT_TYPE_SECTOR) {
2622                 startBlue = 3;
2623                 lenBlue -= 3;
2624             }
2626             for (i = startRed; i < lenRed; i += red.bezierDegree) {
2627                 p = red.points;
2628                 redArr = [p[i].usrCoords.slice(1), p[i + 1].usrCoords.slice(1)];
2629                 if (red.bezierDegree === 3) {
2630                     redArr[2] = p[i + 2].usrCoords.slice(1);
2631                     redArr[3] = p[i + 3].usrCoords.slice(1);
2632                 }
2634                 bbr = this._bezierBbox(redArr);
2636                 for (j = startBlue; j < lenBlue; j += blue.bezierDegree) {
2637                     p = blue.points;
2638                     blueArr = [p[j].usrCoords.slice(1), p[j + 1].usrCoords.slice(1)];
2639                     if (blue.bezierDegree === 3) {
2640                         blueArr[2] = p[j + 2].usrCoords.slice(1);
2641                         blueArr[3] = p[j + 3].usrCoords.slice(1);
2642                     }
2644                     bbb = this._bezierBbox(blueArr);
2645                     if (this._bezierOverlap(bbr, bbb)) {
2646                         intersections = this.meetBeziersegmentBeziersegment(redArr, blueArr);
2647                         if (intersections.length === 0) {
2648                             continue;
2649                         }
2650                         for (k = 0; k < intersections.length; k++) {
2651                             po = intersections[k];
2652                             if (
2653                                 po[1] < -Mat.eps ||
2654                                 po[1] > 1 + Mat.eps ||
2655                                 po[2] < -Mat.eps ||
2656                                 po[2] > 1 + Mat.eps
2657                             ) {
2658                                 continue;
2659                             }
2660                             L.push(po);
2661                         }
2662                         if (L.length > n) {
2663                             return L[n][0];
2664                         }
2665                     }
2666                 }
2667             }
2668             if (L.length > n) {
2669                 return L[n][0];
2670             }
2672             return [0, NaN, NaN];
2673         },
2675         bezierSegmentEval: function (t, curve) {
2676             var f,
2677                 x,
2678                 y,
2679                 t1 = 1.0 - t;
2681             x = 0;
2682             y = 0;
2684             f = t1 * t1 * t1;
2685             x += f * curve[0][0];
2686             y += f * curve[0][1];
2688             f = 3.0 * t * t1 * t1;
2689             x += f * curve[1][0];
2690             y += f * curve[1][1];
2692             f = 3.0 * t * t * t1;
2693             x += f * curve[2][0];
2694             y += f * curve[2][1];
2696             f = t * t * t;
2697             x += f * curve[3][0];
2698             y += f * curve[3][1];
2700             return [1.0, x, y];
2701         },
2703         /**
2704          * Generate the defining points of a 3rd degree bezier curve that approximates
2705          * a circle sector defined by three coordinate points A, B, C, each defined by an array of length three.
2706          * The coordinate arrays are given in homogeneous coordinates.
2707          * @param {Array} A First point
2708          * @param {Array} B Second point (intersection point)
2709          * @param {Array} C Third point
2710          * @param {Boolean} withLegs Flag. If true the legs to the intersection point are part of the curve.
2711          * @param {Number} sgn Wither 1 or -1. Needed for minor and major arcs. In case of doubt, use 1.
2712          */
2713         bezierArc: function (A, B, C, withLegs, sgn) {
2714             var p1,
2715                 p2,
2716                 p3,
2717                 p4,
2718                 r,
2719                 phi,
2720                 beta,
2721                 PI2 = Math.PI * 0.5,
2722                 x = B[1],
2723                 y = B[2],
2724                 z = B[0],
2725                 dataX = [],
2726                 dataY = [],
2727                 co,
2728                 si,
2729                 ax,
2730                 ay,
2731                 bx,
2732                 by,
2733                 k,
2734                 v,
2735                 d,
2736                 matrix;
2738             r = this.distance(B, A);
2740             // x,y, z is intersection point. Normalize it.
