1 /*
  2     Copyright 2008-2024
  3         Matthias Ehmann,
  4         Michael Gerhaeuser,
  5         Carsten Miller,
  6         Bianca Valentin,
  7         Andreas Walter,
  8         Alfred Wassermann,
  9         Peter Wilfahrt
 11     This file is part of JSXGraph.
 13     JSXGraph is free software dual licensed under the GNU LGPL or MIT License.
 15     You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 17       * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 18         the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 19         (at your option) any later version
 20       OR
 21       * MIT License: https://github.com/jsxgraph/jsxgraph/blob/master/LICENSE.MIT
 23     JSXGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 24     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 26     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 28     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License and
 29     the MIT License along with JSXGraph. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 30     and <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT/>.
 31  */
 33 /*global JXG: true, define: true*/
 35 /*jslint nomen: true, plusplus: true*/
 37 /**
 38  * Functions for color conversions. This was originally based on a class to parse color values by
 39  * Stoyan Stefanov <sstoo@gmail.com> (see https://www.phpied.com/rgb-color-parser-in-javascript/)
 40  */
 42 import JXG from "../jxg.js";
 43 import Type from "./type.js";
 44 import Mat from "../math/math.js";
 46 // private constants and helper functions
 48 // simple colors contains string color constants that can be used in various browser
 49 // in javascript
 50 var simpleColors = {
 51         aliceblue: "f0f8ff",
 52         antiquewhite: "faebd7",
 53         aqua: "00ffff",
 54         aquamarine: "7fffd4",
 55         azure: "f0ffff",
 56         beige: "f5f5dc",
 57         bisque: "ffe4c4",
 58         black: "000000",
 59         blanchedalmond: "ffebcd",
 60         blue: "0000ff",
 61         blueviolet: "8a2be2",
 62         brown: "a52a2a",
 63         burlywood: "deb887",
 64         cadetblue: "5f9ea0",
 65         chartreuse: "7fff00",
 66         chocolate: "d2691e",
 67         coral: "ff7f50",
 68         cornflowerblue: "6495ed",
 69         cornsilk: "fff8dc",
 70         crimson: "dc143c",
 71         cyan: "00ffff",
 72         darkblue: "00008b",
 73         darkcyan: "008b8b",
 74         darkgoldenrod: "b8860b",
 75         darkgray: "a9a9a9",
 76         darkgreen: "006400",
 77         darkkhaki: "bdb76b",
 78         darkmagenta: "8b008b",
 79         darkolivegreen: "556b2f",
 80         darkorange: "ff8c00",
 81         darkorchid: "9932cc",
 82         darkred: "8b0000",
 83         darksalmon: "e9967a",
 84         darkseagreen: "8fbc8f",
 85         darkslateblue: "483d8b",
 86         darkslategray: "2f4f4f",
 87         darkturquoise: "00ced1",
 88         darkviolet: "9400d3",
 89         deeppink: "ff1493",
 90         deepskyblue: "00bfff",
 91         dimgray: "696969",
 92         dodgerblue: "1e90ff",
 93         feldspar: "d19275",
 94         firebrick: "b22222",
 95         floralwhite: "fffaf0",
 96         forestgreen: "228b22",
 97         fuchsia: "ff00ff",
 98         gainsboro: "dcdcdc",
 99         ghostwhite: "f8f8ff",
100         gold: "ffd700",
101         goldenrod: "daa520",
102         gray: "808080",
103         green: "008000",
104         greenyellow: "adff2f",
105         honeydew: "f0fff0",
106         hotpink: "ff69b4",
107         indianred: "cd5c5c",
108         indigo: "4b0082",
109         ivory: "fffff0",
110         khaki: "f0e68c",
111         lavender: "e6e6fa",
112         lavenderblush: "fff0f5",
113         lawngreen: "7cfc00",
114         lemonchiffon: "fffacd",
115         lightblue: "add8e6",
116         lightcoral: "f08080",
117         lightcyan: "e0ffff",
118         lightgoldenrodyellow: "fafad2",
119         lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
120         lightgreen: "90ee90",
121         lightpink: "ffb6c1",
122         lightsalmon: "ffa07a",
123         lightseagreen: "20b2aa",
124         lightskyblue: "87cefa",
125         lightslateblue: "8470ff",
126         lightslategray: "778899",
127         lightsteelblue: "b0c4de",
128         lightyellow: "ffffe0",
129         lime: "00ff00",
