Display stock quotes from Yahoo!

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Revision as of 15:26, 29 October 2009 by A WASSERMANN (talk | contribs)
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This JSXGraph application fetches the live stock quotes of the German DAX Index (gdaxi) from Yahoo!. The curve is updated only once a second, so initially it needs a little patience until the curve is visible.

The underlying JavaScript code

<jsxgraph width="700" height="400">
var hi, lo, brd, periodical, 
    brd, g, txt, val,
    x = [],
    y = [];

fetchData = function() {
    new Ajax.Request('/ajax/stockquotes.php', {
        onComplete: function(transport) {
            var t, a;
            if (200 == transport.status) {
                t = transport.responseText;
                a = t.split(',');
                val = a[1];  // set the text
                if (!g) { 
                    g = brd.createElement('curve', [x,y],{strokeWidth:3, strokeColor:'green',shadow:true}); 
                    txt = brd.createElement('text', [3,(hi+lo)*0.5,function(){return 'GDAXI = '+val;}],{fontSize:'14px'}); 
                } else {
                    g.dataX = x;                    
                    g.dataY = y;

// Fetch max and min, and start the periodical update.
new Ajax.Request('/ajax/stockquotes.php', {
        onComplete: function(transport) {
            var a, t;
            if (200 == transport.status) {
                t = transport.responseText;
                a = t.split(',');
                hi = a[6]*1.00002;
                lo = a[7]*0.99998;
                brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {axis:true, boundingbox:[0,hi,200,lo]});

Start = function() {
   if (periodical==null) {
      periodical = setInterval(fetchData,1000);  // Start the periodical update

Stop = function() {
   if (periodical!=null) {
       periodical = null;


The PHP code

$fp = fopen ("http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=^gdaxi&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv","r");
echo fgets ($fp, 1024);
fclose ($fp);