2741             x /= z;
2742             y /= z;
2744             phi = this.rad(A.slice(1), B.slice(1), C.slice(1));
2745             if (sgn === -1) {
2746                 phi = 2 * Math.PI - phi;
2747             }
2749             p1 = A;
2750             p1[1] /= p1[0];
2751             p1[2] /= p1[0];
2752             p1[0] /= p1[0];
2754             p4 = p1.slice(0);
2756             if (withLegs) {
2757                 dataX = [x, x + 0.333 * (p1[1] - x), x + 0.666 * (p1[1] - x), p1[1]];
2758                 dataY = [y, y + 0.333 * (p1[2] - y), y + 0.666 * (p1[2] - y), p1[2]];
2759             } else {
2760                 dataX = [p1[1]];
2761                 dataY = [p1[2]];
2762             }
2764             while (phi > Mat.eps) {
2765                 if (phi > PI2) {
2766                     beta = PI2;
2767                     phi -= PI2;
2768                 } else {
2769                     beta = phi;
2770                     phi = 0;
2771                 }
2773                 co = Math.cos(sgn * beta);
2774                 si = Math.sin(sgn * beta);
2776                 matrix = [
2777                     [1, 0, 0],
2778                     [x * (1 - co) + y * si, co, -si],
2779                     [y * (1 - co) - x * si, si, co]
2780                 ];
2781                 v = Mat.matVecMult(matrix, p1);
2782                 p4 = [v[0] / v[0], v[1] / v[0], v[2] / v[0]];
2784                 ax = p1[1] - x;
2785                 ay = p1[2] - y;
2786                 bx = p4[1] - x;
2787                 by = p4[2] - y;
2788                 d = Mat.hypot(ax + bx, ay + by);
2790                 if (Math.abs(by - ay) > Mat.eps) {
2791                     k = ((((ax + bx) * (r / d - 0.5)) / (by - ay)) * 8) / 3;
2792                 } else {
2793                     k = ((((ay + by) * (r / d - 0.5)) / (ax - bx)) * 8) / 3;
2794                 }
2796                 p2 = [1, p1[1] - k * ay, p1[2] + k * ax];
2797                 p3 = [1, p4[1] + k * by, p4[2] - k * bx];
2799                 dataX = dataX.concat([p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]]);
2800                 dataY = dataY.concat([p2[2], p3[2], p4[2]]);
2801                 p1 = p4.slice(0);
2802             }
2804             if (withLegs) {
2805                 dataX = dataX.concat([
2806                     p4[1] + 0.333 * (x - p4[1]),
2807                     p4[1] + 0.666 * (x - p4[1]),
2808                     x
2809                 ]);
2810                 dataY = dataY.concat([
2811                     p4[2] + 0.333 * (y - p4[2]),
2812                     p4[2] + 0.666 * (y - p4[2]),
2813                     y
2814                 ]);
2815             }
2817             return [dataX, dataY];
2818         },
2820         /****************************************/
2821         /****           PROJECTIONS          ****/
2822         /****************************************/
2824         /**
2825          * Calculates the coordinates of the projection of a given point on a given circle. I.o.w. the
2826          * nearest one of the two intersection points of the line through the given point and the circles
2827          * center.
2828          * @param {JXG.Point|JXG.Coords} point Point to project or coords object to project.
2829          * @param {JXG.Circle} circle Circle on that the point is projected.
2830          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point.board] Reference to the board
2831          * @returns {JXG.Coords} The coordinates of the projection of the given point on the given circle.
2832          */
2833         projectPointToCircle: function (point, circle, board) {
2834             var dist,
2835                 P,
2836                 x,
2837                 y,
2838                 factor,
2839                 M = circle.center.coords.usrCoords;
2841             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
2842                 board = point.board;
2843             }
2845             // gave us a point
2846             if (Type.isPoint(point)) {
2847                 dist = point.coords.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, circle.center.coords);
2848                 P = point.coords.usrCoords;
2849                 // gave us coords
2850             } else {
2851                 dist = point.distance(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, circle.center.coords);
2852                 P = point.usrCoords;
2853             }
2855             if (Math.abs(dist) < Mat.eps) {
2856                 dist = Mat.eps;
2857             }
2859             factor = circle.Radius() / dist;
2860             x = M[1] + factor * (P[1] - M[1]);
2861             y = M[2] + factor * (P[2] - M[2]);
2863             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [x, y], board);
2864         },
2866         /**
2867          * Calculates the coordinates of the orthogonal projection of a given point on a given line. I.o.w. the
2868          * intersection point of the given line and its perpendicular through the given point.