130         limegreen: "32cd32",
131         linen: "faf0e6",
132         magenta: "ff00ff",
133         maroon: "800000",
134         mediumaquamarine: "66cdaa",
135         mediumblue: "0000cd",
136         mediumorchid: "ba55d3",
137         mediumpurple: "9370d8",
138         mediumseagreen: "3cb371",
139         mediumslateblue: "7b68ee",
140         mediumspringgreen: "00fa9a",
141         mediumturquoise: "48d1cc",
142         mediumvioletred: "c71585",
143         midnightblue: "191970",
144         mintcream: "f5fffa",
145         mistyrose: "ffe4e1",
146         moccasin: "ffe4b5",
147         navajowhite: "ffdead",
148         navy: "000080",
149         oldlace: "fdf5e6",
150         olive: "808000",
151         olivedrab: "6b8e23",
152         orange: "ffa500",
153         orangered: "ff4500",
154         orchid: "da70d6",
155         palegoldenrod: "eee8aa",
156         palegreen: "98fb98",
157         paleturquoise: "afeeee",
158         palevioletred: "d87093",
159         papayawhip: "ffefd5",
160         peachpuff: "ffdab9",
161         peru: "cd853f",
162         pink: "ffc0cb",
163         plum: "dda0dd",
164         powderblue: "b0e0e6",
165         purple: "800080",
166         red: "ff0000",
167         rosybrown: "bc8f8f",
168         royalblue: "4169e1",
169         saddlebrown: "8b4513",
170         salmon: "fa8072",
171         sandybrown: "f4a460",
172         seagreen: "2e8b57",
173         seashell: "fff5ee",
174         sienna: "a0522d",
175         silver: "c0c0c0",
176         skyblue: "87ceeb",
177         slateblue: "6a5acd",
178         slategray: "708090",
179         snow: "fffafa",
180         springgreen: "00ff7f",
181         steelblue: "4682b4",
182         tan: "d2b48c",
183         teal: "008080",
184         thistle: "d8bfd8",
185         tomato: "ff6347",
186         turquoise: "40e0d0",
187         violet: "ee82ee",
188         violetred: "d02090",
189         wheat: "f5deb3",
190         white: "ffffff",
191         whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
192         yellow: "ffff00",
193         yellowgreen: "9acd32"
194     },
195     // array of color definition objects
196     colorDefs = [
197         {
198             re: /^\s*rgba\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*([\d.]{1,3})\s*\)\s*$/,
199             example: ["rgba(123, 234, 45, 0.5)", "rgba(255,234,245,1.0)"],
200             process: function (bits) {
201                 return [parseInt(bits[1], 10), parseInt(bits[2], 10), parseInt(bits[3], 10)];
202             }
203         },
204         {
205             re: /^\s*rgb\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)\s*$/,
206             example: ["rgb(123, 234, 45)", "rgb(255,234,245)"],
207             process: function (bits) {
208                 return [parseInt(bits[1], 10), parseInt(bits[2], 10), parseInt(bits[3], 10)];
209             }
210         },
211         {
212             re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/,
213             example: ["#00ff00", "336699"],
214             process: function (bits) {
215                 return [parseInt(bits[1], 16), parseInt(bits[2], 16), parseInt(bits[3], 16)];
216             }
217         },
218         {
219             re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/,
220             example: ["#fb0", "f0f"],
221             process: function (bits) {
222                 return [
223                     parseInt(bits[1] + bits[1], 16),
224                     parseInt(bits[2] + bits[2], 16),
225                     parseInt(bits[3] + bits[3], 16)
226                 ];
227             }
228         }
229     ];
231 /**
232  * Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string into a rgb value array. This is the base
233  * function for the following wrapper functions which only adjust the output to
234  * different flavors like an object, string or hex values.
235  * @param {String|Array|Number} color A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black'
236  * or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or
237  * from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method
238  * expects the parameters ag and ab.
239  * @param {Number} ag
240  * @param {Number} ab
241  * @returns {Array} RGB color values as an array [r, g, b] with values ranging from 0 to 255.
