Texts and Transformations

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Revision as of 15:53, 9 August 2023 by A WASSERMANN (talk | contribs)

A simple text rotation

Rotate the text "Hello World" by 30° around its lower left corner. Don't forget to update the board at the end, otherwise the transformations is not applied.

The JavaScript code

    var brd, txt;
    JXG.Options.text.display = 'internal';
    brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box1', {boundingbox:[-5,5,5,-5], axis:true, showNavigation:true, showCopyright:true});
    txt = brd.create('text',[-2,-1, 'Hello World'], {fontSize:30});

    // Rotate text around the lower left corner (-2,-1) by 30 degrees.
    var tRot = brd.create('transform', [30.0*Math.PI/180.0, -2,-1], {type:'rotate'}); 

A more complex example

The same transformations we applied to images in Images and Transformations can be applied to texts, too.

The JavaScript code

Here is the complete code to accomplish this behaviour.

    var brd, txt, p0, p1;
    JXG.Options.text.display = 'internal';
    brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box2', {boundingbox:[-5,5,5,-5], axis:true, showNavigation:true, showCopyright:true});
    p0 = brd.create('point', [0,0], {style:5, name:'offset'}); 
    p1 = brd.create('point', [3,0], {style:5, name:'rotate+scale'}); 
    txt = brd.create('text',[0,0, 'Hello World'], {fontSize:30});

    var tOff = brd.create('transform', [function(){return p0.X()},function(){return p0.Y()}], {type:'translate'}); 
    // Rotate text around point "offset" by dragging point "rotate+scale"
    var tRot = brd.create('transform', [function(){return Math.atan2(p1.Y()-p0.Y(),p1.X()-p0.X())}, p0], {type:'rotate'}); 
    // Scale text by dragging point "rot+scale"
    // We do this by moving the text back to the origin (inverse of transformation tOff),
    // then scale the text (because scaling "starts from (0,0))
    // Finally, we move the text back to point "Offset"
    var tOffInv = brd.create('transform', [function(){return -p0.X()},function(){return -p0.Y()}], {type:'translate'}); 
    var tScale = brd.create('transform', [function(){return p1.Dist(p0)/3;},
                                        function(){return p1.Dist(p0)/3;}], {type:'scale'}); 
    tOffInv.bindTo(txt); tScale.bindTo(txt); tOff.bindTo(txt);