2869          * @param {JXG.Point|JXG.Coords} point Point to project.
2870          * @param {JXG.Line} line Line on that the point is projected.
2871          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point.board|board=line.board] Reference to a board.
2872          * @returns {JXG.Coords} The coordinates of the projection of the given point on the given line.
2873          */
2874         projectPointToLine: function (point, line, board) {
2875             var v = [0, line.stdform[1], line.stdform[2]],
2876                 coords;
2878             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
2879                 if (Type.exists(point.coords)) {
2880                     board = point.board;
2881                 } else {
2882                     board = line.board;
2883                 }
2884             }
2886             if (Type.exists(point.coords)) {
2887                 coords = point.coords.usrCoords;
2888             } else {
2889                 coords = point.usrCoords;
2890             }
2892             v = Mat.crossProduct(v, coords);
2893             return new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, Mat.crossProduct(v, line.stdform), board);
2894         },
2896         /**
2897          * Calculates the coordinates of the orthogonal projection of a given coordinate array on a given line
2898          * segment defined by two coordinate arrays.
2899          * @param {Array} p Point to project.
2900          * @param {Array} q1 Start point of the line segment on that the point is projected.
2901          * @param {Array} q2 End point of the line segment on that the point is projected.
2902          * @returns {Array} The coordinates of the projection of the given point on the given segment
2903          * and the factor that determines the projected point as a convex combination of the
2904          * two endpoints q1 and q2 of the segment.
2905          */
2906         projectCoordsToSegment: function (p, q1, q2) {
2907             var t,
2908                 denom,
2909                 s = [q2[1] - q1[1], q2[2] - q1[2]],
2910                 v = [p[1] - q1[1], p[2] - q1[2]];
2912             /**
2913              * If the segment has length 0, i.e. is a point,
2914              * the projection is equal to that point.
2915              */
2916             if (Math.abs(s[0]) < Mat.eps && Math.abs(s[1]) < Mat.eps) {
2917                 return [q1, 0];
2918             }
2920             t = Mat.innerProduct(v, s);
2921             denom = Mat.innerProduct(s, s);
2922             t /= denom;
2924             return [[1, t * s[0] + q1[1], t * s[1] + q1[2]], t];
2925         },
2927         /**
2928          * Finds the coordinates of the closest point on a Bezier segment of a
2929          * {@link JXG.Curve} to a given coordinate array.
2930          * @param {Array} pos Point to project in homogeneous coordinates.
2931          * @param {JXG.Curve} curve Curve of type "plot" having Bezier degree 3.
2932          * @param {Number} start Number of the Bezier segment of the curve.
2933          * @returns {Array} The coordinates of the projection of the given point
2934          * on the given Bezier segment and the preimage of the curve which
2935          * determines the closest point.
2936          */
2937         projectCoordsToBeziersegment: function (pos, curve, start) {
2938             var t0,
2939                 /** @ignore */
2940                 minfunc = function (t) {
2941                     var z = [1, curve.X(start + t), curve.Y(start + t)];
2943                     z[1] -= pos[1];
2944                     z[2] -= pos[2];
2946                     return z[1] * z[1] + z[2] * z[2];
2947                 };
2949             t0 = JXG.Math.Numerics.fminbr(minfunc, [0.0, 1.0]);
2951             return [[1, curve.X(t0 + start), curve.Y(t0 + start)], t0];
2952         },
2954         /**
2955          * Calculates the coordinates of the projection of a given point on a given curve.
2956          * Uses {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.projectCoordsToCurve}.
2957          *
2958          * @param {JXG.Point} point Point to project.
2959          * @param {JXG.Curve} curve Curve on that the point is projected.
2960          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point.board] Reference to a board.