242  */
243 JXG.rgbParser = function (color, ag, ab) {
244     var color_string,
245         channels,
246         re,
247         processor,
248         bits,
249         i,
250         r,
251         g,
252         b,
253         values = color,
254         testFloat;
256     if (!Type.exists(color)) {
257         return [];
258     }
260     if (Type.exists(ag) && Type.exists(ab)) {
261         values = [color, ag, ab];
262     }
264     color_string = values;
266     testFloat = false;
267     if (Type.isArray(color_string)) {
268         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
269             testFloat = testFloat || /\./.test(values[i].toString());
270         }
272         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
273             testFloat = testFloat && values[i] >= 0.0 && values[i] <= 1.0;
274         }
276         if (testFloat) {
277             return [
278                 Math.ceil(values[0] * 255),
279                 Math.ceil(values[1] * 255),
280                 Math.ceil(values[2] * 255)
281             ];
282         }
284         return values;
285     }
287     if (typeof values === "string") {
288         color_string = values;
289     }
291     // strip any leading #
292     if (color_string.charAt(0) === "#") {
293         // remove # if any
294         color_string = color_string.slice(1, 7);
295     }
297     color_string = color_string.replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase();
299     // before getting into regexps, try simple matches
300     // and overwrite the input
301     color_string = simpleColors[color_string] || color_string;
303     // search through the colorDefs definitions to find a match
304     for (i = 0; i < colorDefs.length; i++) {
305         re = colorDefs[i].re;
306         processor = colorDefs[i].process;
307         bits = re.exec(color_string);
309         if (bits) {
310             channels = processor(bits);
311             r = channels[0];
312             g = channels[1];
313             b = channels[2];
314         }
315     }
317     if (isNaN(r) || isNaN(g) || isNaN(b)) {
318         return [];
319     }
321     // validate/cleanup values
322     r = r < 0 || isNaN(r) ? 0 : r > 255 ? 255 : r;
323     g = g < 0 || isNaN(g) ? 0 : g > 255 ? 255 : g;
324     b = b < 0 || isNaN(b) ? 0 : b > 255 ? 255 : b;
326     return [r, g, b];
327 };
329 JXG.isColor = function (strColor) {
330     var s = new Option().style;
331     s.color = strColor;
332     return s.color !== '';
333 };
335 /**
336  * Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string into a string of the 'rgb(r, g, b)' format.
337  * @param {String|Array|Number} color A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black'
338  * or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or
339  * from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method
340  * expects the parameters ag and ab.
341  * @param {Number} ag
342  * @param {Number} ab
343  * @returns {String} A 'rgb(r, g, b)' formatted string
344  */
345 JXG.rgb2css = function (color, ag, ab) {
346     var r;
348     r = JXG.rgbParser(color, ag, ab);
350     return "rgb(" + r[0] + ", " + r[1] + ", " + r[2] + ")";
351 };
353 /**
354  * Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string into a HTML rgb string.
355  * @param {String|Array|Number} color A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black'
356  * or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or
357  * from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method
358  * expects the parameters ag and ab.
359  * @param {Number} ag
360  * @param {Number} ab
361  * @returns {String} A '#rrggbb' formatted string
362  */
363 JXG.rgb2hex = function (color, ag, ab) {
364     var r, g, b;
366     r = JXG.rgbParser(color, ag, ab);
367     g = r[1];
368     b = r[2];
369     r = r[0];
370     r = r.toString(16);
371     g = g.toString(16);
372     b = b.toString(16);
374     if (r.length === 1) {
375         r = "0" + r;
376     }
378     if (g.length === 1) {
379         g = "0" + g;
380     }
382     if (b.length === 1) {
383         b = "0" + b;
384     }
386     return "#" + r + g + b;
387 };
389 /**
390  * Converts a valid HTML/CSS color string from the '#rrggbb' format into the 'rgb(r, g, b)' format.
391  * @param {String} hex A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', or 'black'
392  * @deprecated Use {@link JXG#rgb2css} instead.
393  * @returns {String} A 'rgb(r, g, b)' formatted string
394  */
395 JXG.hex2rgb = function (hex) {
396     JXG.deprecated("JXG.hex2rgb()", "JXG.rgb2css()");
397     return JXG.rgb2css(hex);
398 };
400 /**
401  * Converts HSV color to RGB color.
402  * Based on C Code in "Computer Graphics -- Principles and Practice,"
403  * Foley et al, 1996, p. 593.
