Meclib: A library of objects for dynamic and interactive sketches of mechanical systems. Recent developments
Martin Kraska, Aaron Amran Bin Amiruddin
Technische Hochschule Brandenburg, University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburger Str. 50, 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
Meclib ( is a JavaScript (JS) library for efficient configuration of embedded JSXGraph sketches in STACK, a question type of the Moodle learning management system. It can be used to efficiently produce visually consistent static and randomized dynamic system sketches for exercises in engineering mechanics. Question authors just specify the graphics objects using Maxima lists and thus don’t need to master JS on top of the Maxima CAS system, which is the back-end of STACK. Dedicated objects with control points enable interactive modification or even generation and annotation of objects for input purposes. Important applications are interactive free body diagrams, moment and shear diagrams.
Still, the objects representing basic elements of mechanical systems were essentially static parametric objects with just the option to interactively activate and deactivate them in free body diagrams. Recently, these objects are under re-designed to provide animations and kinematic coupling to other elements in order to create animated and interactive mechanisms within STACK questions. The extended capabilities and scripting examples are shown in a life demonstration.