2961          * @see #projectCoordsToCurve
2962          * @returns {Array} [JXG.Coords, position] The coordinates of the projection of the given
2963          * point on the given graph and the relative position on the curve (real number).
2964          */
2965         projectPointToCurve: function (point, curve, board) {
2966             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
2967                 board = point.board;
2968             }
2970             var x = point.X(),
2971                 y = point.Y(),
2972                 t = point.position || 0.0,
2973                 result = this.projectCoordsToCurve(x, y, t, curve, board);
2975             // point.position = result[1];
2977             return result;
2978         },
2980         /**
2981          * Calculates the coordinates of the projection of a coordinates pair on a given curve. In case of
2982          * function graphs this is the
2983          * intersection point of the curve and the parallel to y-axis through the given point.
2984          * @param {Number} x coordinate to project.
2985          * @param {Number} y coordinate to project.
2986          * @param {Number} t start value for newtons method
2987          * @param {JXG.Curve} curve Curve on that the point is projected.
2988          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=curve.board] Reference to a board.
2989          * @see #projectPointToCurve
2990          * @returns {JXG.Coords} Array containing the coordinates of the projection of the given point on the given curve and
2991          * the position on the curve.
2992          */
2993         projectCoordsToCurve: function (x, y, t, curve, board) {
2994             var newCoords, newCoordsObj,
2995                 i, j, mindist, dist, lbda,
2996                 v, coords, d, p1, p2, res, minfunc,
2997                 t_new, f_new, f_old,
2998                 delta, delta1, delta2, steps, minX, maxX,
2999                 infty = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
3001             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
3002                 board = curve.board;
3003             }
3005             if (Type.evaluate(curve.visProp.curvetype) === "plot") {
3006                 t = 0;
3007                 mindist = infty;
3008                 if (curve.numberPoints === 0) {
3009                     newCoords = [0, 1, 1];
3010                 } else {
3011                     newCoords = [curve.Z(0), curve.X(0), curve.Y(0)];
3012                 }
3014                 if (curve.numberPoints > 1) {
3015                     v = [1, x, y];
3016                     if (curve.bezierDegree === 3) {
3017                         j = 0;
3018                     } else {
3019                         p1 = [curve.Z(0), curve.X(0), curve.Y(0)];
3020                     }
3021                     for (i = 0; i < curve.numberPoints - 1; i++) {
3022                         if (curve.bezierDegree === 3) {
3023                             res = this.projectCoordsToBeziersegment(v, curve, j);
3024                         } else {
3025                             p2 = [curve.Z(i + 1), curve.X(i + 1), curve.Y(i + 1)];
3026                             res = this.projectCoordsToSegment(v, p1, p2);
3027                         }
3028                         lbda = res[1];
3029                         coords = res[0];
3031                         if (0.0 <= lbda && lbda <= 1.0) {
3032                             dist = this.distance(coords, v);
3033                             d = i + lbda;
3034                         } else if (lbda < 0.0) {
3035                             coords = p1;
3036                             dist = this.distance(p1, v);
3037                             d = i;
3038                         } else if (lbda > 1.0 && i === curve.numberPoints - 2) {
3039                             coords = p2;
3040                             dist = this.distance(coords, v);
3041                             d = curve.numberPoints - 1;
3042                         }
3044                         if (dist < mindist) {
3045                             mindist = dist;
3046                             t = d;
3047                             newCoords = coords;
3048                         }
3050                         if (curve.bezierDegree === 3) {
3051                             j++;
3052                             i += 2;
3053                         } else {
3054                             p1 = p2;
3055                         }
3056                     }
3057                 }
3059                 newCoordsObj = new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, newCoords, board);
3060             } else {
3061                 // 'parameter', 'polar', 'functiongraph'
3062                 /** @ignore */
3063                 minfunc = function (t) {
3064                     var dx, dy;
3065                     if (t < curve.minX() || t > curve.maxX()) {
3066                         return Infinity;