404  * See also https://www.had2know.org/technology/hsv-rgb-conversion-formula-calculator.html
405  * @param {Number} H value between 0 and 360
406  * @param {Number} S value between 0.0 (shade of gray) to 1.0 (pure color)
407  * @param {Number} V value between 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white)
408  * @returns {String} RGB color string
409  */
410 JXG.hsv2rgb = function (H, S, V) {
411     var R, G, B, f, i, hTemp, p, q, t;
413     H = ((H % 360.0) + 360.0) % 360;
415     if (S === 0) {
416         if (isNaN(H) || H < Mat.eps) {
417             R = V;
418             G = V;
419             B = V;
420         } else {
421             return "#ffffff";
422         }
423     } else {
424         if (H >= 360) {
425             hTemp = 0.0;
426         } else {
427             hTemp = H;
428         }
430         // h is now IN [0,6)
431         hTemp = hTemp / 60;
432         // largest integer <= h
433         i = Math.floor(hTemp);
434         // fractional part of h
435         f = hTemp - i;
436         p = V * (1.0 - S);
437         q = V * (1.0 - S * f);
438         t = V * (1.0 - S * (1.0 - f));
440         switch (i) {
441             case 0:
442                 R = V;
443                 G = t;
444                 B = p;
445                 break;
446             case 1:
447                 R = q;
448                 G = V;
449                 B = p;
450                 break;
451             case 2:
452                 R = p;
453                 G = V;
454                 B = t;
455                 break;
456             case 3:
457                 R = p;
458                 G = q;
459                 B = V;
460                 break;
461             case 4:
462                 R = t;
463                 G = p;
464                 B = V;
465                 break;
466             case 5:
467                 R = V;
468                 G = p;
469                 B = q;
470                 break;
471         }
472     }
474     R = Math.round(R * 255).toString(16);
475     R = R.length === 2 ? R : R.length === 1 ? "0" + R : "00";
476     G = Math.round(G * 255).toString(16);
477     G = G.length === 2 ? G : G.length === 1 ? "0" + G : "00";
478     B = Math.round(B * 255).toString(16);
479     B = B.length === 2 ? B : B.length === 1 ? "0" + B : "00";
481     return ["#", R, G, B].join("");
482 };
484 /**
485  * Converts a color from the RGB color space into the HSV space. Input can be any valid HTML/CSS color definition.
486  * @param {String|Array|Number} color A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black'
487  * or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or
488  * from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method
489  * expects the parameters ag and ab.
490  * @param {Number} ag
491  * @param {Number} ab
492  * @returns {Array} Contains the h, s, and v value in this order.
493  * @see https://www.had2know.org/technology/hsv-rgb-conversion-formula-calculator.html
494  */
495 JXG.rgb2hsv = function (color, ag, ab) {
496     var r, g, b, fr, fg, fb, fmax, fmin, h, s, v, max, min;
498     r = JXG.rgbParser(color, ag, ab);
500     g = r[1];
501     b = r[2];
502     r = r[0];
503     fr = r / 255.0;
504     fg = g / 255.0;
505     fb = b / 255.0;
506     max = Math.max(r, g, b);
507     min = Math.min(r, g, b);
508     fmax = max / 255.0;
509     fmin = min / 255.0;
511     v = fmax;
512     s = 0.0;
514     if (v > 0) {
515         s = (v - fmin) / v;
516     }
518     h = 1.0 / (fmax - fmin);
520     if (s > 0) {
521         if (max === r) {
522             h = (fg - fb) * h;
523         } else if (max === g) {
524             h = 2 + (fb - fr) * h;
525         } else {
526             h = 4 + (fr - fg) * h;
527         }
528     }
530     h *= 60;
532     if (h < 0) {
533         h += 360;
534     }
536     if (max === min) {
537         h = 0.0;
538     }
540     return [h, s, v];
541 };
543 /**
544  * Converts a color from the RGB color space into the LMS space. Input can be any valid HTML/CSS color definition.
545  * @param {String|Array|Number} color A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black'
546  * or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or
547  * from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values. In case this is a number this method
548  * expects the parameters ag and ab.
549  * @param {Number} ag
550  * @param {Number} ab
551  * @returns {Array} Contains the l, m, and s value in this order.
552  */
553 JXG.rgb2LMS = function (color, ag, ab) {
554     var r,
555         g,
556         b,
557         l,
558         m,
559         s,
560         ret,
561         // constants
562         matrix = [
563             [0.05059983, 0.08585369, 0.0095242],
564             [0.01893033, 0.08925308, 0.01370054],
565             [0.00292202, 0.00975732, 0.07145979]
566         ];
568     r = JXG.rgbParser(color, ag, ab);
569     g = r[1];
570     b = r[2];
571     r = r[0];
573     // de-gamma
574     // Maybe this can be made faster by using a cache
575     r = Math.pow(r, 0.476190476);
576     g = Math.pow(g, 0.476190476);
577     b = Math.pow(b, 0.476190476);
579     l = r * matrix[0][0] + g * matrix[0][1] + b * matrix[0][2];
580     m = r * matrix[1][0] + g * matrix[1][1] + b * matrix[1][2];
581     s = r * matrix[2][0] + g * matrix[2][1] + b * matrix[2][2];
583     ret = [l, m, s];
584     ret.l = l;
585     ret.m = m;
586     ret.s = s;
588     return ret;
589 };
591 /**
592  * Convert color information from LMS to RGB color space.
