Analyze data with the Statistics software R: Difference between revisions

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The R script can be [downloaded here].
The R script can be [/~alfred/jsxgraph/branches/0.70/examples/LokSkala.R downloaded here].


Revision as of 09:13, 8 December 2008

This litte application sends the coordinates of the points to the server. There, with the Statistics software R the data is analyzed. The return values are plotted and displayed.

Online results:


The JavaScript code of the client

        brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {originX: 20, originY: 300, unitX: 60, unitY: 10});
        b1axisx = brd.createElement('axis', [[0,0], [1,0]], {ticksDelta:5, strokeColor:'#000000'});
        b1axisy = brd.createElement('axis', [[0,0], [0,1]], {ticksDelta:5, strokeColor:'#000000'});
        b1axisx.ticksDelta = 5;
        b1axisy.ticksDelta = 5;
        brd.fullUpdate = true;
        brd.fullUpdate = false;
        var graph1,graph2,graph3,graph4,graph5,graph6;

        var x = [];
        var y = [];
        var p = [];
        for (var i=0;i<11;i++) {
            x[i] = i;
            y[i] = 10+(Math.random()-0.5)*10;
            p[i] = brd.createElement('point', [x[i],y[i]],{name:' ',fixed:true,style:7}); 
        var hlow = [];
        var hup = [];
        var l = [];
        hlow[0] = brd.createElement('point', [x[0],0],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hlow[1] = brd.createElement('point', [x[10],0],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hlow[2] = brd.createElement('point', [x[8],0],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hlow[3] = brd.createElement('point', [x[9],0],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hup[0] = brd.createElement('point', [x[0],20],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hup[1] = brd.createElement('point', [x[10],20],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hup[2] = brd.createElement('point', [x[8],20],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        hup[3] = brd.createElement('point', [x[9],20],{name:' ',visible:false}); 
        l[0] = brd.createElement('line', [hlow[0],hup[0]],{visible:false}); 
        l[1] = brd.createElement('line', [hlow[1],hup[1]],{visible:false}); 
        l[2] = brd.createElement('line', [hlow[2],hup[2]],{visible:false}); 
        l[3] = brd.createElement('line', [hlow[3],hup[3]],{visible:false}); 

        p[0] = brd.createElement('glider', [x[0],y[0],l[0]],{name:' ',style:6}); 
        p[10] = brd.createElement('glider', [x[10],y[10],l[1]],{name:' ',style:6}); 
        p[8] = brd.createElement('glider', [x[8],y[8],l[2]],{name:' ',style:6}); 
        p[9] = brd.createElement('glider', [x[9],y[9],l[3]],{name:' ',style:6}); 

        function doIt() {
            // Generate a ";"-separated list
            var t = '';
            for (var i=0;i<p.length;i++) {
                t += p[i].Y() + ';';
            new Ajax.Request('/~alfred/jsxgraph/branches/0.70/examples/rserv.php', {
                onComplete: function(transport) {
                    if (200 == transport.status) {
                        var t = transport.responseText;
                        var res = t.match(/"(.*)"/gi);
                        res = RegExp.$1;
                        var a = res.split(";");
                        var m = a[0]*1.0;
                        var sd = a[1]*1.0;
                        var med = a[2]*1.0;
                        var mad = a[3]*1.0;
                        var mad = a[3]*1.0;
                        var estimator1 = a[4]*1.0;
                        var estimator2 = a[5]*1.0;
                        if (!graph2) { 
                            graph2 = brd.createElement('curve', [[x[0],x[x.length-1]],[m,m]], {strokecolor:'red'}); 
                            graph3 = brd.createElement('curve', [[x[0],x[x.length-1]],[m+sd,m+sd]], {strokecolor:'red',dash:2}); 
                            graph4 = brd.createElement('curve', [[x[0],x[x.length-1]],[m-sd,m-sd]], {strokecolor:'red',dash:2}); 
                            graph5 = brd.createElement('curve', [[x[0],x[x.length-1]],[med,med]], {strokecolor:'gray'}); 
                            graph1 = brd.createElement('curve', [[x[0],x[x.length-1]],[med-mad,med-mad]], {strokecolor:'gray',dash:3}); 
                            graph6 = brd.createElement('curve', [[x[0],x[x.length-1]],[med+mad,med+mad]], {strokecolor:'gray',dash:3}); 
                        } else {
                            graph2.dataY = [m,m];
                            graph3.dataY = [m+sd,m+sd];
                            graph4.dataY = [m-sd,m-sd];
                            graph5.dataY = [med,med];
                            graph1.dataY = [med-mad,med-mad];
                            graph6.dataY = [med+mad,med+mad];

                        $('output').innerHTML = 'Statistics:<br>'+ 
                                'Mean value=' + brd.round(m,2) + '<br />' +
                                'sd=' + brd.round(sd,2) + '<br />' +
                                'median=' + brd.round(med,2) + '<br />' +
                                'MAD=' + brd.round(mad,2) + '<br />' + 
                                'optimal-robust radius-minimax estimator for location=' + brd.round(estimator1,2) + '<br />' +
                                'optimal-robust radius-minimax estimator for scala=' + brd.round(estimator2,2) + '<br />';

The PHP code of the server (rserv.php)

$input = $_POST["input"];
$cmd = "/usr/bin/Rscript LokSkala.R '" . $input ."'";

The R script can be [/~alfred/jsxgraph/branches/0.70/examples/LokSkala.R downloaded here].