3067                     }
3068                     dx = x - curve.X(t);
3069                     dy = y - curve.Y(t);
3070                     return dx * dx + dy * dy;
3071                 };
3073                 f_old = minfunc(t);
3074                 steps = 50;
3075                 minX = curve.minX();
3076                 maxX = curve.maxX();
3078                 delta = (maxX - minX) / steps;
3079                 t_new = minX;
3081                 for (i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
3082                     f_new = minfunc(t_new);
3084                     if (f_new < f_old || f_old === Infinity || isNaN(f_old)) {
3085                         t = t_new;
3086                         f_old = f_new;
3087                     }
3089                     t_new += delta;
3090                 }
3092                 // t = Numerics.root(Numerics.D(minfunc), t);
3093                 // Ensure that minfunc is defined on the
3094                 // enclsoing interval [t-delta1, t+delta2]
3095                 delta1 = delta;
3096                 for (i = 0;
3097                     i < 20 && isNaN(minfunc(t - delta1));
3098                     i++, delta1 *= 0.5);
3100                 if (isNaN(minfunc(t - delta1))) {
3101                     delta1 = 0.0;
3102                 }
3103                 delta2 = delta;
3104                 for (i = 0;
3105                     i < 20 && isNaN(minfunc(t + delta2));
3106                     i++, delta2 *= 0.5);
3107                 if (isNaN(minfunc(t + delta2))) {
3108                     delta2 = 0.0;
3109                 }
3111                 t = Numerics.fminbr(minfunc, [
3112                     Math.max(t - delta1, minX),
3113                     Math.min(t + delta2, maxX)
3114                 ]);
3116                 // Distinction between closed and open curves is not necessary.
3117                 // If closed, the cyclic projection shift will work anyhow
3118                 // if (Math.abs(curve.X(minX) - curve.X(maxX)) < Mat.eps &&
3119                 //     Math.abs(curve.Y(minX) - curve.Y(maxX)) < Mat.eps) {
3120                 //     // Cyclically
3121                 //     if (t < minX) {console.log(t)
3122                 //         t = maxX + t - minX;
3123                 //     }
3124                 //     if (t > maxX) {
3125                 //         t = minX + t - maxX;
3126                 //     }
3127                 // } else {
3128                 t = t < minX ? minX : t;
3129                 t = t > maxX ? maxX : t;
3130                 // }
3132                 newCoordsObj = new Coords(
3133                     Const.COORDS_BY_USER,
3134                     [curve.X(t), curve.Y(t)],
3135                     board
3136                 );
3137             }
3139             return [curve.updateTransform(newCoordsObj), t];
3140         },
3142         /**
3143          * Calculates the coordinates of the closest orthogonal projection of a given coordinate array onto the
3144          * border of a polygon.
3145          * @param {Array} p Point to project.
3146          * @param {JXG.Polygon} pol Polygon element
3147          * @returns {Array} The coordinates of the closest projection of the given point to the border of the polygon.
3148          */
3149         projectCoordsToPolygon: function (p, pol) {
3150             var i,
3151                 len = pol.vertices.length,
3152                 d_best = Infinity,
3153                 d,
3154                 projection,
3155                 proj,
3156                 bestprojection;
3158             for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
3159                 projection = JXG.Math.Geometry.projectCoordsToSegment(
3160                     p,
3161                     pol.vertices[i].coords.usrCoords,
3162                     pol.vertices[i + 1].coords.usrCoords
3163                 );
3165                 if (0 <= projection[1] && projection[1] <= 1) {
3166                     d = JXG.Math.Geometry.distance(projection[0], p, 3);
3167                     proj = projection[0];
3168                 } else if (projection[1] < 0) {
3169                     d = JXG.Math.Geometry.distance(pol.vertices[i].coords.usrCoords, p, 3);
3170                     proj = pol.vertices[i].coords.usrCoords;
3171                 } else {
3172                     d = JXG.Math.Geometry.distance(pol.vertices[i + 1].coords.usrCoords, p, 3);
3173                     proj = pol.vertices[i + 1].coords.usrCoords;
3174                 }
3175                 if (d < d_best) {
3176                     bestprojection = proj.slice(0);
3177                     d_best = d;
3178                 }
3179             }
3180             return bestprojection;
3181         },
3183         /**
3184          * Calculates the coordinates of the projection of a given point on a given turtle. A turtle consists of
3185          * one or more curves of curveType 'plot'. Uses {@link JXG.Math.Geometry.projectPointToCurve}.