593  * @param {Number} l
594  * @param {Number} m
595  * @param {Number} s
596  * @returns {Array} Contains the r, g, and b value in this order.
597  */
598 JXG.LMS2rgb = function (l, m, s) {
599     var r,
600         g,
601         b,
602         ret,
603         // constants
604         matrix = [
605             [30.830854, -29.832659, 1.610474],
606             [-6.481468, 17.715578, -2.532642],
607             [-0.37569, -1.199062, 14.273846]
608         ],
609         // re-gamma, inspired by GIMP modules/display-filter-color-blind.c:
610         // Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Michael Natterer <mitch@gimp.org>,
611         //                         Sven Neumann <sven@gimp.org>,
612         //                         Robert Dougherty <bob@vischeck.com> and
613         //                         Alex Wade <alex@vischeck.com>
614         // This code is an implementation of an algorithm described by Hans Brettel,
615         // Francoise Vienot and John Mollon in the Journal of the Optical Society of
616         // America V14(10), pg 2647. (See http://vischeck.com/ for more info.)
617         lut_lookup = function (value) {
618             var offset = 127,
619                 step = 64;
621             while (step > 0) {
622                 if (Math.pow(offset, 0.476190476) > value) {
623                     offset -= step;
624                 } else {
625                     if (Math.pow(offset + 1, 0.476190476) > value) {
626                         return offset;
627                     }
629                     offset += step;
630                 }
632                 step /= 2;
633             }
635             /*  the algorithm above can't reach 255  */
636             if (offset === 254 && 13.994955247 < value) {
637                 return 255;
638             }
640             return offset;
641         };
643     // transform back to rgb
644     r = l * matrix[0][0] + m * matrix[0][1] + s * matrix[0][2];
645     g = l * matrix[1][0] + m * matrix[1][1] + s * matrix[1][2];
646     b = l * matrix[2][0] + m * matrix[2][1] + s * matrix[2][2];
648     r = lut_lookup(r);
649     g = lut_lookup(g);
650     b = lut_lookup(b);
652     ret = [r, g, b];
653     ret.r = r;
654     ret.g = g;
655     ret.b = b;
657     return ret;
658 };
660 /**
661  * Splits a RGBA color value like #112233AA into it's RGB and opacity parts.
662  * @param {String} rgba A RGBA color value
663  * @returns {Array} An array containing the rgb color value in the first and the opacity in the second field.
664  */
665 JXG.rgba2rgbo = function (rgba) {
666     var opacity;
668     if (rgba.length === 9 && rgba.charAt(0) === "#") {
669         opacity = parseInt(rgba.slice(7, 9).toUpperCase(), 16) / 255;
670         rgba = rgba.slice(0, 7);
671     } else {
672         opacity = 1;
673     }
675     return [rgba, opacity];
676 };
678 /**
679  * Generates a RGBA color value like #112233AA from it's RGB and opacity parts.
680  * @param {String|Array} rgb A valid HTML or CSS styled color value, e.g. '#12ab21', '#abc', 'black'
681  * or 'rgb(12, 132, 233)'. This can also be an array containing three color values either from 0.0 to 1.0 or
682  * from 0 to 255. They will be interpreted as red, green, and blue values.
683  * @param {Number} o The desired opacity >=0, <=1.
684  * @returns {String} The RGBA color value.
685  */
686 JXG.rgbo2rgba = function (rgb, o) {
687     var rgba;
689     if (rgb === "none" || rgb === "transparent") {
690         return rgb;
691     }
693     rgba = Math.round(o * 255).toString(16);
694     if (rgba.length === 1) {
695         rgba = "0" + rgba;
696     }
698     return JXG.rgb2hex(rgb) + rgba;
699 };
701 /**
702  * Decolorizes the given color.
703  * @param {String} color HTML string containing the HTML color code.
704  * @returns {String} Returns a HTML color string
705  */
706 JXG.rgb2bw = function (color) {
707     var x,
708         tmp,
709         arr,
710         HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
712     if (color === "none") {
713         return color;
714     }
716     arr = JXG.rgbParser(color);
717     x = Math.floor(0.3 * arr[0] + 0.59 * arr[1] + 0.11 * arr[2]);
719     // rgbParser and Math.floor ensure that x is 0 <= x <= 255.
720     // Bitwise operators can be used.
721     /*jslint bitwise: true*/
722     tmp = HexChars.charAt((x >> 4) & 0xf) + HexChars.charAt(x & 0xf);
724     color = "#" + tmp + tmp + tmp;
726     return color;
727 };
729 /**
730  * Converts a color into how a colorblind human approximately would see it.
731  * @param {String} color HTML string containing the HTML color code.
732  * @param {String} deficiency The type of color blindness. Possible
733  * options are <i>protanopia</i>, <i>deuteranopia</i>, and <i>tritanopia</i>.
734  * @returns {String} Returns a HTML color string
735  */
736 JXG.rgb2cb = function (color, deficiency) {
737     var rgb,
738         l,
739         m,
740         s,
741         lms,
742         tmp,
743         a1,
744         b1,
745         c1,
746         a2,
747         b2,
748         c2,
749         inflection,
750         HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
752     if (color === "none") {
753         return color;
754     }
756     lms = JXG.rgb2LMS(color);
757     l = lms[0];
758     m = lms[1];
759     s = lms[2];
761     deficiency = deficiency.toLowerCase();
763     switch (deficiency) {
764         case "protanopia":
765             a1 = -0.06150039994295001;
766             b1 = 0.08277001656812001;
767             c1 = -0.013200141220000003;
768             a2 = 0.05858939668799999;
769             b2 = -0.07934519995360001;
770             c2 = 0.013289415272000003;
771             inflection = 0.6903216543277437;
773             tmp = s / m;
775             if (tmp < inflection) {
776                 l = -(b1 * m + c1 * s) / a1;
777             } else {
778                 l = -(b2 * m + c2 * s) / a2;
779             }
780             break;
781         case "tritanopia":
782             a1 = -0.00058973116217;
783             b1 = 0.007690316482;
784             c1 = -0.01011703519052;
785             a2 = 0.025495080838999994;
786             b2 = -0.0422740347;
787             c2 = 0.017005316784;
788             inflection = 0.8349489908460004;
790             tmp = m / l;
792             if (tmp < inflection) {
793                 s = -(a1 * l + b1 * m) / c1;
794             } else {
795                 s = -(a2 * l + b2 * m) / c2;
796             }
797             break;
798         default:
799             a1 = -0.06150039994295001;
800             b1 = 0.08277001656812001;
801             c1 = -0.013200141220000003;
802             a2 = 0.05858939668799999;
803             b2 = -0.07934519995360001;
804             c2 = 0.013289415272000003;
805             inflection = 0.5763833686400911;
807             tmp = s / l;
809             if (tmp < inflection) {
810                 m = -(a1 * l + c1 * s) / b1;
811             } else {
812                 m = -(a2 * l + c2 * s) / b2;
813             }
814             break;
815     }
817     rgb = JXG.LMS2rgb(l, m, s);
819     // LMS2rgb returns an array of values ranging from 0 to 255 (both included)
820     // bitwise operators are safe to use.
821     /*jslint bitwise: true*/
822     tmp = HexChars.charAt((rgb[0] >> 4) & 0xf) + HexChars.charAt(rgb[0] & 0xf);
823     color = "#" + tmp;
824     tmp = HexChars.charAt((rgb[1] >> 4) & 0xf) + HexChars.charAt(rgb[1] & 0xf);
825     color += tmp;
826     tmp = HexChars.charAt((rgb[2] >> 4) & 0xf) + HexChars.charAt(rgb[2] & 0xf);
827     color += tmp;
829     return color;
830 };
832 /**
833  * Lightens (percent > 0) or darkens (percent < 0) the color by the specified factor.
834  * @param {String} color
835  * @param {Number} percent
836  * @returns {String}
837  */
838 JXG.shadeColor = function (color, percent) {
839     var arr = JXG.rgbParser(color),
840         r = arr[0],
841         g = arr[1],
842         b = arr[2];
844     r = parseInt(r + 255 * percent);
845     g = parseInt(g + 255 * percent);
846     b = parseInt(b + 255 * percent);
848     r = (r > 0) ? r : 0;
849     g = (g > 0) ? g : 0;
850     b = (b > 0) ? b : 0;
852     r = (r < 255) ? r : 255;
853     g = (g < 255) ? g : 255;
854     b = (b < 255) ? b : 255;
856     r = Math.round(r);
857     g = Math.round(g);
858     b = Math.round(b);
860     return JXG.rgb2hex([r, g, b]);
861 };
863 /**
864  * Lightens the color by the specified factor.
865  * @param {String} color
866  * @param {Number} percent
867  * @returns {String}
868  *
869  * @see JXG.shadeColor
870  */
871 JXG.lightenColor = function (color, percent) {
872     return JXG.shadeColor(color, percent);
873 };
875 /**
876  * Darkens the color by the specified factor.