3186          * @param {JXG.Point} point Point to project.
3187          * @param {JXG.Turtle} turtle on that the point is projected.
3188          * @param {JXG.Board} [board=point.board] Reference to a board.
3189          * @returns {Array} [JXG.Coords, position] Array containing the coordinates of the projection of the given point on the turtle and
3190          * the position on the turtle.
3191          */
3192         projectPointToTurtle: function (point, turtle, board) {
3193             var newCoords,
3194                 t,
3195                 x,
3196                 y,
3197                 i,
3198                 dist,
3199                 el,
3200                 minEl,
3201                 res,
3202                 newPos,
3203                 np = 0,
3204                 npmin = 0,
3205                 mindist = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
3206                 len = turtle.objects.length;
3208             if (!Type.exists(board)) {
3209                 board = point.board;
3210             }
3212             // run through all curves of this turtle
3213             for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
3214                 el = turtle.objects[i];
3216                 if (el.elementClass === Const.OBJECT_CLASS_CURVE) {
3217                     res = this.projectPointToCurve(point, el);
3218                     newCoords = res[0];
3219                     newPos = res[1];
3220                     dist = this.distance(newCoords.usrCoords, point.coords.usrCoords);
3222                     if (dist < mindist) {
3223                         x = newCoords.usrCoords[1];
3224                         y = newCoords.usrCoords[2];
3225                         t = newPos;
3226                         mindist = dist;
3227                         minEl = el;
3228                         npmin = np;
3229                     }
3230                     np += el.numberPoints;
3231                 }
3232             }
3234             newCoords = new Coords(Const.COORDS_BY_USER, [x, y], board);
3235             // point.position = t + npmin;
3236             // return minEl.updateTransform(newCoords);
3237             return [minEl.updateTransform(newCoords), t + npmin];
3238         },
3240         /**
3241          * Trivial projection of a point to another point.
3242          * @param {JXG.Point} point Point to project (not used).
3243          * @param {JXG.Point} dest Point on that the point is projected.
3244          * @returns {JXG.Coords} The coordinates of the projection of the given point on the given circle.
3245          */
3246         projectPointToPoint: function (point, dest) {
3247             return dest.coords;
3248         },
3250         /**
3251          *
3252          * @param {JXG.Point|JXG.Coords} point
3253          * @param {JXG.Board} [board]
3254          */
3255         projectPointToBoard: function (point, board) {
3256             var i,
3257                 l,
3258                 c,
3259                 brd = board || point.board,
3260                 // comparison factor, point coord idx, bbox idx, 1st bbox corner x & y idx, 2nd bbox corner x & y idx
3261                 config = [
3262                     // left
3263                     [1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1],
3264                     // top
3265                     [-1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1],
3266                     // right
3267                     [-1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3],
3268                     // bottom
3269                     [1, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 3]
3270                 ],
3271                 coords = point.coords || point,
3272                 bbox = brd.getBoundingBox();
3274             for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
3275                 c = config[i];
3276                 if (c[0] * coords.usrCoords[c[1]] < c[0] * bbox[c[2]]) {
3277                     // define border
3278                     l = Mat.crossProduct(
3279                         [1, bbox[c[3]], bbox[c[4]]],
3280                         [1, bbox[c[5]], bbox[c[6]]]
3281                     );
3282                     l[3] = 0;
3283                     l = Mat.normalize(l);
3285                     // project point
3286                     coords = this.projectPointToLine({ coords: coords }, { stdform: l }, brd);
3287                 }
3288             }
3290             return coords;
3291         },
3293         /**
3294          * Calculates the distance of a point to a line. The point and the line are given by homogeneous
3295          * coordinates. For lines this can be line.stdform.
3296          * @param {Array} point Homogeneous coordinates of a point.
3297          * @param {Array} line Homogeneous coordinates of a line ([C,A,B] where A*x+B*y+C*z=0).
3298          * @returns {Number} Distance of the point to the line.
3299          */
3300         distPointLine: function (point, line) {
3301             var a = line[1],
3302                 b = line[2],
3303                 c = line[0],
3304                 nom;
3306             if (Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b) < Mat.eps) {
3307                 return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
3308             }
3310             nom = a * point[1] + b * point[2] + c;
3311             a *= a;
3312             b *= b;
3314             return Math.abs(nom) / Math.sqrt(a + b);
3315         },
3317         /**
3318          * Determine the (Euclidean) distance between a point q and a line segment
3319          * defined by two points p1 and p2. In case p1 equals p2, the distance to this
3320          * point is returned.
3321          *
3322          * @param {Array} q Homogeneous coordinates of q
3323          * @param {Array} p1 Homogeneous coordinates of p1
3324          * @param {Array} p2 Homogeneous coordinates of p2
3325          * @returns {Number} Distance of q to line segment [p1, p2]
3326          */
3327         distPointSegment: function (q, p1, p2) {
3328             var x, y, dx, dy,
3329                 den, lbda,
3330                 eps = Mat.eps * Mat.eps,
3331                 huge = 1000000;
3333             // Difference q - p1
3334             x = q[1] - p1[1];
3335             y = q[2] - p1[2];
3336             x = (x === Infinity) ? huge : (x === -Infinity) ? -huge : x;
3337             y = (y === Infinity) ? huge : (y === -Infinity) ? -huge : y;
3339             // Difference p2 - p1
3340             dx = p2[1] - p1[1];
3341             dy = p2[2] - p1[2];
3342             dx = (dx === Infinity) ? huge : (dx === -Infinity) ? -huge : dx;
3343             dy = (dy === Infinity) ? huge : (dy === -Infinity) ? -huge : dy;
3345             // If den==0 then p1 and p2 are identical
3346             // In this case the distance to p1 is returned
3347             den = dx * dx + dy * dy;
3348             if (den > eps) {
3349                 lbda = (x * dx + y * dy) / den;
3350                 if (lbda < 0.0) {
3351                     lbda = 0.0;
3352                 } else if (lbda > 1.0) {
3353                     lbda = 1.0;
3354                 }
3355                 x -= lbda * dx;
3356                 y -= lbda * dy;
3357             }
3359             return Mat.hypot(x, y);
3360         },
3362         /**
3363          * Helper function to create curve which displays a Reuleaux polygons.
3364          * @param {Array} points Array of points which should be the vertices of the Reuleaux polygon. Typically,
3365          * these point list is the array vertices of a regular polygon.
3366          * @param {Number} nr Number of vertices
3367          * @returns {Array} An array containing the two functions defining the Reuleaux polygon and the two values
3368          * for the start and the end of the paramtric curve. array may be used as parent array of a
3369          * {@link JXG.Curve}.
3370          *
3371          * @example
3372          * var A = brd.create('point',[-2,-2]);
3373          * var B = brd.create('point',[0,1]);
3374          * var pol = brd.create('regularpolygon',[A,B,3], {withLines:false, fillColor:'none', highlightFillColor:'none', fillOpacity:0.0});
3375          * var reuleauxTriangle = brd.create('curve', JXG.Math.Geometry.reuleauxPolygon(pol.vertices, 3),
3376          *                          {strokeWidth:6, strokeColor:'#d66d55', fillColor:'#ad5544', highlightFillColor:'#ad5544'});
3377          *
3378          * </pre><div class="jxgbox" id="JXG2543a843-46a9-4372-abc1-94d9ad2db7ac" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"></div>
3379          * <script type="text/javascript">
3380          * var brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('JXG2543a843-46a9-4372-abc1-94d9ad2db7ac', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5, -5], axis: true, showcopyright:false, shownavigation: false});
3381          * var A = brd.create('point',[-2,-2]);
3382          * var B = brd.create('point',[0,1]);
3383          * var pol = brd.create('regularpolygon',[A,B,3], {withLines:false, fillColor:'none', highlightFillColor:'none', fillOpacity:0.0});
3384          * var reuleauxTriangle = brd.create('curve', JXG.Math.Geometry.reuleauxPolygon(pol.vertices, 3),