877  * @param {String} color
878  * @param {Number} percent
879  * @returns {String}
880  *
881  * @see JXG.shadeColor
882  */
883 JXG.darkenColor = function (color, percent) {
884     return JXG.shadeColor(color, -1 * percent);
885 };
887 /**
888  * Determines highlight color to a given color. Done by reducing (or increasing) the opacity.
889  * @param {String} color HTML RGBA string containing the HTML color code.
890  * @returns {String} Returns a HTML RGBA color string
891  */
892 JXG.autoHighlight = function (colstr) {
893     var col = JXG.rgba2rgbo(colstr),
894         c = col[0],
895         opa = col[1];
897     if (colstr.charAt(0) === "#") {
898         if (opa < 0.3) {
899             opa *= 1.8;
900         } else {
901             opa *= 0.4;
902         }
904         return JXG.rgbo2rgba(c, opa);
905     }
907     return colstr;
908 };
910 /**
911  * Calculate whether a light or a dark color is needed as a contrast.
912  * Especially useful to determine whether white or black font goes
913  * better with a given background color.
914  * @param {String} hexColor HEX value of color.
915  * @param {String} [darkColor="#000000"] HEX string for a dark color.
916  * @param {String} [lightColor="#ffffff"] HEX string for a light color.
917  * @param {Number} [threshold=8]
918  * @returns {String} Returns darkColor or lightColor.
919  */
920 JXG.contrast = function (hexColor, darkColor, lightColor, threshold) {
921     var rgb,
922         black = "#000000",
923         rgbBlack,
924         l1,
925         l2,
926         contrastRatio;
928     darkColor = darkColor || "#000000";
929     lightColor = lightColor || "#ffffff";
930     threshold = threshold || 7;
932     // hexColor RGB
933     rgb = JXG.rgbParser(hexColor);
935     // Black RGB
936     rgbBlack = JXG.rgbParser(black);
938     // Calc contrast ratio
939     l1 =
940         0.2126 * Math.pow(rgb[0] / 255, 2.2) +
941         0.7152 * Math.pow(rgb[1] / 255, 2.2) +
942         0.0722 * Math.pow(rgb[2] / 255, 2.2);
944     l2 =
945         0.2126 * Math.pow(rgbBlack[0] / 255, 2.2) +
946         0.7152 * Math.pow(rgbBlack[1] / 255, 2.2) +
947         0.0722 * Math.pow(rgbBlack[2] / 255, 2.2);
949     if (l1 > l2) {
950         contrastRatio = Math.floor((l1 + 0.05) / (l2 + 0.05));
951     } else {
952         contrastRatio = Math.floor((l2 + 0.05) / (l1 + 0.05));
953     }
954     contrastRatio = contrastRatio - 1;
956     // If contrast is more than threshold, return darkColor
957     if (contrastRatio > threshold) {
958         return darkColor;
959     }
960     // if not, return lightColor.
961     return lightColor;
962 };
964 /**
965  * Use the color scheme of JSXGraph up to version 1.3.2.
966  * This method has to be called before JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard();
967  *
968  * @see JXG.palette
969  * @see JXG.paletteWong
970  *
971  * @example
972  *
973  * JXG.setClassicColors();
974  * var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {boundingbox: [-5, 5, 5,-5]});
975  *
976  */
977 JXG.setClassicColors = function () {
978     JXG.Options.elements.strokeColor = "blue";
979     JXG.Options.elements.fillColor = "red";
980     JXG.Options.hatch.strokeColor = "blue";
981     JXG.Options.angle.fillColor = "#ff7f00";
982     JXG.Options.angle.highlightFillColor = "#ff7f00";
983     JXG.Options.angle.strokeColor = "#ff7f00";
984     JXG.Options.angle.label.strokeColor = "blue";
985     JXG.Options.arc.strokeColor = "blue";
986     JXG.Options.circle.center.fillColor = "red";
987     JXG.Options.circle.center.strokeColor = "blue";
988     JXG.Options.circumcircle.strokeColor = "blue";
989     JXG.Options.circumcircle.center.fillColor = "red";
990     JXG.Options.circumcircle.center.strokeColor = "blue";
991     JXG.Options.circumcirclearc.strokeColor = "blue";
992     JXG.Options.circumcirclesector.strokeColor = "blue";
993     JXG.Options.circumcirclesector.fillColor = "green";
994     JXG.Options.circumcirclesector.highlightFillColor = "green";
995     JXG.Options.conic.strokeColor = "blue";
996     JXG.Options.curve.strokeColor = "blue";
997     JXG.Options.incircle.strokeColor = "blue";
998     JXG.Options.incircle.center.fillColor = "red";
999     JXG.Options.incircle.center.strokeColor = "blue";
1000     JXG.Options.inequality.fillColor = "red";
1001     JXG.Options.integral.fillColor = "red";
1002     JXG.Options.integral.curveLeft.color = "red";
1003     JXG.Options.integral.curveRight.color = "red";
1004     JXG.Options.line.strokeColor = "blue";
1005     JXG.Options.point.fillColor = "red";
1006     JXG.Options.point.strokeColor = "red";
1007     JXG.Options.polygon.fillColor = "green";
1008     JXG.Options.polygon.highlightFillColor = "green";
1009     JXG.Options.polygon.vertices.strokeColor = "red";
1010     JXG.Options.polygon.vertices.fillColor = "red";
1011     JXG.Options.regularpolygon.fillColor = "green";
1012     JXG.Options.regularpolygon.highlightFillColor = "green";
1013     JXG.Options.regularpolygon.vertices.strokeColor = "red";
1014     JXG.Options.regularpolygon.vertices.fillColor = "red";
1015     JXG.Options.riemannsum.fillColor = "yellow";
1016     JXG.Options.sector.fillColor = "green";
1017     JXG.Options.sector.highlightFillColor = "green";
1018     JXG.Options.semicircle.center.fillColor = "red";
1019     JXG.Options.semicircle.center.strokeColor = "blue";
1020     JXG.Options.slopetriangle.fillColor = "red";
1021     JXG.Options.slopetriangle.highlightFillColor = "red";
1022     JXG.Options.turtle.arrow.strokeColor = "blue";
1023 };
1025 JXG.extend(
1026     JXG,
1027     /** @lends JXG */ {
1028         /**
1029          * Bang Wong color palette,
1030          * optimized for various type
1031          * of color blindness.
1032          * It contains values for
1033          * <ul>
1034          * <li> 'black'
1035          * <li> 'orange'
1036          * <li> 'skyblue'
1037          * <li> 'bluishgreen'
1038          * <li> 'yellow'
1039          * <li> 'darkblue'
1040          * <li> 'vermillion'
1041          * <li> 'reddishpurple'
1042          * </ul>
1043          *
1044          * As substitutes for standard colors, it contains the following aliases:
1045          *
1046          * <ul>
1047          * <li> black (= #000000)
1048          * <li> blue (= darkblue)
1049          * <li> green (= bluishgreen)
1050          * <li> purple (= reddishpurple)
1051          * <li> red (= vermillion)
1052          * <li> white (= #ffffff)
1053          * </ul>
1054          *
1055          * See <a href="https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.1618">Bang Wong: "Points of view: Color blindness"</a>
1056          * and
1057          * <a href="https://davidmathlogic.com/colorblind/">https://davidmathlogic.com/colorblind/</a>.
1058          *
1059          * @name JXG.paletteWong
1060          * @type Object
1061          * @see JXG.palette
1062          * @example
1063          * var p = board.create('line', [[-1, 1], [2, -3]], {strokeColor: JXG.paletteWong.yellow});
1064          */
1065         paletteWong: {
1066             black: "#000000",
1067             orange: "#E69F00",
1068             skyblue: "#56B4E9",
1069             bluishgreen: "#009E73",
1070             yellow: "#F0E442",
1071             darkblue: "#0072B2",
1072             vermillion: "#D55E00",
1073             reddishpurple: "#CC79A7",
1075             blue: "#0072B2",
1076             red: "#D55E00", // vermillion
1077             green: "#009E73", // bluishgreen
1078             purple: "#CC79A7", // reddishpurple
1079             white: "#ffffff"
1080         }
1081     }
1082 );
1084 /**
1085  * Default color palette.
1086  * Contains at least color values for
1087  * <ul>
1088  * <li> black
1089  * <li> blue
1090  * <li> green
1091  * <li> purple
1092  * <li> red
1093  * <li> white
1094  * <li> yellow
1095  * </ul>
1096  *
1097  * @name JXG.palette
1098  * @type Object
1099  * @default JXG.paletteWong
1100  * @see JXG.paletteWong
1101  *
1102  * @example
1103  *
1104  * var p = board.create('line', [[-1, 1], [2, -3]], {strokeColor: JXG.palette.yellow});
1105  *
1106  */
1107 JXG.palette = JXG.paletteWong;
1109 export default JXG;