3385          *                          {strokeWidth:6, strokeColor:'#d66d55', fillColor:'#ad5544', highlightFillColor:'#ad5544'});
3386          * </script><pre>
3387          */
3388         reuleauxPolygon: function (points, nr) {
3389             var beta,
3390                 pi2 = Math.PI * 2,
3391                 pi2_n = pi2 / nr,
3392                 diag = (nr - 1) / 2,
3393                 d = 0,
3394                 makeFct = function (which, trig) {
3395                     return function (t, suspendUpdate) {
3396                         var t1 = ((t % pi2) + pi2) % pi2,
3397                             j = Math.floor(t1 / pi2_n) % nr;
3399                         if (!suspendUpdate) {
3400                             d = points[0].Dist(points[diag]);
3401                             beta = Mat.Geometry.rad(
3402                                 [points[0].X() + 1, points[0].Y()],
3403                                 points[0],
3404                                 points[diag % nr]
3405                             );
3406                         }
3408                         if (isNaN(j)) {
3409                             return j;
3410                         }
3412                         t1 = t1 * 0.5 + j * pi2_n * 0.5 + beta;
3414                         return points[j][which]() + d * Math[trig](t1);
3415                     };
3416                 };
3418             return [makeFct("X", "cos"), makeFct("Y", "sin"), 0, pi2];
3419         },
3421         meet3Planes: function (n1, d1, n2, d2, n3, d3) {
3422             var p = [0, 0, 0],
3423                 n31,
3424                 n12,
3425                 n23,
3426                 denom,
3427                 i;
3429             n31 = Mat.crossProduct(n3, n1);
3430             n12 = Mat.crossProduct(n1, n2);
3431             n23 = Mat.crossProduct(n2, n3);
3432             denom = Mat.innerProduct(n1, n23, 3);
3433             for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3434                 p[i] = (d1 * n23[i] + d2 * n31[i] + d3 * n12[i]) / denom;
3435             }
3436             return p;
3437         },
3439         meetPlanePlane: function (v11, v12, v21, v22) {
3440             var i,
3441                 no1,
3442                 no2,
3443                 v = [0, 0, 0],
3444                 w = [0, 0, 0];
3446             for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3447                 v[i] = Type.evaluate(v11[i]);
3448                 w[i] = Type.evaluate(v12[i]);
3449             }
3450             no1 = Mat.crossProduct(v, w);
3452             for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
3453                 v[i] = Type.evaluate(v21[i]);
3454                 w[i] = Type.evaluate(v22[i]);
3455             }
3456             no2 = Mat.crossProduct(v, w);
3458             return Mat.crossProduct(no1, no2);
3459         },
3461         project3DTo3DPlane: function (point, normal, foot) {
3462             // TODO: homogeneous 3D coordinates
3463             var sol = [0, 0, 0],
3464                 le,
3465                 d1,
3466                 d2,
3467                 lbda;
3469             foot = foot || [0, 0, 0];
3471             le = Mat.norm(normal);
3472             d1 = Mat.innerProduct(point, normal, 3);
3473             d2 = Mat.innerProduct(foot, normal, 3);
3474             // (point - lbda * normal / le) * normal / le == foot * normal / le
3475             // => (point * normal - foot * normal) ==  lbda * le
3476             lbda = (d1 - d2) / le;
3477             sol = Mat.axpy(-lbda, normal, point);
3479             return sol;
3480         },
3482         getPlaneBounds: function (v1, v2, q, s, e) {
3483             var s1, s2, e1, e2, mat, rhs, sol;
3485             if (v1[2] + v2[0] !== 0) {
3486                 mat = [
3487                     [v1[0], v2[0]],
3488                     [v1[1], v2[1]]
3489                 ];
3490                 rhs = [s - q[0], s - q[1]];
3492                 sol = Numerics.Gauss(mat, rhs);
3493                 s1 = sol[0];
3494                 s2 = sol[1];
3496                 rhs = [e - q[0], e - q[1]];
3497                 sol = Numerics.Gauss(mat, rhs);
3498                 e1 = sol[0];
3499                 e2 = sol[1];
3500                 return [s1, e1, s2, e2];
3501             }
3502             return null;
3503         }
3504     }
3505 );
3507 export default Mat.Geometry;